Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #8

From Part 2: Toto, Chapter 6: Sliming Baby

vaccines[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, due for publication 12/25/15.]

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities — Voltaire

_________________ 4Q 2015

Sterling Heights, Michigan. What was it, wondered Trish, that turned normal, bright individuals (of means and standing in the community) into that Three Stooges’ routine—“slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch…” then pummeling the person who says “Niagara Falls”—when anyone dared question the safety or efficacy of vaccines? Or allopathic[1] treatments and drugs? Or psychiatric drugs? Or psychiatry?

No idle question…

Because it leads to the deeper question:

Patrecia Bartlett (Patty B, Trish) was a serious student of epistemology.[2] She was particularly fascinated by how people’s mental functioning had been twisted and turned by Edward Bernays’ modern technology of mind control in conjunction—over the past 60 years—with what Professor Neil Postman referred to as TV Nation.

Those were the two primary drivers, as she saw it. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #6

GMOFrom Toto: Curtain #4, Frankenfoods, Inc.

[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. — Aesop

_______________________________4Q 2015

Birmingham, Michigan. “My god, that was ‘one spicey meatless ball!’” exclaimed the famed ‘alternative foods’ cook, and activist-author, Rudy Zabala.

Diana, his wife and confidante/muse/helpmate thru his years of struggle laughed in agreement. [That was another reason they’d stayed together thru thick and thin: she continued to be amused at his child’s sense of humor.]

She asked, “Isn’t this pasta recipe from your most recent cookbook, Doing Well by Eating Good… and Vice-Versa?” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy, Excerpt #4

From Part 2: Toto: Curtain 2: Linchpin (9/11)

‘The Second Little Boy’

Emperor[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

Back when he received them, Neil responded to Chance’s heartfelt personal letter and to the After 9/11 Truth book and to the Architects and Engineers’ 9/11 Truth DVD just as Neil normally had all the years they’d known each other: he completely ignored them.

Exactly how nearly ALL Chance’s former Rocket Shop colleagues and contacts reacted: “Chance is a super nice guy, but a nut, a conspiracy junkie, not to mention a radical libertarian who discusses concepts—like the Constitution, civil freedom, ending the Fed, indicting government officials for illegal wars, torture, environmental assaults—that no one needs to deal with in these enlightened days of consensus reality and the sacred mainstream media.”

“Plus, he thinks the government’s conspiracy theory of the 9/11 attacks is a transparent lie… not to mention a physical impossibility.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #2

From Chapter: Toto Curtain #1: Golden Rules

New Picture (43)Continued from Book Review here

[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

… “We are fighting for the life and conceptual faculty of individual persons over Alien Collective technology that demotes our consciousnesses to the status of unquestioning ciphers… indeed, we throw off that technology by asserting our humanity as full and natural Independents.

“What’s more, we KICK ALIEN ASS!

“Strong words,” noted Sean.

“Well stated,” confirmed Katie.

“Thanks for the ear, you two,” acknowledged Chance. “I wanted to cover at least some of the high-spiritual material with you before moving on to the Toto business at hand. But you know what?”

“What?” they said in unison.

“Fulfillment occurs at its own pace and in the free flow of energy among those committed to it. No one can predict or prophesize the full flowering of the Independents to the final detail. A prophet only sets things in motion. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Blood of Patriots and Tyrants

Reflections on John Adams and Tax Day (2008)

Adams2And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that the people preserve the spirit of resistance? The remedy is to set them [the rulers] right as to the facts….  The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

—Thomas Jefferson

The full quote from Mr. Jefferson can be found in a number of places on the Web, but be advised as you fire up your browser: Homeland Security will probably be looking over your shoulder. Strange how far we’ve gone down Tyranny Road without so much as a peep from the general nonlibertarian population—perhaps such lack of resistance is explained by another Jeffersonian passage:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Which, as we all know, is from the Declaration of Independence. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Dead Horse, New Horse?

4Q 2015, Michigan. [Excerpt draft from upcoming The Truman Prophecy.]

HeinleinAnd it came to pass in the SLOW (Spartan Land of the Wolverine) and in most other  subrealms of the LOWDOWN—to be uttered in a deep Darth Vader-like voice—(Land of Worship for Deathstar Operations Worldwide No-Exceptions) that a onetime major—albeit never conventionally successful—movement for freedom sputtered to a halt. That ultimately petering-out political enterprise would be the Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) and Libertarian Party (LP) in general.

Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. [Good manners, consideration] … and formal politeness provide the lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as ’empty,’ ‘meaningless,’ or ‘dishonest,’ and scorn to use them. No matter how ‘pure’ their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best.
— Sayings of Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, Robert Heinlein Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Dorothy

Autumn 2015 thru Autumn 2016

Ignore_2From the folklore:
First, Toto pulls back the curtain.
Then Dorothy reads the riot act to the Wizard.

Toto = What is.
Dorothy = So what?

From the Prophecy:
Toto = the Truth Realization phase.
Dorothy = the phase of doing something about it.

In Toto, the heroes of our story—fulfillers of the Prophecy, leaders of ‘the Independents’ (aka Indies or I’s):

  1. Expose the tools of deception
  2. Show how to focus Truth to create more Indies

In Dorothy, the A-team snowballs the Grand Indie breakout along three parallel lines: Continue reading