About Brian Wright

Hello, I'm Brian Wright, the proprietor and chief content provider to this Web opinion and review site. The Coffee Coaster (thecoffeecoaster.com) has been around since late 2006, and in early 2012 I finally decided to give the site a major makeover with this Wordpress implementation. My views are 'wholistic libertarian,' meaning focused on the spiritual--I like to use the word: essentual--evolution we will need, individually, in order to reach the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Let's help one another in the process.

Guest Column: The Life of the Individual is Paramount…

… despite all the static and interference out there now
by Jon Rappoport [Nomorefakenews.com 20161113]

RappoportThe tsunami of election news and fallout has created much confusion out there. People are exhausted; they’re running and hiding; their uncertainty is spiking; their cynicism is kicking into high gear; they’re trying, in some cases, to dumb themselves down…

This always happens when a large event is resolved in favor of one side, but doubts remain about the winner. It’s as if the lights in the stadium went out during the last quarter of the Super Bowl. What happened? What’s happening now? What will happen?

People are even forgetting they have lives of their own. And that’s what I want to return to. Because, when individuals park their own lives, they’re bound to experience disorientation. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Trump: Catalyst for Global Spring or…

… just a more colorful lead-actor on the stage of Global Empire?

trump_t_imageWe’ll know soon enough.

I see two distinct questions emerging upon the widely unexpected election of Donald Trump to POTUS (President of the United States):

  1. the cultural and psychological significance of his election and
  2. the sorts of actions and policies we may expect of a Trump administration.

Speaking of cultural meaning and the iconic nature some attach to the Trump persona, doesn’t the image at right—clipped from a picture of a t-shirt I took at an election night gathering of our local establishment-Republican Congressman—make you think of an Andy Warhol pop art soup can?! Exactly! My best early reading of the tea leaves on the Donald’s Ascendancy is that he’s (for the most part) a media phenomenon contrived by covert deep state agents for ‘some purpose’ of theirs—’some purpose’ including one or more of the following:

  • to throw the election to their darling Hillary.
  • to get Trump elected then upset the economic apple cart (and pin the crash on the antiglobalists, liberty movement, truth movement, White Privilege, etc.).
  • to create chaos and uncertainty, perhaps in conjunction with a false-flag act of state terror (like 9/11), then with the Donald in place bring down America once and for all with martial law and FEMA Gulag.

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Guest Article: Post-Election Notes to the Donald and to the CtC Community

Comments from Pete Hendrickson on the occasion of Trump’s amazing feat

trump_t-shirtWhat a night, November 08, 2016. “What were you doing on the historic evening, Daddy?” Or Grandaddy? Yours truly had bounced back and forth between support for Trump or support for the LP Gary Johnson ticket. You can read my columns here, here, and here, for example (from most recent to least recent)… and you’ll see I did agonize over who to vote for or to advocate voting for. What ultimately put me squarely in the Trump camp was a) he targeted the global mob in a comprehensive fashion and b) all the Wikileaks and other info coming out on Hillary just so totally blew her out of the water as to make the choice a #HillaryForNevermore one.

Well, to answer the question, “I showed up at the local election party of our conventional Republican Congressman, Dave Trott (MI, 11th District) to enjoy the company, partake of food and adult beverages, and watch the TV coverage. [For more than a year now, I’ve gone without cable TV in my home.]  I’ll insert some emphasis and comments of my own into Pete’s analysis. — bw

Word To President-Elect Trump

CONGRATULATIONS! Now comes the serious part.

As you make your plans over the next few months prior to taking office, I hope you’ll keep firmly in mind that you don’t “drain the swamp” by putting swamp creatures into positions of power and responsibility. As you consider people for your cabinet you must eschew everyone aligned or associated with the policies of the status quo which we just rejected. Continue reading

Guest Column: Taking Back Our Country…

… from the lawless, corrupt criminals running Washington and the media
By Mike Adams, Natural News [Full original column posted here]

taking_back_countryNote: Two columns arrived that seemed to make good guest postings today, the other one being from Jon Rappoport of nomorefakenews.com entitled, “No matter who wins, the case against Hillary is still alive.” But Mr. Adams column expresses more completely the thinking I’m having on the eve of Election 2016: namely, that so much truth has come out regarding the Clintons’ crimes that a very real prospect exists for demolishing the entire corrupt New World Order enterprise and the global mob bosses to whom Hillary and Bill are beholden.  So here’s the excerpt from Mike’s column:

(NaturalNews) Today We the People are taking America back from the lawless, corrupt, incompetent criminals running Washington and the lying leftist media.

