Brian’s Column: Truth and Justice Caucus

Proposing a Truth and Justice Caucus for the Libertarian Party​
[… and perhaps apply it to the other political parties]

2d_revolutionIn the interests of growing party participation toward the ultimate goal of a free society worldwide, I’m forming the ‘Good Neighbor Truth and Justice (GNT&J) Caucus’ to persuade LP and Libertarian Party of Michigan supporters to take a new political strategy along the lines advocated in my books, Leaving the Sandbox ( and After 9/11 Truth ( (and other sources). Specifically, the caucus will: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Vaccine ‘Holocaust’ and Grand Juries

Recent excesses in government criminality cry out for all-American justice

Red-Blood-CellsThe main news comes from the Vaccine Culture War front, courtesy Mike Adams of Natural News and Jon Rappoport of Representative Bill Posey of Florida, on July 29, 2015, entered a statement into the Congressional Record regarding Center for Disease Control (CDC) scientific fraud—the Congressman appeals to his colleagues to launch a full Congressional investigation. Whistleblower Willliam Thompson, senior research scientist at the CDC, went public approximately a year ago that he and others helped destroy test data and other evidence showing that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine from Merck substantially increases risk of autism, especially in black baby boys.

“…the [CDC] co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the [MMR vaccine] study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can.” (William Thompson, CDC researcher) Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The SAILE Fallacy

Sacred-Authority Abstraction Impervious to Logic or Evidence
(Okay, it’s technically SAAILE… also more an addiction, syndrome, or disease)

VAQSo where did I come up with this line of thought? From near the front lines of the Vaccine Culture Wars… a college-educated lady friend recently reacts poorly to my communication of a succinct scientific analysis of so-called herd immunity with comments:

“Since the beginning of vaccination, there is little [i.e. no] proof [and no reason to believe] that vaccines are responsible for eradicating disease even when herd immunity vaccination levels (95%) have been reached. [Quite the contrary: ‘By the end of 1868, more than 95 percent of the inhabitants of Chicago had been vaccinated. After the Great Fire of 1871 that leveled the city, vaccination was made a condition of receiving relief supplies. Despite the passing of strict vaccination laws, Chicago was hit with a devastating smallpox epidemic in 1872. … vaccinating most of the population (which would later be termed herd immunity) did not protect the population from the scourge of smallpox.‘–Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history. Innumerable instances of other mass vaccination failures exist, and for other diseases.] — parenthetical comments mine, bw

Note: virtually the entire range of fundamental logic that applies to the safety and efficacy of today’s vaccines is located in this essential column from investigative journalist Jon Rappoport. The knowledge in Jon’s column enables you to slice & dice provaccine shills. 

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Delta Declaration

Myers-Briggs lookalike with an eye toward positive change

Continuum_Vector_2Let me begin the column with a figure that I developed in the course of writing After 9/11 Truth: The Death Star in Ashes, Humanity Rises. Chapter 7: Share it Forward begins with the above graphic that expresses the cardinal mission for us who seek the paradigm shift into a Billion+ Points of Light society. You can also see the Dark Side’s intent. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Cellphone Demolition Derby

What to do about inattentive driving?

Editor’s note: This is an early column (from April 2007) where cellphones with texting while driving was becoming a common problem. GPS systems and dash panel cellular phone connections were in their infancy, indeed, so were the earphone systems that enable hands-free driving. The problem has gotten worse, however, as texting while driving becomes no big deal for tens of thousands of inattentive, unskilled drivers behind the wheels of mastodon-sized vehicles. These are the same individuals who feel ‘he-said, she-said’ is soooo much more important that paying full attention to the road; the process of natural selection will eventually weed these individuals out… unfortunately, taking plenty of innocent persons with them. Great argument for mass transit and jitneys. — bw

This afternoon I’m out in my “enthusiast” vehicle as a third “cellphone shuffle” occurs at a stop sign—a movement requiring the utmost dexterity: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy

Teaser for ‘my first’

TrumanPlease if you should like where it seems to you that I’m going with this startup segment, support my work via any of three related, integral-to-the-book crowdfunding projects. Note the descriptions for these projects are linked on the gofundme pages for them; you do not have to make a donation in order to read the descriptions. I shall try to keep the projects up to date as I’m completing the novel. You can see it’s of a political genre. Time integration with these real humanitarian projects requires that the novel reach completion this year. Realistically it looks mid November 2015. Here are the projects with links to the descriptions/funding pages:

Draft excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, by Brian Wright

Outside the Panera, a block north on Grand River Avenue, squads of steroid-drenched fusion cops marched with crazed eyes in parade formation. Or lucky ones rode and postured, Mussolini-like, atop dozens of military surplus personnel carriers obtained by Oakland County for the occasion. [Each tank sported two 3-ft. by 10-ft. banners with “My Child Kissed the Darth Vader Cigar Ring of Sheriff Bouchard” in large bold lettering… accompanied by a 2-ft.-diameter police-capped ‘happy face.’] The vehicles’ back-and-forth transit, skirting the Rick Snyder Complex for State Supremacy (formerly the Novi Suburban Collection Center), made quite a racket.[0] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Doreen Hendrickson News Release

Assembled by myself and Shane Trejo, executive director of CRAL
June 26, 2015

DoreenPlease read and review. Also, this is a user document. We want everyone who sees the release to go to the original at this location (, then download it in Word format, adjust the date if need be, and send it forward to your local media and newswires in the general vicinity of wherever you hang your hat. The saga of Doreen and Pete Hendrickson needs to be sent out to the world, far and wide. They are the folk heroes around whom every American can rally… as we learn to claim/reclaim our property from Leviathan… and wrest a good woman from its clutches, bringing her home to family and friends. The word is Liberty. Spread the good word.

And fund the ongoing effort here:

Make viral the outstanding 12-minute video: As of this posting, number of visits/views to the YouTube channel is closing in on 10,000. Continue reading