Brian’s Column: Outstanding News!

A Pay it Forward Letter for Truth and Justice

canstockphoto7415683This letter, adapted to email form, has been a long time coming. It represents my attempt to foster a grassroots ‘pay it forward’ message that stands a good chance of advancing Satyagraha (the Global Truth Movement) via the linchpin issue of 9/11 Truth and Justice. Without a doubt, if the 9/11 attacks were planned and executed by an cabal of dark rogue-state security operatives inside and around  the US federal government—which massive evidence says they were—the purpose of the attacks was to further this cabal’s plans of domination and war. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Open Letter for Satyagraha

Breaking_Free_w_911Note: This is the root open letter for an intended worldwide ‘pay it forward’ individual email campaign aiming to convince persons, one at at time, of the need to understand and publicly assert the truth of 9/11 en masse. The benefits of understanding the truth of 9/11 and investigating, indicting, and prosecuting legitimate suspects are enormous… and immediate:

  • No Patriot Act
  • No TSA
  • No DHS
  • No NDAA
  • No statist gun control
  • No wars in the Middle East
  • No mass-blanket surveillance
  • No poison skies
  • No poison foods
  • No Obamacare
  • No Common Core
  • No unconstitiutional federal authority whatsoever…

It’s lights-out, bright-future Planet Liberty, overnight. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Snowden-Manning 2016

“… effecting the Revolution in hearts and minds… “ the climactic scene in the Wachowski Brothers’ V is for Vendetta where the people of jolly ol’ England decide they’ve had just about enough of black bag government? Thousands of them, all wearing Guy Fawkes costumes, march directly on several companies of stormtroopers bristling with automatic weapons and supported by artillery and armor. What happens? What do all these heavily fortified and gunned up state enforcers do when faced with a determined rush of a whole city of unarmed men, women, and children ‘mad as hell and not bloody gonna take it anymore?!’ Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Rethinking Libertarian Party Strategy:2

LP_RocketFrom Part 1, I hope that I effectively made several points that warrant an effective grand strategy for Libertarians and libertarians. Before I summarize these points, let me first stipulate the larger community that the strategy is intended to serve:

World Citizenship Alliance

The community of service is composed of you or I or any of a vast number of what I’ll call free men.[1] I mean free in the Jeffersonian or Lockeian sense of persons living—achieving their material, real existence—in a natural condition of purely voluntary relationships with others, free to choose what to do with their lives without the initiation of force (aggression) by any of the others, and asserting this condition as fundamentally right. In other words asserting what historically is called the Rights of Man. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Rethinking Libertarian Party Strategy:1

… in an Era of Federal Government Torture, War Crimes, and Gross Treason

MrSmithJust watched the Frank Capra classic 1939 movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington—nominated for 12 Oscars, starring Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur—and I’m thinking, “Boy, the writers sure nailed this baby, nothing’s changed in 75 years but the hair styles!” The movie depicts a boys’ organization leader (Stewart) who by fluke is selected by a governor to fill the vacancy in the US Senate due to the death of the elected senator. The whole state, including the governor, the other senator, and all major businesses and news outlets are run by a Mafia-like political boss ‘Taylor’ played by Edward Arnold. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Michael Moore’s Letter…

… if he were a libertarian

finallyThis was first posted/penned on November 14, 2006, one of my very first Coffee Coaster columns. In the elections of that year, George Dubya’s administration suffered an apparent defeat at the polls, by persons deciding to elect more a*****e Democrats to Congress than a*****e Republicans. And Michael Moore put together a consolation letter to the Republican a*****es in the White House and nationwide. [I have now reached nearly the bottom of the barrel so to speak of my earlier columns that I’m not embarrassed to repost on the new WordPress plaftormed Coffee Coaster. So this will be an incentive to focus and schedule so that I can bring a fresh Brian’s column every Monday (or so).]  Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Liberty Dollar Original

Federales fear Honest Money
First Published December 01, 2006

Liberty_dollarLive free and flourish!

Part of the noble equation of liberty is honest money.  Fortunately the National Organization to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act (NORFED) has given us the Liberty Dollar system to help us achieve just that.

Created by former Hawaiian Mintmaster Bernard von NotHaus, the Liberty Dollar is one ounce of silver embodied in one of the most beautiful pieces you’ll ever see.  It has a face value of $20, with other denominations available—i.e. you also have pieces and scrip of $10 and $5, which are 1/2 oz and 1/4 oz respectively. Continue reading