Special Column: Still Time to Stand Up for Doreen Hendrickson

… and truth, liberty, and justice

IMG_20140721_090844Really, people, the issue in this case goes far beyond the suppression of liberating knowledge of the tax law. We have a bizarre case before a (second) jury where Doreen stands accused of criminal contempt of court for refusing to follow specific instructions from a federal judge to knowingly and intentionally falsify a tax form (which is an affidavit asserting what one believes to be true under penalty of perjury).

Yes, right here in River City. If Doreen is convicted, then by the precedent of the Motor City Witchcraft Trials, you or I or anyone can be forced to state, say, “I am a terrorist,” on pain of incarceration… with torture in the offing. And just like admitting one is a witch, you may receive a lesser penalty: e.g. hanging rather than being stoned to death. Seriously, if Doreen is not acquitted anyone will have to obey any raving fiat of a federal judge or face indefinite detention and undefined arbitrary punishment. That means US, knuckleheads. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ch 6: We the Jury!


(From the title of Mickey Spillane’s classic I, the Jury.) The grand jury and trial jury are powerful tools to arrest runaway US fascism. Jury power is people power.

[From Leaving the Sandbox.] Speaking about ‘the Law’…4thBranch

Let’s see, roughly a year ago, as our LP of Michigan state convention was approaching, an author of a book was making the rounds of LP sites—I’ve been Webmaster of the LPM since November 2009—and he sent me a note about his book about grand juries, The Hidden 4th Branch: A corrupt government’s worst nightmare. He asked for the LPM to pass a simple resolution to support grand juries investigating and indicting corrupt government behavior.

Which I was glad to do. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ch 3: The Good Neighbor Libertarian

The essence of Leaving the Sandbox (LTS) strategy; everyone who can becomes a friendly leader in the community, creates the empowered, nonaggression way.

sunshine manRecall the phrase I’ve coined for the new Libertarian Party strategy: (Citizen) Empowerment and (Government) Accountability. The Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL (‘Genial’)) is my idealization of a person who helps crystallize the former. Rummaging around for clip art, I’m afraid I couldn’t find anything that fits my image of the GNL person (whom I conceive of as a man),[1] so I settled on Mr. Sunshine for this edition. Whether male or female, our GNL is the kind of person who opens doors to a bright new day. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Leaving the Sandbox Ch. 5

Raising the Torch
New Picture (22)As Libertarians we stand for something. The organization becomes informed on all major issues of the day, testifies, resolves, and educates. We never shut up!

Back in the old days of the LP of Michigan, we may not have been successful in the general candidate-running business, but at our central committee meetings we always made a point of issuing a resolution about some public issue or affair and getting it to the media. Such as:

  • “We oppose the recent sales tax increase as a violation of fundamental property rights; taxation is theft, all government funding needs to be voluntary.”
  • “A draft registration system amounts to slavery of young men for the (often nefarious and covert) military purposes of the Leviathan State; end the recently imposed federal draft registration system now.”

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 1. “Heal Yourself, Heal the World”

From the book Leaving the Sandbox:
To be of any political use to others, we must strive for our own ‘deeper-qualities’ fulfillment; being the best you can be brings out the best in others.

The title of this section I lifted from a DVD about the naturopathic Gerson Treatment for cancer and chronic illnesses. It expresses the same fundamental thought: by living clean and right, tapping into our own spiritual and material power source(s), and being all we can be as individuals… we best help others. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Context for Leaving the Sandbox

A passionate appeal to fellow Libertarians

Cover_Leaving_Sandbox_FrontThis is from the front matter to my book on Libertarian grand strategy Leaving the Sandbox, scheduled for completion June 21, 2014.

Roughly 2005 while I was embarked on the Free State journey in New Hampshire[1] an agorist disciple/leader and international philosophical man of intrigue, Jack Shimek, commented to me, “The Libertarian Party has set the cause of liberty back decades.” Actually, I think he said generations.

Naturally, being a longtime, if occasionally backslid, Libertarian, I resisted his assertion. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Meandering Contra Monsanto

Memorial Day Weekend 2014 was upon us. Hearing that a spirited group of people from all political persuasions would be marching in support of the “Agent Orange” Monsanto for its beneficence in altering the genetic composition of such crops formerly known as corn and soybeans, thus to create assorted health challenges for babies and others, I knew I had to check it out. [Darwin and reputable scientists have maintained that selection of the fittest keeps a species on its toes, assuring that only the strong survive. In other words, GMOs are good for you.] So I did. I pointed my vintage Mercury Villager, with the Ron Paul sticker on the front bumper and ‘Snowden-Manning 2016’ on the back, down the road to the environs of Wolverine City. Continue reading