Brian’s Column: Twittering for the Cause-Oriented

Irony of a small-quick message vehicle delivering lifegiving deep-slow ‘messages’

Yes, at the common perceptual level, Twitter is a stimulus-response machine equipped for ‘he-said, she-said’ and Prominent-One notes to adoring faithful [for example, Justin Timberlake has more than 58 million followers… not that he shouldn’t] rather than promulgating salutary ideas that can move the species forward toward full independent consciousness in benevolent, voluntary community. By the way, for reference, here’s a screenprint of my own Twitter home page today, February 28, 2017:

Most of my readers are into causes, as am I. Especially grassroots causes that will distribute liberty and prosperity to real individual, peaceful human beings worldwide. But because of what call the Barrier Cloud, my cause-oriented fellows have been largely thwarted by the powers that be. By that I mean we normal, decent human beings around the world who have no interest whatsoever in harming one another—only in living in peace according to the nonaggression principle—have been systematically deceived and forced into wars and slavery by the Men of the Power Sickness. This condition is about to end.

Using Twitter to Break Through the Barrier Cloud

In this column I’m going to lay out the basics as I understand them, and simply amend my post as my understanding continues to improve. First, while Twitter is good for keeping in touch socially, it may prove IDEAL for promoting well thought-out, passionate, restorative causes. Here’s how: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Allah, Truth Meet ‘n’ Greet in Detroit

Yer intrepid reporter visits Nation of Islam, 9/11 Forum, Saviours’ Day 2017
By Brian R. Wright

As Rudy Dent, 9/11 truth-hero FDNY firefighter ⇒, who was present at the gathering, said to me, “This very well may be a pivotal point in world history.”  And yours truly, being the perennial optimist—despite being toppled more times than roly-poly toy—agreed. It makes me think of the proverb my dad would tirelessly cite:

One man with courage makes a majority.
— Charles Lindbergh

With another line I’m adding to befit the occasion:

Two men with courage mean imminent victory.  

Yes sir, I noticed the phenomenon first when taking political science classes at my alma mater, Wayne State University— just up the road a few miles from Cobo Center and Joe Louis Arena where I am this weekend. In those days at Wayne, forty years ago now, I had recently become familiar with the heroic individualist (and libertarian) works of Ayn Rand… et al. We were early adopters of man against the state collective. Consequently, vastly outnumbered in poli sci or any other liberal arts classroom.

I did the best I could, occasionally raising my hand to challenge the worst strains of socialism and communism. But it was hopeless; teacher would reply snidely and his classbots would hoot and holler me down en masse; the silent majority didn’t care. That is, until one day a Randian friend with a scholarly bent joined me in audit mode: A couple of well-placed inquiries had the instructor stammering and left his puppy dog cheerleaders with no bone to chew on. I’ll never forget the lesson. When you work as a team, even so small as a couple of persons, bullies run away from you like the plague.

This is a good message to receive from the new symbiotic relationship between Nation of Islam (Nation) and the 9/11 Truth movement. Apparently, Nation leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has long felt the federal government to be lying about who conceived, orchestrated, and executed the attacks of 9/11… which justified vilifying Muslims and invading Arab Muslim countries around the world. It was he who directed his event planners to invite the best of the best leaders in the 9/11 Truth movement to Detroit to speak, all expenses paid.

The perfect image for Nation and 9/11 Truth is the great prize fighter, Joe Louis, shown on the right. We are embattled, but as ‘Two Men’ with courage, victory is imminent. The (corrected, updated) video of the presentations, which went out livestream worldwide to millions, is located here. It was spectacular, undeniable, and, I suspect, the best overall argument for proceeding to 9/11 justice we shall ever see. Also click on The Joe figure; it will knock your socks off! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Time to Remove and Replace DJT…

… then all the rest committing crimes and precrimes against the Constitution

The time is now and the task is straightforward. We the people must take charge and rid ourselves of the current administration in its entirety—then set up a special independent people’s grand jury or people’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to indict and put away all federal officials who have violated their oaths of office thru treason to the Constitution and our First Principles, conveyed in the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The emblem on the right expresses the deep popular need for us to end the Imperial Death Star, today having the form of a Zionist-(faux)-Christian-totalitarian alliance—and seeking WWIII qua Armageddon that will usher in the Rapture and the ‘Golden Age’.

Note the twin cross, which hails from the disturbingly prophetic movie V for Vendetta. Then think of Adam Sutler, the self-appointed Chancellor in that story who postures as a moral ‘Faith’ leader… run by financial powers behind the throne who dominate thru mind control, false-flag terror, and a vicious secret police network.

