Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth EZ

Logical consequences of facts undisputed by both sides of the Official Story
By Brian R. Wright

On my recent high school reunion I was pleased to get reacquainted with a boyhood friend who is now a retired United Airlines pilot and all around good guy. In a post-reunion email I ventured to him a simple question prompted by a pilot-posted Webpage that argued the impossibility that any of the alleged 9/11 hijackers could even fly any of the Boeing aircraft simulators: “Warren, I’m also wondering how the reported sea level airspeeds could have exceeded their respective aircraft’s VMO (maximum operating velocity) by huge margins.” He didn’t reply to the VMO question, but wrote that he had read a detailed and excellent argument somewhere explaining how the alleged hijackers could have accomplished what appear to be unbelievable—to the general public as well as to more than a few pilots—piloting tasks.

EZ Truths #1: The official story is physically/logically impossible

Many of you know that I’ve written about the 9/11/2001 attacks since roughly 2005, when I began to question the Official Story (OS)… thanks to a videotape, of all things, entitled Where’s the Plane? I just did a cursory look of the search engines and Amazon, and it appears that that tape and subsequent DVD have been scrubbed by the OSIC (Official Story Industrial Complex). No matter, volumes of hard evidence have been produced by reputable scholarly and citizen researchers since the fateful day that scuttle the 9/11 OS for all but the most reasoning-incapable or evasion-determined. I pointed my friend to the Pilots for 9/11 Truth site… and—staying with the aircraft evidence—here’s a table I drew from the groundbreaking video The New Pearl Harbor, by Massimo Mazzucco:

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Brian’s Column: Three Dreams

Sharing three powerful dreams behind First Principles and Independent Being
By Brian R. Wright

My latest project(s) are the First Principles Foundation, First Principles’ grand juries, and the corresponding Independents’ Movement…. all of which ideas were hinted at in my 2016 novel, The Truman Prophecy. Immediately upon waking from each of the sleep sessions, I felt an incredible release of energy, as well. I have a ‘muse,’ Robingale, who lives in the Free State (NH). We chatted shortly after the third dream and she helped me to grasp much more fully what they all mean. I’ll provide a paragraph on that below.

Here’s the text of the dreams and thoughts directly induced and written down:

Dream #1: 9/17/17 ~0500-0600

Conference on 9/11 in a major hotel venue—may already be happening via C. [Cynthia] McKinney, et al—everything is professional, good security, all respectful, MUCH REAL TRUTH!

I have a booth on First Principles Grand Jury for Justice 9/11 and justice in general. [The rest of this is not the dream, rather thoughts immediately induced by the dream and written down.] Idea for a book… “…Shall Empanel…” and I need to get with Peter Konetchy to read sources, develop plan. Continue reading

Shawnee Mission, Hail to Thee

10: Visit to the ol’ hometown for my high school grad class 50-year reunion
By Brian R. Wright

[Link to Episode 9]

Note: These columns are a series I am making into a volume of my memoirs, working title: Volume 1: Overland Park Ways. You may follow the links at top and bottom of page to go to preceding or succeeding episodes. The series starts here. {If the [Link to Episode <next>] at the  bottom of the column does not show an active hyperlink, then the <next> column has yet to be written.}

Hometown: Overland Park, Kansas
High School: Shawnee Mission West… Vikings
Event: Cocktails w/serious hors d’oeuvres
Location: Mission Hills Country Club, Mission, KS
Date and Time: Friday, October 13, 2017, 5-9+

Followed by a Saturday the 14th tour of the school—Hi, Eric with the brass, um, horns!—, brunch at a nearby sports bistro (Maloney’s), and, for a handful of the historically motivated, a reunion coda at the Johnson County Historical Museum. So that about wraps it up. I decided that the 50th reunion weekend belongs in the memoirs as a flash forward, since so much of what transpired was of high reminiscence value. In the form of a travelog…

[It occurs to me herein I’m mixing past and present tenses indiscriminately. Sorry for that.]

Remote Contact

Throughout the summer I had thought, hey, this is a big year, my 50th anniversary of crossing that all-American threshold of receiving a high school diploma. I felt it would be nice to make the effort this time—perhaps the realistic last best chance to dip into the teenage nostalgia pool without being laughed at as a beyond-the-pale geezer. It was getting to be late July and I thought by this late date, any reunions would have surely been imminent or behind me.  Continue reading

Brian’s Column: First Principles and Independents’ Movements

A short summary of where I’m going at this point
By Brian R. Wright

Kind of high level for the time being, of interest solely to those working at ending the Men of the Power Sickness and their various Death Stars. But if you fall into that category, please read and send me any of your comments. I’m probably two months away from launch of the First Principles’ project, four months from definition and launch of the Independents’ Movement (IM). What follows is an advanced view, a sheet that I kicked off with Pete and Doreen Hendrickson yesterday (10/22/17).

by Brian R. Wright [posted w/links at]

These stem from thoughts I had in transit back and forth to my high school 50-year-graduation reunion in Overland Park, Kansas, October 11-16, 2017.

