Donut Whole: Preventing World War Three

How to stop worrying and NOT love the bomb
by Brian R. Wright

In this column I want to chat about a matter of the highest priority: it is reasonably certain that ‘high govern- ment officials’ of the Global deep state are planning to initiate a nuclear holocaust in the near future, one that will launch ICBMs and/or submarine missiles on the Russians and/or the Chinese in an all-out preemptive attack—whether or not these officials believe the Russians/ Chinese will be capable of massive retaliation against Europe and the United States. The argument for ‘reality of intent’ of preemption comes from several sources, I’ll quote a few lines from this column in Strategic Culture:

US Navy Prepares Decapitating Attack Against Russia

3/27/17. The US preemptive nuclear strike capability has significantly grown. The strategic nuclear forces modernization program has implemented new revolutionary technologies to vastly increase the targeting capability of the US submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) arsenal.

The Bulletin of American Scientists reports that as a result of improvements in the killing power of US SLBMs, they carry more than three times the number of warheads needed to destroy the entire fleet of Russian land-based missiles. Since only part of the W76 force would be needed to eliminate Russia’s silo-based ICBMs, the United States will be left with a substantial number of higher-yield warheads that could be used for other missions….

Then from this warning column by insider analyst, Paul Craig Roberts: Continue reading

Donut Whole: “Good Night Sweet Girl!”

The Great Kitty Spirit Calls My Precious ‘Tabby’ Hither
by Brian R. Wright

This final day transpires like the movie High Noon, with the somber moment of truth impending with every tick of the clock. Tabby’s euthanasia appointment is at 6:30 p.m. with the vet, who’s just a mile away. I think I’m going to be okay. I’ve extended her departure date so I can have some ‘hospice’-quality time, three whole days where I’m home, moving my computer work downstairs, in the living room where she’s been camping out on the foot stool of the other love seat for maybe a week now.

She’s definitely ready, her appetite is close to nil, though she walks to her food area and to the litter box still. I’ve bought every treat and new idea in packaged and unpackaged cat food I can think of, though I have run out of the crock-potted skinless, boneless chicken thighs that were a staple for her… not that she’s been eating that either these last few days. Her breathing is ‘okay,’ I had them do a final fluid drain from the chest cavity two days ago. Thru various gestures, like placing her paw on my hand (a first) she’s as much as told me: “Papa B, it’s time to meet my Maker.”

Every half hour or so I make a point of stopping whatever I’m writing on to go over and give her a few strokes while uttering the sweet nothings. Occasionally, I’ll get more conversational, e.g. “Well, baby, I sure wish there was some other way. But you have the big C and it’s not going away” [or “You know, it sure looks like the Inter-national War Party wants to blow the world to Kingdom Come. Trump ran against these chicken hawks, now he’s sold out to them. What do you think?”]… then go into the procedures she’s had done and what the doctors say, what the Xrays say, what the ultrasound images say, what my friends and family say. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Paean to 911-Truth Advent Day (2/18/17)

Open Letter to Humankind re: Advent Day for 9/11 Truth and Justice
Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, 18 February 2017, Nation of Islam Founders’ Day
by Brian R. Wright

Here’s the whole enchilada: the best overall presentations and exposes of the 9/11 Big Lie (, as well as who are the most likely perpetrators needing to be brought before an independent people’s federal grand jury… or (for suspects who are citizens of other countries) an international tribunal that functions as a people’s grand jury.

The above link shows a remarkable presentation that I attended in Detroit at the gathering of Nation of Islam (NOI). I covered in my Coffee Coaster column here ( You are in for a treat, though admittedly the eye-opening can be painful. The main video has been recomposed to correct some errors in the projection process toward the beginning. The correction makes it incredibly powerful from its wonderful introduction right from the beginning all the way through.

