Movie Review: Snowden (2016)

“Truth is only treason in the empire of lies.” (10/10)
Directed by Oliver Stone

snowdenWatching Snowden will be a life-changing experience for just about anyone who cares about civil liberty… around the world as well as on (and inside) our own US doorsteps. [The next day I placed these pimple band-aids over the camera lenses on my two computers… even though I have never configured or used my cameras. I’m also thinking about storing my smart phone in the microwave oven when not in use, and regularly sweeping my cat’s whiskers for listening devices.] The constant underlying theme that I take away from Snowden: the snooping capabilities being applied to anyone and everyone can literally pick pepper out of gnat feces… from a distance of, like, say, Jupiter.

Stone is brilliant in laying out how unbridled high-tech spying along with the military’s super weapons, that we KNOW about—chiefly Hellfire-missile-equipped drones—, is used to basically to murder men, women, and children in any of the 156 countries (staging from the 700+ American military bases) where we have a military presence around the world. Check this photo collage below, I superimposed the prestrike still and the poststrike still from this YouTube video on an American flag.[1]

drone1_flagAbout the Movie

I do want to get into the details of the horrific attacks that unlimited surveillance sets up in conjunction with terminally corrupt government. But let me begin my review in a more standard way, namely by listing what’s so special to me about this once-in-a-lifetime film: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: What’s the Sane, Sober Prez Ticket for 2016?

The megacriminal Hillary Clinton is the worst possible choice, but then who?

BarrierDepends on your premises. Let me tell you mine. As a primer, please watch the Thrive video (~2 hours), followed by Rule from the Shadows (~0.5 hours). Also please read my monograph The Barrier Cloud (28 pages). These establish beyond a reasonable doubt that 1) a covertly operating Western Cabal, calling itself the New World Order (NWO),[1] is in the process of fulfilling its plans to ‘full-spectrum’ dominate humanity, and 2) it has developed an extremely sophisticated technology of media-and-mind control to engineer/program perceptions and consent among vast numbers of the world population.

MatrixThis particular power conspiracy of the West has been in operation from the middle of the second millennium (AD:01011001-12312000) and with end of dominance by the Church of Rome (via the Reformation, early 1500s) the center of control transferred to the cartel interests of the English Crown—let’s call them the Anglo-Imperialistas (AIs).[2] More recently, with ascendancy of political-international Zionism in the late 1800s and imposition (via the AIs) of the state of Israel, the power matrix has reached the threshold of, just that, an analog of the computer-driven tyranny described in the movie The Matrix. IMHO, the prime movers in this modern planetary ‘toxocracy’—Glob, NWO—are the Zionist-Israeli deep statists (ZIs)[3] and their American neo-‘conservative’ henchmen.[4]

This is the human face of the Glob, but in actual fact, the MOPS supremes may have turned over the day-to-day activities and planning to some neural network or artificial intelligence ‘cloud,’ supercomputer, who knows what… the possibility even exists that the MOPS are an alien civilization or cybernetic hybrid. What is more important than WHO the Glob is is THAT the Glob is. As Jesus said, you shall know it by its works. Here are the diabolical works unleashed upon us by the Global Mob: Continue reading

Guest Column: Liberty Lessons Learned via Trump 2016

What the liberty minded can take away from Trump’s triumph
by Shane Trejo [full column via The Liberty Conservative]

Image courtesy of Pong at Lessons Learned: What the Liberty Minded Can Take Away from Trump's Triumph ID 100170695

Take some notes, class is in session

I have noticed a troubling trend amongst liberty conservatives that is growing lately. Instead of forging alliances with the anti-establishment Republican grassroots, they are pouting, whining, doing the bidding of the Bill Kristol’s of the world, abandoning ship, taking their ball and going home. They are proving all the worst stereotypes about the liberty minded: that we are marginal, petty, flaky, unreliable, melodramatic and undeserving to enjoy the blessings of freedom.

Although events in the last year have killed morale and bruised many of our egos, there is a silver lining. The Trump phenomenon has harmed our enemies more than it has us. The elite media is reeling, having been out-smarted by a reality TV star. The neocons have never looked more foolish and out of touch. The special interest money machine that fuels Washington D.C. has been neutered by Trump’s garbage machine. When looked at as a case study, there are many lessons that we can learn from Trump’s historic campaign.

