Brian’s Column: The 2018 Grand Truth Convergence (GTC)

All fronts of truth, justice, and liberty to coalesce in one big lifting wave
By Brian R. Wright

Note: My original title for the column was Rockin’ New Year’s Prophecy 2018; I started it in a burst of energy on New Year’s Eve 2017. But didn’t finish so it lan-guished a day or two, but picks up with crucial insights toward the end. Please read thru, tanx. — bw

Unlike so many weekly columns, this one is springing from brow and heart as the legendary Ray Bradbury would write a short story. That is, as if all you have to do is turn on a spigot. Why? Because all the connections for the previous year have cascaded into this special day almost by revelation. I KNOW what the near-term future holds… give or take a nuclear war or false flag 9/12 by the elites. You bet I do. I wrote The Truman Prophecy after all, by channeling one Hiram T. Chance. That prophecy is coming for breakfast; it’s just that I was off a year or two. Plus I envisioned an incorrect causal mechanism.

Tsk tsk, details. The main ideas and resolutions will be forthcoming in spades. Let me also give voice here at the outset with a major shout out to my beleaguered allies in the truth and justice brigades. You know who you are—Michael, John, Kevin, Jack, Christopher, Richard, Mark, Rudy, Barbara, Pamela, Able, Jane, Susan, Robin, many more—not all on the front lines dishing out insights and changing minds toward Global Spring, perhaps, but of the fully informed ‘Independents Rising’ ‘tude, with eyes still gleaming. [Ex-CIA operative, Robert David Steele, sees an imminent, sweeping truther convergence following the obvious false-flag hybrid Las Vegas mass casualty event in this excellent analysis here.]

Kindle UP!

Note: while I’m at it right up front. I’ve provided all my books here at the $1-$2 Kindle price range, to make it a snap for anyone to thumb thru them on their Smartphone Kindle app. What I’m asking most of all for fence-sitters on my Truman Prophecy novel is to download it from Kindle for a dollar, read it, then post a 4- or 5-star review on its Amazon page. Also Tweet and Facebook. The fact is, the TP is more applicable than ever. It just needs a bit of recatalyzing.

Okay, here’s the lowdown

The reason I’ve started with the shout out to my fellow truthers is I know how it is and I feel your pain. Also, thereby, realizing the release we shall certainly all be feeling when we are no longer the disdained and scorned and ostracized.[1] In this very upcoming year, our ship will reach shore with abundant healing. All the negatives that have been accumulating bear the seeds of their own undoing. Let’s briefly chronicle 2017’s worst and dimmest. On second thought, let’s not, we all know the story and know where to find the details: It’s a boring lot: wars, threats of wars, secretly creating/funding/leading the terrorists we build into a threat, false-flags, environmental and biological assaults too awful to mention. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: One More Sweep to Fourteen

11: Straggler stories and funny background music of the early days
Brian R. Wright

[Link to Episode 10]

Note: These columns are a series I am making into a volume of my memoirs, working title: Volume 1 (of 3): Overland Park Ways. You may follow the links at top and bottom of page to go to preceding or succeeding episodes. The series starts here. {If the [Link to Episode <next>] at the  bottom of the column does not show an active hyperlink, then the <next> column has yet to be written.}

Okay, I’m going to trip up the readers with this starter photo. I’ll get to the next iteration of my ‘cute brother and me’ imagery shortly. But I wanted to lead with this lovely photograph of my aunt, Donna Jean Barlow, probably from the Greenville High School yearbook, senior year, which would have been ca. 1941, 42.

Why? Well, first of all it’s a stunning photo—look at that bodacious blond hair—and second, she was such an accomplished individual. Never married, but came close, as I understand the family folklore, being jilted at the altar, graduated University of Michigan Nursing School, served overseas in Army Care, then had a long distinguished career as a public health nurse. But also because I wanted to include her in the previous episode… as a single woman she tended to get left out of the family pictorials. Though she was always helping out her sisters with their broods, then her mother later in life and in the end times of grandma, who died from the polycystic kidney disease that runs through our DNA (and did my mother in, too).