We the people are in a real bind now because of constant wealth extraction by the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPs) and general popular acceptance of these men’s agencies’ behavior, government statements, and media complicity. The general public now has submerged its consciousnesses in a programmed reality not unlike the Matrix [reference to the science fiction movie (1999)].

In my novel, The Truman Prophecy, I articulate a vision for ending the mind control, in effect creating a movement to free submerged consciousnesses (at least those not completely podified) and facilitate a Global-Spring of Independent consciousnesses. Most of the methods I envisioned there require too much time to meet the threat and effect real, positive change.

But some of the ideas in the TP, particularly First Principles and their corollary grand juries, have real, immediate potential, especially in line with immediate legal methods to go on the offensive on the multiple threats. The problem here is that logic and reason have become irrelevant and are suppressed, the MOPs have generated increasing amounts of Barrier Cloud, which impedes people from even being aware. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Las Vegas: Grand Juries to the Rescue

Prevent Las Vegas Type Mass Casualty Incidents by Indicting Public Officials
by Brian R. Wright

My sense is that it was a hybrid false flag with real victims and fake ones, as Robert David Steele suggests:

Steele hadn’t seen the blood photos initially, but after he did, he changed his mind about whether there were casualties. Many had real wounds, many dead bodies, not the responses of crisis actors. Very different reactions from say, Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook. More like Orlando—suspected by many serious analysts to be a hybrid incident—though Orlando seemed predominantly staged, where it appears Vegas was predominantly real. Though we really can’t say that with any confidence, because we just don’t know at this point… Vegas may very well have been predominantly faked.

He believes that a non-USG rogue actor, probably Israeli Mossad, hijacked a FEMA fake mass casualty incident and murdered and mangled many civilians. As an act of war against the US, also serving the global security state corporate interests a la Zionist monsters Chertoff and Adelson:

The exact point of hybrids is to have actual casualties and thus, as a trap, to make, by associating with the ‘zero-deaths’ claim, all those who question the official story into uncaring boobs (by associating them with zero-death claimants) who can be easily dismissed as CTs. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Global Spring Special Announcement

Grand Strategy: First Principles’ Foundation and First Principles’ Grand Juries
By Brian R. Wright

It is with a spirit of melancholy, yet resolve, that I formally announce the founding of the organization, the First Principles’ Foundation, whose aim will be to elucidate and promote American First Principles and their logical activist corollary: formation and spearheading of PRIME (people’s restored independent multilevel everywhere) grand juries as described in these two columns and a brochure:

The Foundation’s initial Web presence is soon to come, with my vision-quest site,, serving as its umbrella, also covering the moral philosophy I’ve created, called Trumanism, and launch of the Independents’ movement.

So why the melancholy? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: …Shall Convene…

American Restored First Principles’ Grand Juries
by Brian R. Wright

The content of this column between the ‘The Brochure’ stop and start headings is exactly that, an html summary of the online pdf brochure about my latest discovery qua argument re: grand juries at this address: Please read and give me feedback of your thoughts and feelings here—either via comments to this post or via email:—about the whole notion of American inherent, constitutional, ‘open source’ PRIME (people’s restored independent multilevel everywhere) grand juries. As herein described ⇒ and ⇓.

The name I have given to the recovered institution I’m proposing is America’s Restored First Principles’ grand juries or simply First Principles’ grand juries (1stP_GJs). The idea for such an easily individual-accessible shield and  sword against public official violations of The People’s natural individual rights, as stated in the “We hold these truths” paragraph of the Declaration of Independence came while I was writing my novel, The Truman Prophecy.

[What you see in this column and the brochure is definitely a first cut. Many issues remain to be worked out in application. See below the brochure section under ‘Implementation’.]

In my novel, I imagine a humane world of peace, freedom, and abundance, where the tens of thousands of corrupt, unjust, outrageous instances of gross public-official misconduct are immediately hard stopped and justly punished by ‘The People.’ This would occur as affected individuals routinely invoked a grand jury of their (nongovernment-employed)[1] peers to investigate and deliver indictments to their respective peer trial juries (1stP_TJs). Consider the yet fictional outcomes for rectifying several recent notable real government crimes against humanity: Continue reading