We’re going to start by rejecting Hillary Clinton and the entire corrupt political class, most of whom belong in prison, not in high office.

Next, we’re going to reverse the completely idiotic policies, executive orders and regulations of the lunatic leftists who have been running American into the ground for the last eight years. This effort is going to begin by completely repealing the disastrous, unconstitutional, ill-conceived health care fiasco known as “Obamacare.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Tuesday 11/08/2016 is Independents’ Day…

… and, oh, coercive governments in America also will be electing sundry officials

pcr_trump_commentFirst, let’s take care of that ‘other thing,’ namely who to vote for in the general election for president [ref. insert and the PCR link]. →

Please, to all my friends in the liberty movement (or simply my well-meaning liberal friends who have deep feelings about common-sense good government), DO NOT SLIT YOUR WRISTS if Trump wins. Liberty activists are driving the only moral-intellectual bus the Donald will be riding in on. Thus we shall have great influence over his policies, whether he likes it or not. Wikileaks isn’t going away; the Donald will stay above board and transparent—become a conduit for quickly dismantling the Global Mob (Glob)—or he’ll be outed like the Clintons.[1]

Note: Despite the Clinton Crime family being effectively demolished by Wikileaks et al in the past two weeks, the Oligarchs behind Hillary still have a few poison darts up their sleeves—not only Obama encouraging illegal aliens to vote, but reports that a false-flag cyberattack is being designed by the US deep state to cause a ‘blackout’ on election day that will blamed on the Russians [resulting in throwing out the results, martial intervention, if Trump appears to be winning].
My take: landslides cannot be rigged… or unrigged. Get out and vote Trump!

Trump says he wants the people to take charge of their lives and their government. We’ll see if that’s true. We have to be wary of last acts of Glob desperation or self-destruction, such as crashing the world economy and blaming it on the Freedom People. But I’m optimistic. Even if Hillary wins, she’ll soon keel over or be frog-stepped off the world stage in an orange jumpsuit. [We the people are finally on the verge of running things; the productive class stands ultimately to receive massive reparations from the banksters for centuries of central-state larceny.] Continue reading

Guest Column: Root of Hillary’s Would-Be Armageddon

Who is behind Hillary Clinton’s Hostility for Russia and Why it Matters
By Christopher Bollyn [Excerpt from source column here]

hillary_warmongerThe Jerusalem conference (Netanyahu Institute, 1979) also helped to revive the anti-Soviet alliance between Israel and the United States by charging the Soviets with responsibility for “funding, training, and equipping international terrorism.” This new charge helped keep the United States and the Soviet Union at each other’s throats, thus preventing them from agreeing on a diplomatic solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.
“International Terrorism”:  The Propaganda War, Philip Paull, 1982

Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk camp near Damascus, Syria, have been victims of the U.S.-led war of terror imposed on Syria since 2011.

Criminality Exposed – Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in 2012 that “the best way to help Israel” is to “use force” to overthrow the government in Syria. What nation was she working for, anyway? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: With Hillary Inciting WWIII, Gotta Go Trump

It’s not just the Wikileaks that disqualify Hitlery, it’s imminent nuclear annihilation

hillary_warmongerSummarizing from my latest Facebook post: “With Trump we liberty people have real issues—for one thing he has said he wouldn’t mind seeing Snowden executed extrajudicially PLUS he certainly hasn’t expressed any appreciation of Julian Assange’s Wikileaks that are burying the Clinton crime family—but FOR SURE with her we’ll get tyranny and death. Trump has laid down the gauntlet vs. the so-called ‘globalists.’ Johnson and Weld, if they win in a fluke, will fold like an accordion to the globalist Death Star.”

Yes, this is a reversal of my most recent stand for the Johnson- Weld ticket, but so much water has gone under the bridge in the previous week. For one thing the Wikileaks keep on a comin’. Trump has to realize  that he is being helped enormously by Julian Assange—Hitlery wonders why hasn’t the Wikileaks founder/leader been ‘droned’—so a rational thing for Trump to do is to claim he will:

  • pardon Ed Snowden
  • pardon Julian Assange
  • pardon Chelsea Manning
  • etc., etc., release and reward all the whistleblowers and political prisoners

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