The speakers are a perfect selection of the absolute BEST of the 9/11 Truth movement. It is practically divine inspiration and providence that they were invited for the same program and were able to come to Detroit as special esteemed guests of the NOI. Their background and vital topics of presentation are identified in an earlier CC column here ( Continue reading

Guest Article: Is Trump a JFK or an LBJ

Prof. Tony Hall and I discuss “Inauguration of the Trump Era”
By Dr. Kevin Barrett [Original column here]

Watch it here, and click HERE for story links.

… by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Paul Craig Roberts, ex-pillar of the Establishment turned furious dissident, thinks newly inaugurated President Trump, like  JFK, poses an “actionable threat” to the powers-that-be: “If (Trump) is assassinated, we need to take up our weapons, burn Langley to the ground and kill every one of them.”

Richard Cohen of the Washington Post agrees that “Trump’s presidency is doomed.” But not by CIA assassination; he thinks Trump will follow in the footsteps of Lyndon B. Johnson, a big, blustering megalomaniacal narcissistic psychopath  whose character flaws confirmed Americans’ impression that he was “illegitimate.”

So who is right? Is Trump a JFK or an LBJ?

First let’s consider the case that Trump is the second coming of JFK. Roberts casts Trump’s inaugural address as:

A declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment.  All of it. Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home:  globalists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.

At the rhetorical level, Trump’s speech did sound like he was declaring a JFK-style war against the special interests. But will Trump follow JFK’s footsteps and: Continue reading

Guest Article: Is Wapo Completely Insane?

Washington Post Grasps at Crazy Conspiracy Theory in Support of Hillary Clinton
By Wayne Madsen [full original column at this location.]

Via Paul Craig Roberts site:

The Washington Post, the newspaper upon which the U.S. government relies to castigate «conspiracy theories», has advanced one of its own.

The Post, which has a full-time reporter assigned to disparagingly report on «conspiracy theories» – the paper calls them «ideological movements» – is proffering its own kooky conspiracy theory. The theory is that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was poisoned in a plot orchestrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin acting in cahoots with Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Post’s story follows Mrs. Clinton’s collapse during a September 11 memorial service at the site of the former World Trade Center in New York. The validation by the Post of such a libelous and unsourced story dangerously worsens already-frayed ties between Washington and Moscow.

The Post story also cites previous unfounded charges that President Putin ordered the assassination, by radiation poisoning, of exiled former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. After the Post article was published, other pro-Clinton websites added to the conspiracy theory laundry list the alleged poisoning in 2004 of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko. In a September 29, 2009, interview by this author with RT, it was suggested that the allegations surrounding Yushchenko’s poisoning may have been a fabrication by Kiev in an attempt to blame Russia. The video interview has since been removed from YouTube. Continue reading

Article: Deep State Goes to War vs. Trump

… Using unverified claims as Democrats cheer it on
By Glenn Greenwald [full column from Intercept located here.]

In January, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decadelong escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.

This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials. And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry and damaging those behaviors might be. Continue reading

Guest Article: Ongoing Leftist Takeover Plans

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky [c/o Global Research]

Updated January 11, 2017

Since this article was published, the US media in liaison with US intelligence has launched another wave of smears directed against President elect Donald Trump.

The most recent propaganda ploy has gone into high gear. The objective is to destabilize the Trump presidency.

A  fake “Intelligence Dossier” portrays Trump as an instrument of Moscow, “cultivating and supporting him for at least five years”. The dossier intimates that Russian intelligence has compromised Trump to the extent that he can be “blackmailed” on account of his “sexually perverted acts”.

This mysterious intelligence dossier released by Buzzfeed has gone viral. While the document is acknowledged as being fake, the media (CNN in particular) is now intimating that not only is Trump involved in an act of treason (by calling for the normalization of  Washington’s relations with Moscow), he is also controlled by the Kremlin, which is blackmailing him into submission.

This pseudo Intelligence Dossier surfaced in the days following the Director of National Intelligence announcement James Clapper that Russia’s alleged hacking constitutes an “Existential Threat” against America. Continue reading