[Donna survived my mom by a few months, as a resident of Northpointe Senior Care and then the memory unit there in Battle Creek, Michigan. She moved to Northpointe’s senior apartments when the oldest sister, my aunt June, died in December 2000. The travels and visits of all the three sisters in the 80s and the 90s, including several occasions where I’m along for the ride, are recounted in my biography of my mom: Mother’s Stone. I miss you deeply, too, dear aunt. Dear aunts. Dear Mama Bear.]

But the point of this chapter is to take another fast sweep of my young life, picking up a lot of key vignettes that flesh out the big picture, then coloring in some background commentary representing the goldfish bowl we WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) Americans tended to be swimming in—the good and the not so good aspects. Continue reading

Guest Column: Crony Capitalism Chem Cauldron (CCCC)

‘Poison Papers’ reveal chemical industry secrets
By Caroline Cornell [Full article here]

Tucked away in an Oregon barn for decades was a collection of internal documents, correspondence, and chemical safety studies detailing the lengths the chemical industry took to conceal the dangers of their products.

The documents in this collection—dubbed the “Poison Papers”—allege fraudulent chemical safety testing, corporate concealment of chemical dangers, and collusion between the industry and the regulators who were supposed to be protecting the public and environment. Commonly used herbicides like Roundup (glyphosate), dicamba, atrazine, and 2,4-D feature prominently among the papers, as do nearly every large chemical corporation.

Now, thanks to the combined efforts of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and the Bioscience Resource Project (BRP), this collection is available online for the first time.

We spoke with Lisa Graves, CMD’s executive director, about what the collection reveals and how we’re still feeling the effects from improper chemical approvals from decades past.

(This conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.) Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Falun Dafa

A cultivation practice that helps to bring positive life transformation
By Brian R. Wright

I have written this insert to accompany a DVD used to perform or learn the daily Falun Dafa exercises.

“Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced practice of Buddha-school self-cultivation, founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi. It is a discipline in which ‘assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)’—is the foundation of the practice. Practice is guided by these supreme qualities, and based on the very laws that underlie the development of the cosmos.’”

[For full description and also to find others in your location, go to]

My history with the movement is, first, hearing of it from a friend of mine in the Free State (New Hampshire) in roughly 2008. My friend thought FD was notable for standing up for victims of the Communist China regime.

That sounded good to me, fitting in with my cause-oriented nature. I found a group locally in Southeast Michigan whom I learned the basic moves with after meeting with them a couple of Sundays in the spring of that year.

Naturally, it’s difficult to start your day in the presence of a group of fellow practitioners, so on a tip from one of the members, I bought the Falun Dafa DVD on Amazon—where you may still find basically the same version today. I started to incorporate FD into my morning routine, using some of my own preferences. The five exercises are: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: My CtC ‘Frivolous’ Adventure Begins

Posted to aid the few other CtC educated filers inflicted by this rogue IRS scam
By Brian R. Wright

“Not to trust but to know.”
— Hank Rearden, Atlas Shrugged

In keeping with the theme of Ayn Rand’s magnum opus—and thanks to Mr. Peter Eric Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America, who has spent countless hours deploying his brilliant mind over volumes of twisted IRS code to come up with perhaps the greatest political-economic discovery of our age—we the (nonfederally paid) American people can now shrug off the former burden of the federal ‘income’ tax legally, prudently, and profitably. The sooner the better.

