Brian’s Column: Independents’ Day Reflections

Adding my voice to the chorus of ‘2d Renaissance’ workers and aspirers


Image, visit Miles Mathis

It’s humbling yet ennobling, these days, to be among so many great and daring-to-be-great advocates of truth, justice, and liberty. I have written about rebirth and restoring the Republic, using other terms/phrases that lend themselves to the vision I’ve set forth in The Truman Prophecy for the New Paradigm. My so-called Billion+ Points of Light Society.

This column has a dual aim, proceeding from observations at the ramparts, so to speak: 1) to present what I’ve found to be the ‘Magic Move’ for acquiring basic independent understanding of our world and how to unravel the illusions/conditioning ‘we the people’ have had to deal with for decades, and 2) the immense liberating potential of understanding the legal meaning of key words.

The Four Horsemen of the Awakening… and Second Renaissance

The overriding fact is that what an individual believes or asserts depends on what he regards as valid sources of information. Most of my peers, including several to whom I’m very close, regard the mainstream media as THE source of their reality. They refuse to accept that this source is woefully corrupt and, in fact, a sophisticated mind-control technology run for decades by the Men of the Power Sickness.They refuse to accept that they have been lied to, that their perceptions and emotions have been engineered. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy, the Preview Pictures

Briefer subject-area-specific previews of my new novel now available here

From the book review (April 1, 2016):

Truman_Front_NewWith a mixture of pride and humility, I’m very happy to announce the completion of my novel, The Truman Prophecy, the initial full release effective the first day of spring 2016. Truman is a story about an envisioned, imminently successful struggle for truth, justice, and liberty… in roughly that order… in America and the world.

I’m hoping motivated readers will follow at least some of the story’s bread crumbs toward building a free worldwide society of Independent human beings. The book employs a simple ensemble-cast plot surrounded by metaphor and analogy to keep it grounded in people’s real lives… along with, I hope, some modest entertainment value.

The essence of The Truman Prophecy is the Little Boy in Hans Christian Andersen’s, The Emperor’s New Suit, simply declaring the obvious. Nothing special. To those who fear pulling back the curtain on Big Wizard and ruining their standing in the merry old Land of Oz, I’m sorry. We simply must dispel and discard the overwhelming illusions of the modern world for the healing to begin. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Micro Spiritual Magic Move

Godwithin9More recently, the author-Prophet found a briefer way to apply the ‘Move’ in the middle of an active day, a process that could be completed in about a minute and have the beneficial effect of quieting the mind, while bringing the practitioner to a fair degree of the joy, ease, and lightness available at source contact with the Deep Calm and Stillness. He calls it the Spiritual Micro Move, and it is described on this page.

The Micro Move

… basically incorporates the ‘you’ centering step into the initial breathing step and uses a minimal number of deep breaths, namely three per each step. [You can possibly gain some benefit from a single-breath step, but such a minimal time severely abridges any fluid transition from step to step.] Thus the three-breath micro is, IMHO, the practical lower limit for the following:

  1. Breathe-Center—deeply into your diaphragm, taking five-second inhales and exhales, three times. Feel each breath filling your center, and your center of awareness, your ‘you,’ shifting into your body’s center at the same time.
  2. Watch-Dispel—For the next three breaths, ‘let Mind go’ where it will in a rapid sequence of ‘thoughts,’ discharge its nervous energy. Unlike normal narrative, do not let Mind dwell on any thought more than an instant.
  3. Watch-Relax—Start from full-centered awareness of your head and direct it to completely relax (one breath), then relax your trunk and upper extremities (one breath), then relax your abdomen and lower extremities (one breath).
  4. Be (Still)—Now let your whole ‘you’-centered inner body simply ‘be,’ with each breath. Feel your complete stillness at the core of the universe—the Deep Quiet or Infinite Eternal—for three full breaths. Reside there until you have to go.

Continue reading

Guest Column: Who is Killing the Healers?

… and why? by Foster Gamble
What explains the recent rash of suspicious suicides, murders, and missing persons working in alternative medicine? [full FG column here]

BradstreetBy Foster Gamble

In June of 2015, a well-respected Florida health practitioner, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, went missing and was then discovered floating face down in a North Carolina river, a bullet hole in his chest. Foul play?

Why would anyone order a hit on a generous family man who was just trying to do good? The death is still shrouded in mystery. Authorities almost immediately ruled his death a suicide, but his family says otherwise. Who shoots themselves in the chest to commit suicide, while positioned in just such a way that they will fall into a river?

So let’s unpack the back story.

Dr. Bradstreet’s own son was brain damaged following an MMR vaccine at 12 months of age. The experience helped convince the doctor to look into a link between the vaccine and autism. He was working on two leading edge areas of medical inquiry. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #6

GMOFrom Toto: Curtain #4, Frankenfoods, Inc.

[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. — Aesop

_______________________________4Q 2015

Birmingham, Michigan. “My god, that was ‘one spicey meatless ball!’” exclaimed the famed ‘alternative foods’ cook, and activist-author, Rudy Zabala.

Diana, his wife and confidante/muse/helpmate thru his years of struggle laughed in agreement. [That was another reason they’d stayed together thru thick and thin: she continued to be amused at his child’s sense of humor.]

She asked, “Isn’t this pasta recipe from your most recent cookbook, Doing Well by Eating Good… and Vice-Versa?” Continue reading

Guest Column: Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Comments on the chemtrails and HAARP
By Foster Gamble (excerpt from this article)

ThriveGovernments and corporations are deliberately manipulating and altering Earth’s climate, endangering the lives of people all over the world. Two of the most extreme cases of geo-engineering are chemtrails – the release of toxic chemicals into the air that are poisoning people and the planet – and HAARP – an electromagnetic antenna array based in Alaska that can send radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas and manipulate weather patterns causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and more.  These projects represent some of the worst crimes in history, yet most people are unaware of them.

Over a hundred patents [1] have been granted to major corporations, including Monsanto, for aerial spraying of materials that can penetrate your lungs and blood, cause disease, disrupt your mental capacity, cause you to be sterile and even cause premature death. These materials are being sprayed all over our planet – and on you – right now, without your knowledge or consent. Continue reading

Guest Column: Vaccines: Who is Right, and Whose Right is it?

How can we make a responsible choice on such an important issue?
By Foster Gamble of Thrive

vaccineOP1Excerpted briefly from full column on Thrive site here.

Here on the front lines of the vaccine culture wars, not to mention the civil liberties wars, virtually nothing can make me more happy than to see that Thrive is finally weighing in on the important issue of vaccines… with all barrels a-blazin’. Mass deception and inertia seem to have held up the irresistible force of the truth for months now, just as the people in general have reached the threshold of awareness on the hard-to-believe machinations of the medical cartel, Big Pharma, and coercive government agencies. With Thrive on board and its 30+ million views (one million + per month) the alternative and Web media will turn toward reason, freedom, and science, decisively. A breakthru in mainstream is therefore imminent, too… which will powerfully thrust humankind toward the New Paradigm.

All double-fact-checked and science-based, per the Thrive Way. Here goes:

When it comes to vaccines, either you agree to have your child (and/or yourself) injected with some amount of microorganisms and additives, or you don’t. How can caring parents wade through the deluge of conflicting opinions and information surrounding the issue to make the most responsible choice? Continue reading