Brian’s Column: Something Old, Something New

Human rejuvenation technology on the doorstep
by Brian Wright

Strange (but completely understandable) that the mainstream media (MSM) has not drawn more attention to a recent development in life extension science and tech. In the June 2010 issue of Life Extension Magazine, under a modest title: “Immortal Stem Cells for Anti-Aging Therapies,” Dr. Gregory Fahy and Saul Kent interview Dr. Michael West about a stunning breakthrough in regenerative medicine: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ending the Great Recession

… in five easy pieces
by Brian Wright

Cracking the CodeWell, okay, they won’t be so easy to get going,
but once the first step is made, the rest should follow in quick succession. Note, I’m leaving up the image and link to Pete’s revolutionary book on restoring freedom from the federal state. It serves as a reminder that freeing all political prisoners is Job One in any restoration of economic health.

In a previous column contemporaneous with the 2008 election and ascendancy of the Big O—when politicians were talking about bailing out this auto company and that investment bank—I … Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Free Pete Hendrickson

Correct ‘corrections,’ send the innocent home[1]
by Brian Wright

Cracking the CodeAll right, so nobody’s organized a protest yet, at least to my knowledge. With respect to Pete and a vigorous federal-state jail-system release program, let me suggest something concrete
—no pun intended. First some background:

Pete Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America, having been convicted of obeying the law, has reported to Milan federal prison in Michigan, where he is to begin a 33-month stay. He was not allowed to remain free while on appeal, even though grounds for the appeal are a slam dunk on the level of human reason, decency, and justice: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Destruction of 9/11 Evidence

Spirit of ’76 Requires Truth of ’01
Or at least evidence not destroyed w/o penalty
by Brian Wright

Global Outlook, Issue 13As this critical Independence Day 2010 passes, Americans are at a turning point in history. For several generations, this Land of the Free that our forefathers risked all to create has been systematically turned toward tyranny. One might ask, “Qui Bono?” Well, it’s always the same small cast of rich, powerful psychos, isn’t it?

Men with hearts of common criminals, yet possessing cunning minds to deceive their way into unconstitutional power over normal (nonaggressive) humanity. In the West today, we can identify them as the ruling class, the banksters, the Pathocracy… and it’s becoming clearer every day precisely who they are. The showdown between these “legal” criminals and the people looms: nowhere more critically than in the ongoing movement to ascertain the pathocrats’ role in the 9/11/2001 attacks. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Step Up for the Liberty Dollar 4

Kevin Innes, in particular, wrongly jailed in North Carolina
via gross petit treason, needs our help
by Brian Wright [posted originally June 14, 2010]

Whenever any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it…. – Thomas Jefferson

We must all hang together

I’ve written before about the Liberty Dollar and its founder, the feisty Bernard von Nothaus. In one of my earliest Coffee Coaster columns (12/2006: Liberty Dollar: Federales Fear Honest Money) I commented there on its potential as a store of value and ideal replacement for the Federal Reserve note… which, of course, the LD sorely troubled the Fed and the Mint, to the extent some Mint official sent ominous threats to Bernard (but never specifically stated what law was being violated). Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth Urgency

Must call out the Naked Emperor real soon…
by Brian Wright

Before you enter the temple, forgive. — Jesus

The Enlightenment Approach

Over the past couple of years I’m privileged to have become acquainted with the writings of an important modern spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. His The Power of Now identifies the need for humans to move to the next stage of consciousness… which is to transcend identification with the mind and live in a felt oneness, and Presence, with Being. (To use the mind rather than having the mind use us.)

Then, last June I discovered Falun Dafa, a cultivation practice that Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Constitution Solution

Another reason to always listen to your mother
by Brian Wright

This one continues again from the previous two columns that resulted from general consternation over O-Slammer-Care… I mentioned to Mom that the Constitution is simple: no federal authority for health care. She said she agreed with me on this one. “It isn’t in there. Government officials should know and make available the Constitution to their constituents.”

And then the light bulb went off!
— bw Continue reading