The Donald, DJT (Dumbass Jackboot Turdblossom), is the quintessence of the Adam Sutlers (make that Idi Amins) of the world—a cunning whim-worship- ping narcissist ‘Mob Boss’ of astonishing vulgarity, misanthropy, and unfathomable ignorance. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Three 9/11 Truth Champions Will Speak in Detroit

Christopher Bollyn, Richard Gage, and Kevin Barrett to address historic gathering

Download the flyer here:

@ Nation of Islam Saviours’ Day Plenary Session, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan
10-12 a.m., Saturday, February 18, 2017, Admission is Free

“One in two Americans doubt and suspect a coverup in the US government’s
official conspiracy theory of the 9/11/2001 attacks.” — YouGov poll

Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist and the author of the Solving 9-11 set of books. He has a degree in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz with the focus on Israel and Palestine. He has written extensively about the Middle East, electronic vote fraud, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the history and geo-political background of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.  He has spoken at seminars about 9-11 in America and Europe and carried out several speaking tours across the United States.

Bollyn’s Presentation (Approx 30 minutes with Q&A)

Title:  The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the War on Terror

The War on Terror is a global fraud foisted on the world in the aftermath of 9-11. The terrorism of 9-11 was a false-flag operation meant to be blamed on Muslims in order to start the long-planned Zionist stratagem known as the Global War on Terror.  Started by President Bush in 2001, the fraudulent War on Terror is now in its 16th year.  The only way to liberate ourselves and our nations from this madness is to expose the true source of terrorism. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘the Noise,’ Part 2

Making the right choices regarding Humpty Dumpty and the king’s men and horses

From Part 1 of this column, I stated:

“I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.”

The Political Solutions

Then, I said I’d get back to the political solutions after discussing the only spiritual found- ation that renders these solutions possible, even straightforward. Once people discard the noise in their heads, they’ll know enough to eliminate the sources of this noise in the political environment: chiefly deception suborning aggression. By? Well, by our old friends the Men of the Power Sickness. The quick and easy way to eliminate the political noise sources is threefold (per the Trumanist Philosophy), using the following steps and metaphors:

  1. Wake: Expose official lies leading to  ‘high-crime’ assaults on the people
  2. Stand: Bring justice via people’s grand juries against such lie-crimes
  3. Walk: (Each) declare our Independent Being psychologically and politically

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘The Noise,’ Part 1

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” in a world often seeming Hellbound in a handbasket

Part 1 of 2

No, this isn’t a Norman Vincent Peale rave about the power of positive thinking… or extolling the so-called Secret where wishing makes it so (or at least much more likely). Rather an attempt at some constructive cognition on how we as psych-ologically independent individuals can put our minds to rest, and thereby, in the long run, bring a semblance of sanity to the social environment that has become so overwhelming.

I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.

I’ll get to the direct political cures in Part 2 of this post. They’re simple, yet require modest courage… on a wide scale. Many hands make light work. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truth Tsunami

After being bottled up like an angry volcano, is 2017 when the truth lets loose?

Yes, I think so. Very good odds, I’d say.

As many readers know, I’ve long been a general ‘truther,’ from 9/11 to ‘smart’ meters, from GMOs to toxic aerosol skies, from corporate-government factory schools to debilitating lies about the federal income tax. All these and more represent a series of deception-enabled high-crime assaults by the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS), which I show how to simply ‘undo’ in my recent novel, The Truman Prophecy, and its derivative spiritual-political philosophy of Trumanism.

Nevertheless the powers that be (PTB), the Imperial Wizards, have many tricks up their sleeves to thwart awareness of their plans, to keep people in the dark like mushrooms with automated, 24/7 systems for dumping TV perceptual-emotional BS fertilizer on them. Yet, with Englanders rejecting the European Union and Americans electing Donald Trump—not saying anything laudatory about the man (it looks like he’s going to turn into just another globalist-mob Swamp Creature), only his significance relative to people not blindly accepting the BS anymore—humanity is showing signs of awakening from decades of a New World Order-induced trance.

The lion’s share of the NWO mind control machinery is used to disguise high crimes of the most monstrous dimension and intent. I wrote a book, The Truth Torpedo, now a bit dated, but focused on several of these Threats. My own latest highest-priority Threats are identified in the Truman Prophecy and Philosophy, as follows: Continue reading