Lesson #1: Populist, antiestablishment politics are a gold mine

Donald Trump has proven this once and for all. Nigel Farage has overseas proven it as well. The people are fightin’ mad for a multitude of obvious reasons. We have to embrace this fact, not reject it. The liberty movement is not a cheerleader outfit for the status quo. We want to rock the boat. We want to turn the table on establishment politics. We are not guardians of liberal democracy nor the defenders of equality. We are liberty warriors on march to ultimate victory for a radical, anti-statist cause. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Why Do We Care Who’s President?

Observations from a recent Foundation for Economic Education Column

FEEA few weeks ago, Jeffrey Tucker, writing for the longtime Freedom Philosophy organization, F.E.E., posed the question, “Why should it matter who the president is?” Then described the administrations of presidents Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881), James Garfield (1881), Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885), and Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893). Remarking that these presidents are often cited—especially by leftists and progressives—as poor ones because they didn’t do anything really BIG or ambitious, Mr. Tucker states:

“These were not the presidents who “made history,” and good for them. Hardly anyone remembers them, which is to their credit. They are usually listed among the “worst” presidents, which is to say they didn’t cause giant upheavals. They inhabited the office at a time when the private sector was growing at incredible rates while the government was playing a relatively diminished role.”

Tucker’s well-taken point being that even if they had all been scoundrels, the federal government vis a vis the ‘private sector’ was like a grain of sand in one’s shoe—it had insignificant resources and Constitutionally proscribed (virtually no) legal power or authority. IOW, the average fellow could ignore the Washington mob with impunity. Not like today, when unconstitutional power-spewing chief executives have become a boulder in our footwear and a sledge hammer over our collective heads. Continue reading

Guest Column: Trump/Sanders 2016?

Trump and Bernie on the same ticket; take the ride
by Jon Rappoport [full column here]

RappoportDon’t lose your lunch or your cookies or your marbles. Follow this one to the end.

As Bernie throws charges at Hillary for vote-rigging to gain the nomination; as Hillary solidifies her prurient control of so-called super-delegates (Democrat insiders and hacks), thus overturning the force of Primary voting; as Trump, Cruz, and the Republican leadership heat up an internal war over delegates; as Colorado and other states reject the validity of Republican Primary voting; the hallucination that is 2-party politics in America is on the verge of cracking. And if the crack widens, the foul creatures who emerge will reveal an oozing Hell in broad daylight.

We’ve gone past crazy. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Is Donald Trump the ‘Apple Girl’…

… or Big Brother soft shoeing for the zombies

AppleGirlWhen a person makes an incorrect choice or supports a mistake, he needs to fess up and make things as right as possible… and as quickly as possible—to the extent people respect his opinion and to the extent of the magnitude of the mistake. Well, mea culpa wrt to the Trumpster. And I feel a need for deep apology to my modest group of followers for any impression I have given that Mr. Trump is anything more than, at best, a leader of one subgroup of the global syndicate vs. another.

The syndrome leading to my mistake—I never fully endorsed the man, but conveyed favorably some statements Trump had made about this issue or that one—is the classic fallacy that the apparent enemy of my enemy is my friend. The rest was simply falling for the wishful-thinking fallacy. And if ever we were going to wishful think, the 2016 election would be the ideal candidate. Trump actually conjured up for me the prophetic Howard Beale character in the 1976 movie, Network, trumpeting from his anchorman pulpit, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” Also the so-called Apple Girl from the 1984 Superbowl advertisement for the Macintosh, per the figure above right.

Continue reading

Guest Column: Trump vs. Newspeak

Why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances
by Jon Rappoport [full March 2, 2016, column here]

Exit From the MatrixBecause they live in a bubble of their own making. That’s why.

And in that bubble, everything about America is manageable. Things can get worse, but then they get better. Money is tight, then it’s loose. Employment figures drop, then they rebound. Wars start, and then they end.

Looking at the country and the population through the wrong end of the telescope, these media creatures feel themselves positioned high above the madding crowd. To them, phrases like “street smart” and “savvy” are the closest they get to anything real.

Occasionally, they remark that people are restless “out there” and looking for a change—as if Obama, with his massive slogans, somehow supplied that need for eight years and solved the whole problem for a while. As if the problem was simply a psychological kink that needed to be worked out. Continue reading