Brian’s Column: Media PC Machine Slimes Another Good Man

Ted Bishop of the Professional Golfers Assn. of America canned for misspeak…

1509136_449590868503251_861487614_aRecently, the (now former) president of the PGA, Mr. Ted Bishop, got caught up in an emotional and ill advised text message sequence to Mr. Ian Poulter, a member of the European and PGA tours. Bishop was viscerally objecting to comments Poulter had made in his book, No Limits, that were apparently derogatory to Hall of Fame golfer Nick Faldo. In his Twitter tweets—which go out for the world to see—Bishop likened Poulter’s negative statements about Faldo to being like what a little girl (“l’il girl”) would say. Whoops!

So basically Ted Bishop ‘stepped in it.’ To put it mildly. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Threat Matrix

… and the Good Neighbor Libertarian Sunshine Action Table

SunshineWhat I want to discuss today are two related concepts:

The Threat Matrix—A discovery I developed in my book Leaving the Sandbox pertaining to how the Global Junta is now pressing a full spectrum of assaults on humanity that can be categorized and prioritized for purposes of removal… and the corresponding…

… Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL) Sunshine Action Table—Conceived of as a multipronged ‘bucket brigade’ where ordinary citizens[1] and libertarian leaders cooperate to douse the flames (roll back the emergency threats)… each of us according to our own judgment of what most threatens us and our families. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After [Name the Deception] Truth

When the second ‘Little Boy’ exclaims the emperor wears no clothes…

GandhiDoing some general seminar training and learning lately in connection with my upcoming Good Neighbor Libertarian book and project. Yes, the event was sponsored by the eternally hopeful Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) and featured three speakers besides myself: Dan Johnson of People against the NDAA (Panda), Dave Dudenhofer of Michigan Campaign for Liberty, and a Mr. Jeff Phillips school board member from a district in the Michigan ‘Thumb’ area. My presentation was about the importance for libertarians to embrace the Gandhian Global Truth Force (Satyagraha) in our fight against all the deceptions and related assaults of the global government mafia.

I’ve long held that the dawning of 9/11 Truth—in the form of an overwhelming consensus that the US government (USG) and insiders were complicit and culpable in the attacks—would be the linchpin in bringing down the whole house of cards constructed by that mafia. Although a number of other deceptions showing the cancerous corruption of the Cartel-controlled USG and media are candidates to put a stake through the heart of the monster, I still believe that 9/11 is the One. Especially considering the fine work Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is doing. Like this digital billboard in Times Square. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Liberty or Death?

While working on my Good Neighbor Libertarian presentation …

Henry… for the Liberty in Action seminar put on by the Libertarian Party of Michigan this coming Saturday, I came upon the need for that key phrase at the end of Patrick Henry’s rousing speech on the floor of the Second Virginia Convention, in Richmond, Virginia, on a bright spring day on the eve of Revolution:

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

Is it? And I was thinking of it in connection with how many, if not most, Libertarians and citizens seem to entertain the comforting delusion that we haven’t crossed the line into full-spectrum federal tyranny (with state and local government abdication). Well, we have, and it’s a useful stirring of the blood to read Mr. Henry’s words—substituting ‘globalists’ or ‘US predatory government’ or ‘Pod Lizards’ for the ‘British imperial forces.’

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘Life and Times’ Prospecting

Some Thoughts and a Pitch from the Brave New World of People’s Publishing

PressSay what you will about the Amazon dynasty, its Createspace subsidiary has made possible an entire new set of careers for writers and editors qua publishers. What I mean by that is if you want to write a book and you know how to use a computer, you can put a real one up on the Web and available as printed material complete with ISBN and all the bells and whistles that make it available to all the libraries of the world. It’s like in the movie, The Jerk, when the Steve Martin character finally sees his name in the telephone directory! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Detroit Breakdown and New Pledge of Allegiance

Omen of the Times, Need to Rethink America, New Citizen’s Oath

ManMauledDetroitFrankly, I’m reluctant to lead with such a horrifying story that heralds the degeneration into Third World chaos in what was once a damned fine city… and believe it or not, still can be again. But we’re all going to have to face facts that affect the whole rest of Michigan, the country, and the world. [If you want to read the report on a man who was mauled to (probable) death, then click on the scanned column segment here on the right from Saturday’s (10/4/2014) Detroit Free Press.]

Savage behavior unleashed on unsuspecting persons is not confined to the Motor City or Rust Belt cities that have been destroyed by the ‘Podocracy'[1]—via runaway statism. And this incident in unfortunate Detroit should serve as a wake-up call across the world that Western civilization stands in dire peril of complete collapse… if enough of us who can still think for ourselves do not make a clear stand. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s) Published

Book to free Doreen Hendrickson and share the love of Cracking the Code

WitchcraftThe Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s) is a diary of the so-called trial of Doreen Hendrickson in federal court for criminal contempt for ‘refusing to obey a lawful order of a judge.’ [The judge commanded Doreen to perjure herself on a tax form by entering a specific value in a specific line of a specific government form… which, of course, Doreen, being an honest, brave woman, refused to do.]

Doreen is the wife of Peter Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code (CtC): The fascinating truth about taxation in America[1] (2003). This book has gained quite a following across the country for fluently yet painstakingly demonstrating that the federal so-called income tax, while constitutional, simply and solely applies to Americans whose earnings are due to exercise of federal privilege—via fed employment, officeholding, and the like. Continue reading