About Brian Wright

Hello, I'm Brian Wright, the proprietor and chief content provider to this Web opinion and review site. The Coffee Coaster (thecoffeecoaster.com) has been around since late 2006, and in early 2012 I finally decided to give the site a major makeover with this Wordpress implementation. My views are 'wholistic libertarian,' meaning focused on the spiritual--I like to use the word: essentual--evolution we will need, individually, in order to reach the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Let's help one another in the process.

Book Review: Attack on the Liberty (2009)

The untold story of the Israel’s deadly 1967 assault on a US spy ship
By James Scott, Reviewed by Brian R. Wright

From the Amazon product description:

“Notorious incident: In 1967 the spy ship USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli fighter jets and torpedo boats in international waters during the Six-Day War. Thirty-four sailors were killed and more than 170 wounded, many critically. Israel claimed mistaken identity, which a U.S. naval court of inquiry confirmed, but that explanation is contradicted by the facts of the case.

“Based on new revelations: James Scott has interviewed Liberty survivors, senior U.S. political and intelligence officials, and examined newly declassified documents in Israel and the United States to write this comprehensive, dramatic account. He reveals that officers in Israel’s chain of command were aware of the Liberty’ s identity and shows how events in Vietnam prompted the American government to deemphasize the attack despite widespread disbelief of Israel’s story.

“The son of an attack survivor: Scott’s father, John, was an officer and engineer aboard the Liberty who was awarded the Silver Star for helping to save the ship from sinking.”


I very much appreciate Scott’s book, and though I haven’t yet read all of the key books about the USS Liberty (Liberty), it is certainly among the best written, Scott’s journalism credentials show—Journalist of the Year per South Carolina Press Association in 2003. His descriptive prose on the attacks themselves shines: Continue reading

Movie Review: Blood Diamond (2006)

Exciting old-style action-adventure movie with a lingering message (9/10)

As I was growing up in middle class America in the 1950s and 1960s, I got to see plenty of movies.  We lived in Overland Park, Kansas, a post-WW2 suburb of the Kansas City metro area.  The little town was something out of a Norman Rockwell painting or a Jean Shepherd—author behind the movie, A Christmas Story—reminiscence.

Written by Charles Leavitt
Directed by Edward Zwick

Leonardo DiCaprio … Danny Archer
Djimon Hounsou … Solomon Vandy
Jennifer Connelly … Maddy Bowen

The small downtown included TG&Y (dime store), two drug stores (a Rexall outlet and locally owned “McDaniels”), A&P Groceries, a Sears catalog-order store, an A&W Root Beer franchise, a couple of restaurants, etc… and the Overland Park Theater.  When we were just kids, Mom and Pop would shuttle my brother and me to the matinees on Saturday.

I suppose then they went shopping or something—wink, wink—but we never thought to ask.  When you’re a child of nine or even nineteen: the universe revolves around you and your parents do not have lives apart from seeing to your every need or whim.  Anyway, sorry to get off track. Continue reading

Guest Column: Speak Ill of Israel, go to Jail

International campaign is criminalizing criticism of Israel as ‘antisemitism’
By Alison Weir (of If Americans Knew) [original with links here]

As the world has witnessed the oppression and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, many people have risen in protest. In response, the Israeli government and certain of its advocates have conducted a campaign to crack down on this activism, running roughshod over civil liberties (and the English language) in the process.

The mechanism of this crackdown is the redefinition of “antisemitism”[1] to include criticism of Israel, and the insertion of this definition into the bodies of law of various countries.

Where most people would consider “antisemitism” to mean bigotry against Jewish people (and rightly consider it abhorrent), for two decades a campaign has been underway to replace that definition with an Israel-centric definition. That definition can then be used to block speech and activism in support of Palestinian human rights as “hate.” Various groups are applying this definition in law enforcement evaluations of possible crimes.

Proponents of this Israel-centric definition have promoted it step by step in various arenas, from the U.S. State Department and European governments to local governments around the U.S. and universities.

While this effort has taken place over the last two decades, it is snowballing rapidly at this time. The definition is increasingly being used to curtail free speech and academic freedom, as well as political activism. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letter Describing the (USS) Liberty Meme

Rather a core dump of ideas on the USS Liberty starting with a screenplay
By Brian R. Wright

Note: this is basically source thinking for what is to come in creation of the so-called (USS) Liberty Meme, to be fleshed out in next week’s column.

