Brian’s Column: The Snowden-Manning Campaign

… is a symbolic assertion of consensus by millions of Americans on how their country can be fixed… especially in light of the federal government’s attacks on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Army Wikileaker Bradley/Chelsea Manning.

Snowden-Manning_Art_2The plan is to develop a Website and facilities for blanketing the country in ‘signage’—bumper stickers, t-shirts, coffee cups, lapel pins, banners, brochures, etc.—that will be suggestive of a Snowden-Manning 2016 presidential campaign. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Snowden-Manning Nation

Catharsis and Catalyst to the New Paradigm?

Snowden-Manning_Art_2Roughly a year ago someone or something raised the notion to me of a symbolic Ed Snowden and Bradley/Chelsea Manning presidential ticket. And I thought to myself, “Wow, such a campaign would be like giving the finger to the powers that be for their multiple high-crime assaults on the people… while they always get off scot-free. The gesture being a milder, more thoughtful version of Howard Beale’s passionate appeal in the movie Network, ‘We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!'”

So I promptly went to my account and designed the bumper sticker you see above right. [If you click on the image—and then on the ‘Check out This Design…’ link on the page that comes up—you can order them directly.] I had in mind a trial balloon for an actual write-in campaign for the two persons… though a real write-in campaign would need to find two legally qualified individuals to be the bona fide candidates manifesting for the expelled Snowden and incarcerated Manning. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Doreen’s Status, Please Help

Doreen Hendrickson relief fund:

CtCOn April 11, 2015, Pete Hendrickson drove Doreen to the prison facility to begin her unconscionably severe 18-month sentence for refusing to obey a direct order from a federal judge that Doreen commit felony perjury on a tax affidavit. (Yes, it CAN and DID happen here.) Pete strenuously filed motions for ‘bond release until appeal’ to the sentencing judge, which judge vindictively ignored. Thus his wife and mother of two… and daughter and sister and dear friend to so many of us has taken up involuntary residence in the hills and hollars where world famous Martha Stewart did her time (though only for five months under ‘cupcake’ conditions… mainly because Martha did NOT refuse to lie to officials).

 [Doreen Hendrickson: 48564-039, FPC Alderson A-4, P.O. Box A, Alderson, WV 24910. She would love to hear from you. Personally, I’m mailing her a letter per week for however long it will be, we hope only a few more weeks when the appeal is successful, as our good ol’ Bill of Rights is invoked.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Toto Worldwide Organization

Beist_SymbolEditor’s Note: The following is the second section of a three-section document that I’m assembling to prospect for a so-called ‘Toto’ organization that serves to bring truth and justice to the world… primarily by pulling back the curtain on the 9/11 attacks and other ‘high-crime assaults’ that have at their core a massive amount of deception. Although the first section of the prospectus represents several enhancements from the original two-sided ‘Project Toto’ document, it covers the same ground as that ‘Project Toto’ document, which is a former column at this location.

Toto Worldwide follows from the action concepts of my book, After 9/11 Truth, (A911T) which proposes a ‘Truth-Letter Closure’ (TLC) campaign by persons recruited from the general 9/11 Truth community—which sends templatized letters of appeal, one-by-one, to targeted ‘Respected Deniers’ (RDs) from a participant’s contacts. The object of a TLC message is threefold, to have the RD: Continue reading

Special Column: “General, I’m a civilian, I outrank you.” — Jim Rockford

Gigatax hike Proposal 1 goes down in flames, ‘regime change’ to follow…

RockfordOne of the most significant phrases from any film or TV series episode was uttered by private detective, Jim Rockford (The Rockford Files, 1974-1980), in response to a high military official who tried to order him off a case. May 5, 2015, will go down in history as the day when the voters of Michigan stood together and told a bat-feces crazy, malevolent, arrogant, and indolent state government: “Lansing, we owner, you servant.”  [aka, “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!”] Today’s unprecedented, monumental act of self-assertion sends breath-shattering shock waves to the gut of self-styled ruling oligarchies, at all levels, around the world.

Four… to… Friggin’… One!!!!

This just in: Latest totals as of May 6 pm: Y: ~350,000 (19.9%); N: ~1,406,000 (80.1%)

Like the gunfire from colonial militias at and near Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, April 19, 1775, or the famed rebellion against property taxes of the late 1970s in California, (Howard Jarvis’s Proposition 13), the crushing of Proposal 1 may very likely become the death knell of the Old World Order… which has gotten by with its predations by using the smoke and mirrors of bought media dictating “think and do this” to a complacent population. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Occupational Hazards

… plus did we just hear the death knell for biotech and Big Agra/Pharma?

MickeyOkay, sad to say, I wasn’t always this brilliant and worked out, completely correct on every issue that I deign to wield my pen at. 🙂 No sir. In fact, as recent as late 2008 I wrote a column—in the interests of full disclosure it remains at this location in my old format—that advocated voting for Obama above John McCain (even over the LP candidate that year, Bob Barr).

LP[I’ll never live that one down, but you can see the problem that McCain was simply a continuation of the warmonger Bush machine; a lot of other libertarians held their noses for peace and helped to launch the presidency of the Great Dictator born in Kenya. Also, I’m on record in some forum or book in 2004-ish as favoring John Kerry over LP choice, Michael Badnarik, to give a more emphatic NO to George Bush II. I know, in particular, I created hard feelings over the Badnarik slight. And I’m not happy in retrospect with the flippant-bordering-on-disrespectful style I used to disparage a vote for Michael. Sorry. (He was and is a wonderful stalwart for liberty, who has written an excellent book, Good to be a King, and teaches classes on the Constitution to audiences, nationwide.) ] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “Project Toto”

Leveraging the A911T Truth-Letter campaign toward a Billion+ Points of Light

toto2This column is a condensation of a two-sided sheet prospectus and recruitment tool that I composed after coming up with a key idea for implementing the project phase of my After 9/11 Truth book of action. [The sheet may be accessed here:]

In mid-April 2015 I realized a magnificent promotional enhancement to my A911T ‘Truth-Letter Closure (TLC)’ campaign—which sends coordinated appeal messages, one-by-one, to targeted ‘Respected Deniers’ (RDs) from a participant’s address book. I changed the name of the campaign to Project Toto (after Dorothy’s little dog that pulls back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz), then generalized the effort to all ‘truth and justice’ causes.

[Note: I now have a Gofundme page for Project Toto here. Mini-donations very welcome.]

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