Brian’s Column: Trump: Catalyst for Global Spring or…

… just a more colorful lead-actor on the stage of Global Empire?

trump_t_imageWe’ll know soon enough.

I see two distinct questions emerging upon the widely unexpected election of Donald Trump to POTUS (President of the United States):

  1. the cultural and psychological significance of his election and
  2. the sorts of actions and policies we may expect of a Trump administration.

Speaking of cultural meaning and the iconic nature some attach to the Trump persona, doesn’t the image at right—clipped from a picture of a t-shirt I took at an election night gathering of our local establishment-Republican Congressman—make you think of an Andy Warhol pop art soup can?! Exactly! My best early reading of the tea leaves on the Donald’s Ascendancy is that he’s (for the most part) a media phenomenon contrived by covert deep state agents for ‘some purpose’ of theirs—’some purpose’ including one or more of the following:

  • to throw the election to their darling Hillary.
  • to get Trump elected then upset the economic apple cart (and pin the crash on the antiglobalists, liberty movement, truth movement, White Privilege, etc.).
  • to create chaos and uncertainty, perhaps in conjunction with a false-flag act of state terror (like 9/11), then with the Donald in place bring down America once and for all with martial law and FEMA Gulag.

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Brian’s Column: Tuesday 11/08/2016 is Independents’ Day…

… and, oh, coercive governments in America also will be electing sundry officials

pcr_trump_commentFirst, let’s take care of that ‘other thing,’ namely who to vote for in the general election for president [ref. insert and the PCR link]. →

Please, to all my friends in the liberty movement (or simply my well-meaning liberal friends who have deep feelings about common-sense good government), DO NOT SLIT YOUR WRISTS if Trump wins. Liberty activists are driving the only moral-intellectual bus the Donald will be riding in on. Thus we shall have great influence over his policies, whether he likes it or not. Wikileaks isn’t going away; the Donald will stay above board and transparent—become a conduit for quickly dismantling the Global Mob (Glob)—or he’ll be outed like the Clintons.[1]

Note: Despite the Clinton Crime family being effectively demolished by Wikileaks et al in the past two weeks, the Oligarchs behind Hillary still have a few poison darts up their sleeves—not only Obama encouraging illegal aliens to vote, but reports that a false-flag cyberattack is being designed by the US deep state to cause a ‘blackout’ on election day that will blamed on the Russians [resulting in throwing out the results, martial intervention, if Trump appears to be winning].
My take: landslides cannot be rigged… or unrigged. Get out and vote Trump!

Trump says he wants the people to take charge of their lives and their government. We’ll see if that’s true. We have to be wary of last acts of Glob desperation or self-destruction, such as crashing the world economy and blaming it on the Freedom People. But I’m optimistic. Even if Hillary wins, she’ll soon keel over or be frog-stepped off the world stage in an orange jumpsuit. [We the people are finally on the verge of running things; the productive class stands ultimately to receive massive reparations from the banksters for centuries of central-state larceny.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: With Hillary Inciting WWIII, Gotta Go Trump

It’s not just the Wikileaks that disqualify Hitlery, it’s imminent nuclear annihilation

hillary_warmongerSummarizing from my latest Facebook post: “With Trump we liberty people have real issues—for one thing he has said he wouldn’t mind seeing Snowden executed extrajudicially PLUS he certainly hasn’t expressed any appreciation of Julian Assange’s Wikileaks that are burying the Clinton crime family—but FOR SURE with her we’ll get tyranny and death. Trump has laid down the gauntlet vs. the so-called ‘globalists.’ Johnson and Weld, if they win in a fluke, will fold like an accordion to the globalist Death Star.”

Yes, this is a reversal of my most recent stand for the Johnson- Weld ticket, but so much water has gone under the bridge in the previous week. For one thing the Wikileaks keep on a comin’. Trump has to realize  that he is being helped enormously by Julian Assange—Hitlery wonders why hasn’t the Wikileaks founder/leader been ‘droned’—so a rational thing for Trump to do is to claim he will:

  • pardon Ed Snowden
  • pardon Julian Assange
  • pardon Chelsea Manning
  • etc., etc., release and reward all the whistleblowers and political prisoners

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Brian’s Column: Is Hillary Clinton a Deep Op?!

Like Barry Soweto before her… or phony wars for power and chaos …


Please Share Image Early and Often

… or fake news’ incidents clearly orchestrated by government to further a life-and-liberty-robbing agenda—Sandy Hook and Boston, to name just a couple for which we have hard facts that establish a public-official role. Or false-flag true crimes such as the grandaddy of all of them, 911, where real people are slaughtered in a plot masterminded and executed by Orwellian insiders to create a War on Terror/War on Freedom… perpetual war for perpetual domination.

