Brian’s Column: Leaving Fat City

Leaving Fat City
Maybe Oprah shows us the way out

This is an early column of mine (December 2006) that seems fitting to recycle at this time of year…

Everybody_ReadsIn some of my writings, and in my conversation, I’ve been insensitive and negative toward people who have a glaring weight problem.  Recently, when I came to realize one of my friends is truly suffering from the problem, I felt the need to make amends.

Jack (not his real name) has gotten noticeably larger, too.  He’s a great guy, and I care about him, about his health and longevity.  All he seems to get from his friends, including me, is laughter or offhand comments about fatsos.  My column today is partly an attempt to redeem myself. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Cryonics Movement

Robert EttingerA New Spirit of Preservation
Cryonics movement, alive and well,
shifts into second gear in Clinton Township, Michigan

This is an encore column of mine from 2007, at the time when I had just renewed my suspension agreement with the Cryonics Institute. Since that time, Mr. Ettinger has deanimated, and his body is now stored in a cocoon of liquid nitrogen—along with upwards of 100 clients—at the facility in Clinton Township. I turned 64 this year, losing my dear mother in February. Twenty or thirty years ago I viewed my agreement with the Cryonics Society as insurance I would never need [because someone would  have cured aging by now]. Today, after my experience with Mom, I tend to look at cryogenic interment as a matter of efficient disposition of my body, requiring the least hassle and even a faint glimmer of hope. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Of, By, and For…

NorthvillePart 1: To Serve and Protect… whom?

“When you have one another you don’t need government.” — Russell Means

In the early days of last summer, I’m driving along minding my own business in my 1997 Mercury Villager near a little town called Northville, Michigan (about 25 miles from downtown Detroit). I’ve just finished a lazy Sunday workout at Planet Fitness, feeling fine, when I see a police sedan come up behind me flashing the red lights. My immediate thoughts are, “Geez, I wonder if they saw me dialing for Thai takeout on my cell?” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Shakabuku Choo Choo

The Launch

GandhiYes, this is going to look a bit like last week’s column, Shakabuku 9-1-1. But I’ve done some more development and set up a formal launch site to move forward as a key salient of what Gandhi referred to as Satyagraha (universal truth force). You know what Satyagraha did… it sent the British Empire packing—at least in that former colonial corner of the globe. I have created a Website here for the Shakabuku ‘system,’ which I aim to be a simple grassroots exercise—mainly through personal email communication and iteration of the Shakabuku-Satyagraha message: “Be all you can be by breaking free from the Old Paradigm as individuals, en masse, to the New Paradigm of a Society without Coercion.”    Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Shakabuku 9-1-1

Shakabuku 9-1-1
A Truth Paradigm… “if you can keep it”
by Brian Wright

FlowThis is a complementary column to my piece roughly a month ago about how we can leverage the recent imminence of nuclear holocaust [following the White House proposed attack on Syria for—of all black kettle things—war crimes. :) ] That previous column was entitled, “New Paradigm Rising… over the 900# gorilla,” and it was a good one. Nineteen Likes grace its Facebook icon. But far too analytical and long for the average Internet user to take time for. Consequently, I decided to create a new form of column or article: I call it a syllograph. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Libertarian Macho Flash, The Next Generation

Angry ‘idealism’ can still ‘mess up a free lunch’
by Brian Wright

FlashYears ago, when I was young and invincible, also omniscient and omnipotent—and exceptionally good looking—I was so convinced of the ideas of liberty promulgated from leading lights—in the heroic individualist camp of Ayn Rand as well as the pudgy affable creative intellectual camp of Murray Rothbard—that my egoic mind seized on a number of their aphorisms as axioms that only morons and moral defectives could fail to understand. My attitude—often stoked by alcohol (for which I had an unusual tolerance and affinity)—was angry and self-righteous: if all these subhumans don’t get it, then f*** ’em. I’m busy and important; they don’t matter. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Paradigm Rising…

… as a Phoenix over the 900# gorilla
by Brian Wright

ChakraFrom Robingale Masters,
Intentional Journey:
Empowered Worldview:
I envision a newfound reality
based in love and abundance.
Over and over I see the wisdom
of a love-fueled New Paradigm
way of living and viewing the world.

… but first we have to solve some fundamental problems. 🙂 — ed. Continue reading