Brian’s Column: Old Paradigm to New Paradigm

A read-view list for the ‘New Way’
by Brian Wright

I don’t know who actually invigorated the term paradigm, maybe that guy we read back in college in the ancient 1970s: Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). Anyway, many of my writing and editing peers would chide me for using so pretentious a word as paradigm—which means roughly a model, a structure, a pattern, a way of seeing the world. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: World According to Russell Means

The Dalai Lama of America speaks his mind
by Brian Wright
(originally composed 02/07/2011)

Please everyone find an hour and a half today or within the next few days to watch the video “Welcome to the Reservation,” linked to the image on the right. It is an exclusive interview conducted by with American Indian activist and libertarian hero Russell Means. Means’ assessment of the political plight in this country: Tyrannical US government (USG) is increasingly treating everyone else just like it has been treating the American Indian from the gitgo. RM: “The US is the largest Indian reservation in the world.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Time Now to Johnson Up for Liberty

Notes from the 2012 LP of Michigan Convention
by Brian Wright

Embassy SuitesAnother one for the books. The 2012 nominating convention was organized this year by Renee Lewis, setting at the luxurious Embassy Suites in Livonia, 02 June 2012 (01 June, too, if you count the last-minute Senatorial debate between Mr. Scotty Boman and Dr. Erwin Haas). Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Huckleberry Hiatus

Taking vacation to the front lines… for a while
by Brian Wright

HuckleberryThe following open letter represents my Memorial Day 2012 message obliquely offered to the tens of thousands of individuals throughout the world who have come to embrace the freedom philosophy, yet find many of their esteemed peers do not see the value of that philosophy and, more pointedly, the peers deny the imminent, dire central-state threats to our liberty. My poker gang — huckleberries[1] — whom I’ve known for more than 30 years, are engineers I’ve worked with… and drank with. I love ’em, but I have to be away for a while to support the cause. Hope this letter helps some of my freedom people in similar situations. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Memorial Day Thoughts 2012

For a change, this year, let’s pay respects to all the victims
of US government-led military aggressions …
by Brian Wright

“We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth.”

Since my Memorial Day column from 2008 has been such a perennial visit-gatherer—and I must admit it touches all the libertarian emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bases—I’m going to continue that tradition this year… with more thoughts on paying tribute to those who fought and died for (or partly in) human liberty, whether or not they are American and whether or not they ever donned a uniform. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Osama Death-Hoax Anniversary

On the first anniversary here’s the inside skinny on bin Laden
by Brian Wright

Yes, commemorating the Osama bin Laden event is cause for celebration… for our imminent deliverance from the mind-control media and starting to take major steps down the path of independent mind.  I’ve been thinking about a heartfelt inquiry from someone dear to me. It inspired me to put together a guest column, then the following response, which I sent to all my Coffee Coaster subscribers one year ago: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Torture Boycott

America’s time to ‘Come to Jesus:’
Organize and join the ‘Torture Boycott’
by Brian Wright

Torture boycott… or at least think about maybe, say, between work, watching the hockey playoffs, and taking your kids to choir practice, possibly considering working with fellow citizens to, some would say, take a stand—no, stand is too strong a word: perform a fullblown, unapologetic sit—against, hmmm, how shall we speak of it, well, okay, torture by the US government…

You can see what we’re up against, can’t you? Continue reading