Only this time the Western Cabal (New World Order, globalist mob, bankster king- makers, Alien Space Lizards) appears to be grasping at straws at the end of its rope; the Clinton campaign and Hillary’s supposed foregone conclusion of presidential selection, in multiple grand gestures of self- destruction, is transgressing boundaries of crimes against humanity that even the AG of the United States can’t sweep under the Mainstream Media. Now on the eve of Hill’s presumed magic getaway into the hallowed halls of the Oval Office, her crime syndicate is taking incinerating heat from all sides.

The exposés and charges are coming much too Fast and Furious [ 🙂 to shed a little postpartum rain on Mr. Obama’s sadistic scandal] for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it truly only just occurred to me today to think of HRC’s rise as a prolonged sleeper-cell operation of the deep state! Now that assessment is inescapable. So let me give you the pieces that seem significant to me from a smattering of stories in and around Webville: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Justice Action Movement

… Let’s ring the bell for true people’s independent grand juries

101109_liberty_bellNote: The following post started out as a letter to friends of liberty, where I express my deep  frustration at always being on the defensive in our struggle against those who aim to commit tyranny upon us. I believe there is a better way, and that we have the seeds for an effective political method to put all would-be tyrants—federal, state, and local—in a corner and relentlessly pound them into fine dust.  — bw

Every day if you’re an average freedom activist, you get inundated with requests from various organizations to stop the government from committing one crime against First Principles or another. Federal, state, local.  Or to elect this one or that one, sign this petition or that one, you get the picture. And the crimes keep getting more and more severe: consider the recent CDC rule proposal that would forcibly detain, isolate, vaccinate, and quarantine any individual for ‘public health’ reasons.

The point is that the government(s) just keeps on committing (legislative-executive-judiciary, treasonous) crimes and lies and we the people are stuck in a mode of simply reacting. They act, with the immense resources at their disposal. And we REact, with about three people who really care and have time to spare after dealing with all the other government crimes and just trying to put food on the table. Think about that for a minute: you’re in a boxing match and instead of throwing punches you simply react to the punches being thrown by your adversary—duck, parry, rope a dope, run into the corner, etc.


Brian’s Column: While the Would-Be Emperors are Diddlin’

… Syria is about to blow up

syriaAnd there’s nothing either the Donald’s people or the Hillary’s people are going to do about it. If anything, especially Clinton, they want to throw fuel on the fire. Here’s Paul Craig Roberts (PCRs) column “If Trump Were Sexually Interested In Men, It Would Be Politically Incorrect To Say Anything About It.” And an important passage from his guest columnist, Stephen Lendman:

“Tireless Russian good faith efforts [for peace and cease fire in Syria] failed because Washington and its rogue allies want war, not peace, Syrian sovereign independence destroyed, not preserved, US-led Western puppet governance replacing democratic rule.

“Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari bluntly explained blocking Russia’s responsible resolution “confirms for the hundredth time that those who stood against it have no political will to fight against terrorism…to achieve inter-Syrian settlement.”

“Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin, current Security Council president, called Saturday’s session “one of the most bizarre…in (SC) history” – two dueling resolutions proposed, knowing neither would be adopted. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: More Thoughts on Election 2016

It came to a head for me with the 1st Trump-Hillary debate…


A Secular Trumanist Perspective

… to which I posted this commentary on Facebook, and also here as my 9/25/16 column. Essentially, a pox on everyone’s house, but you gotta go with Johnson-Weld because  Trump and Hillary will equally bad for civil liberties and peace .AND. Johnson-Weld actually have a chance to win (whereas none of the other ‘minor’ candidates does).

Then I posted this to Facebook and sent via email blind cc to my political distribution lists:

We interrupt this year’s presidential election with an important announcement. As shown in debate Donald Trump supports ‘stop and frisk’ and denying your gun rights if you are on a federal no-fly list. He also believes, as does Hillary, that we must intervene by supporting ISIS in Syria to stop ISIS, to destroy innocent lives and very likely initiate World War III. Clinton wants to bring whistleblower Ed Snowden to trial, while Trump wants (“wouldn’t mind”) to see him executed as a traitor.

Both candidates are pro Big Government and anti human liberty… and epitomes of establishment corruption and criminality. They cannot even spell the Bill of Rights, and certainly not the nonaggression principle. Either candidate, as president, will very likely destroy the final vestiges of America as a constitutional republic.

Gary Johnson and William Weld are not fiery, principled libertarians, rather successful, practical politicians with a small government agenda. They are neither corrupt nor dishonest. They will seek to expand the range of action, without government interference, for people as individuals and start to roll back the Leviathan state in several key areas. I emphatically endorse the Johnson-Weld ticket, will vote for them, and hope you will, too. Continue reading