To screenplay writer and three Liberty survivors:

Okay, here’s what I have in mind. [I am copying the three key players I ran into and talked with at the reunion, too. Not to put any pressure on anyone, but to get their sense of things and start a conversation about where we need to go. I’m still immersing myself in the books, I know Phil has a key one that I purchased, and I’ve begun to speak publicly–here’s my presentation to the local Campaign for Liberty group in Michigan that I did before going to Norfolk.]

I read thru the document again yesterday for some time, and now feel the only major concern I have is that a new title should be considered. My thinking is twofold (and please understand that I see your work as extraordinary and a magnificent achievement in its own right, I believe this is THE screenplay that is worthy of the cause… indeed probably the only bona fide screenplay extant at this point, where time is of the essence): Continue reading

Book Review: A.D. After Disclosure (2012)

When the government finally reveals the truth about alien contact
by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel

Originally posted, May 2013.

A few years ago I had been made aware, from someone further ‘out on the edge’ of the truth movement, of something called the Disclosure Project and a gentleman named Dr. Steven Greer. I checked out the Project’s Website back when, and made a mental note to follow up in a few years. At first, it was a little too much for me—seeming to challenge on the one hand the law of conservation of energy (systems that produce more energy than they consume) and on the other the existence of intelligent beings besides humans. I went about my business, founded this Coffee Coaster Website, did some writing, and generally promoted the liberty and truth causes, leaving the whole realm of government secrecy about energy and about other beings to Greer and the Disclosure minions.

Until six months ago a 9/11 truther friend gave me a DVD of Richard Dolan’s presentation to an international conference in Amsterdam, which speculated on the existence of a secret space program along with a breakaway civilization. After that, let’s just say I was no longer sitting on the fence wrt other intelligent beings (OIBs)[1]. Dolan made three strong points: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Unraveling the Web (of Deceit), Links Page

Presentation to Oakland County Campaign for Liberty (C4L) on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Survival of the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967
By Brian R. Wright

The importance of remembering and commemorating—not to mention bringing justice to the attackers and victims of—the horrific, intentional attack on the unarmed American intelligence USS Liberty in international waters during the so-called Six Day War in June of 1967… cannot be overstated. Yet I will be attempting to do so… as a civilian and an unmitigated partisan of the United States Armed Forces in their legitimate duties to protect and defend the Constitution and American First Principles “against all enemies foreign and domestic.”

This column is mainly a links page referring you to:

  • the video of my presentation to C4L [note I have a few errors of fact, e.g. of number of torpedoes fired by the Israeli gunboats (6 vs. the correct 5) and will be correcting and updating the source material from time to time],
  • my online pdf of that PowerPoint presentation to C4L in Troy, Michigan, June 6, 2017, which includes several links, including especially…
  • links to further research on Israel and Zionism wrt the Liberty… and liberty:

USS Liberty and Important Further Research Links

The latter bulleted item includes references that many readers have not been aware of [and for good reason], but need to be if we are to restore our republic. I’m going to list these key starter links below in this, their own separate document as it were: Continue reading

Guest Column: “Groundbreaking Opportunity for YAL?”

Young Americans for Liberty Used as “Rent-a-Mob” for Big Govt. Republican
By Shane Trejo, The Liberty Conservative [Original column here]


Just a few weeks ago, dozens of precocious young libertarians from throughout the country were bussed out to beautiful Mackinac Island in Northern Michigan. Advertised as “a ground breaking opportunity for liberty,” starry eyed activists hit the pavement with enthusiasm and vigor to make liberty win. Little did they know they were being used as pawns by a big government politician with questionable values.

“You will be the deciding factor that brings Liberty to a state this summer and lays the ground work for exciting opportunities to come,” Young Americans for Liberty boasted on their “Liberty Summer” page.

It continued, “It’s time. All eyes will be on this. Want Change? Change Something.”

Field representatives were offered $1,500 pay with housing provided as well as stipends for gas and “a month of liberty immersion” to participate in the project. One crucial detail conspicuously absent in the description was who the activists would really be working for: Michigan Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley. Continue reading