Like Rand’s Atlas who bore the world of humankind’s sins on his shoulders out of guilt and disinformation, we the people, now being apprised of the Hendrickson Discovery—that the income tax is and always has been an excise tax on the use of a federal privilege (federal government employment or payments)—can let go of the drain on our property and our country. BUT… first there are some mechanics to the process of liberation, fortunately documented well on the Website

Not everyone wants you to lay down your needless load

That’s the point of my column today. You can go to this page of the Lost Horizons site to scroll down and find my most recent filing, and a note. Also, here’s my column on the victory. And for the most part, 90+% of the time, CtC-educated victories are a simple process of rebutting incorrect W2 and 1099 information reports. Naturally, corrupt forces inside the agency do not want the income tax to be legally applied, hence the latest scam tactic is to pick a handful of educated filers and try to frighten them back into the fold of Ignorance Tax compliance… with threat of a Frivolous Return Penalty (FRP) of $5000. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: First Principles’ Initiative, Starter Kit

An outline of key processes and documents of the recently conceived project
By Brian R. Wright

‘Twas the day after Thanksgiving 2017, which I spent quietly in my condo contemplating family and future while writing Christmas cards and listening to holiday music. I awoke to a dream that went as follows:

“I’m a young civil engineer being courted by a respectable firm centered in Oklahoma which is a master of water drainage. In my dream, among a surround-ing group of my would-be coworkers, I hold forth for the First Principles’ Initiative (FPI) forcefully. I’m surrounded and I explain it to this monster-big-and-tall man with a beard, who seems to be at a loss. But many are convinced. I see a controlled demolition first hand and I’m maybe 50 yards away from it on the top floor of a parking garage. I’m learning, asking questions, at the same time taking charge. People are hungry for change and a vision, and I provide it to them.”

Later on the Friday, as I was penning out my well wishes and reports of my own plans on my Christmas cards, after the brief greeting I started to write rather dramatically. “I’m going to launch my First Principles’ Initiative in January.” It was only that morning that I had come up with the word ‘initiative’ to describe the project. Then I included along with my Christmas card a copy of my “Restoring America’s First Principles” brochure.

It dawned on me that I had just made a huge commitment to what my primary purpose is going to be, potentially, for the next several years. And I felt hugely invigorated—just as I had from my three dreams of the near past—now for having found what I’ll be imagining and creating 24/7/365 as the life form Brian R. Wright. Nothing can stop us now. Continue reading

Special Column: Whither Lady Liberty…

If thou knoweth or careth not, then the Tyranny Bell certainly tolleth for thee
By Brian R. Wright

Only today’s corrupted main media will make no sound of our modern liberty’s leading lady, Doreen Hendrickson’s forced whereabouts. [Image right from “Liberty Leading the People,” Eugene Delacroix, 1830.]

Yesterday was the celebration of Thanks-giving. Americans of all stripes and sizes sat before dinner tables enjoying family, and in front of televisions taking in untold ads for junk food and expensive toys, while rooting for the so-called home team. During the red-white-and-blue, 21-jet-salute half-time cere-monies, did you see a single candle held aloft for any of the millions of victims of the American criminal injustice system… much more a float memorializing that system’s all time most-cruel, most-unconstitutional, and most-heinous violations?

On Wednesday, November 29, 2017, barring a ‘reprieve from the governor’—that is, a successful motion to postpone her surrender until January 28, 2018 (in order for her to be present for a ruling on a pending motion to vacate the remaining sentence)—Mrs. Hendrickson will self-surrender at the Alderson, West Virginia, federal prison (for NOT lying) to spend the four final months of her 20-month sentence for criminal contempt of court. We must support our Lady Liberty, and the righteous cause she leads, now more than ever.

Good news! Motion to postpone surrender granted. She’s ‘free’ thru 1/28/18 at least.[1]

Still the remainder of this column applies…

You see, Doreen Hendrickson IS America’s Lady Liberty du jour. Not only did she refuse to take the back seat of a bus, she stood up to the Imperial Potentates who claimed to own her and the rest of us, and refused to officially lie to them that she is, indeed, their slave. Her quiet, noble act is the spark of the Second American R/Evolution. And the emperors being naked, there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop us. Continue reading