Brian’s Column: Leaving the Sandbox Ch. 5

Raising the Torch
New Picture (22)As Libertarians we stand for something. The organization becomes informed on all major issues of the day, testifies, resolves, and educates. We never shut up!

Back in the old days of the LP of Michigan, we may not have been successful in the general candidate-running business, but at our central committee meetings we always made a point of issuing a resolution about some public issue or affair and getting it to the media. Such as:

  • “We oppose the recent sales tax increase as a violation of fundamental property rights; taxation is theft, all government funding needs to be voluntary.”
  • “A draft registration system amounts to slavery of young men for the (often nefarious and covert) military purposes of the Leviathan State; end the recently imposed federal draft registration system now.”

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Doreen Hendrickson Goes to the Mat

One of Doreen Hendrickson's jurors did not give in to evil!… and Wins Round One

In yet another bizarre and outrageous assault on liberty and the law, Doreen Hendrickson, wife of noted educated-tax denizen, Pete Hendrickson, has been subjected to desperate attacks by the federal prosecutocracy for—get this—heresy. That is, she was charged by the US courts with contempt for refusing to sign a form stating she agreed with something that she did not in fact agree with. Folks, it don’t get more whacked out than this… Continue reading

Guest Column: The Hendrickson Icing

Timely Reminder of “Little Boy Truth” #7
by Pete Hendrickson

Pete HendricksonIcing as in ‘on the Cake’… of the (reasonably) obvious truth of things. As I point out in my book, The Truth Torpedo, Pete Hendrickson’s book Cracking the Code: The Truth about Taxation in America shows conclusively that—even if we have dozens of moral reasons to cease funding the federal government—the fact is most of us legally owe it nothing anyway. At least nothing via the so-called income tax. Each of us who practices the Hendrickson ‘system’ owes it to ourselves and our country and out progeny to spread the word… to the Alex Joneses, Mike Adamses, Paul Joseph Watsons, Jon Rappoports, and all the rest who stand at the pinnacle of the truth, liberty, and justice Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “Yikes! When did toothpaste get to five dollars a tube?!”

From the mundane to the sublime: an epiphany
Originally posted 9/7/2009

Busch's MarketSo here I am at Busch’s—a family independent grocery store that sprouted on the corner of Meadowbrook and 10 Mile Road in Novi, Michigan—used to be a Farmer Jack. Not having children, never much of a grocery shopper, my idea of going to stores for things, for nearly 40 years, has been, “That looks really good (or cool, or different); just throw it in the basket. $19.95 may be a little steep, but that’s why God invented MasterCard.”

And so it would go… for food, for clothes, for drinks, for car stuff, etc. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Standing up for the Law, Part 1

High Noon for Americans as Pete Hendrickson
is convicted for filing truthful federal tax returns

This is a column that appeared originally in the old format on November 01, 2009. I’m transferring this column to the new format because it’s important information about how the system reacted to Pete Hendrickson’s discoveries about the ‘income’ tax… by railroading him on false information asserted by a judge committing petite treason. For the latest on the progress of the educated tax movement please go to Pete’s site: Continue reading

Book Review: Cracking the Code

The fascinating truth about taxation in America
by Peter Hendrickson
Review by Brian Wright

Cracking the CodeThree things cannot be long hidden:
the sun, the moon, and the truth
— Buddha

For a book that rather prosaically walks the reader thru centuries of political principles, statutes, and regulatory code pertaining to the American federal “income” tax (FIT)[1], Cracking the Code (CtC) is exceptional in so many ways. I especially want to draw the connection between concrete tax resistance or defiance—or in the case of Pete’s book on the FIT, accurate tax definition—and the worldwide movement toward adoption of the simple nonaggression principle in civil societies. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Free Pete Hendrickson

Correct ‘corrections,’ send the innocent home[1]
by Brian Wright

Cracking the CodeAll right, so nobody’s organized a protest yet, at least to my knowledge. With respect to Pete and a vigorous federal-state jail-system release program, let me suggest something concrete
—no pun intended. First some background:

Pete Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America, having been convicted of obeying the law, has reported to Milan federal prison in Michigan, where he is to begin a 33-month stay. He was not allowed to remain free while on appeal, even though grounds for the appeal are a slam dunk on the level of human reason, decency, and justice: Continue reading