Guest Article: Ongoing Leftist Takeover Plans

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky [c/o Global Research]

Updated January 11, 2017

Since this article was published, the US media in liaison with US intelligence has launched another wave of smears directed against President elect Donald Trump.

The most recent propaganda ploy has gone into high gear. The objective is to destabilize the Trump presidency.

A  fake “Intelligence Dossier” portrays Trump as an instrument of Moscow, “cultivating and supporting him for at least five years”. The dossier intimates that Russian intelligence has compromised Trump to the extent that he can be “blackmailed” on account of his “sexually perverted acts”.

This mysterious intelligence dossier released by Buzzfeed has gone viral. While the document is acknowledged as being fake, the media (CNN in particular) is now intimating that not only is Trump involved in an act of treason (by calling for the normalization of  Washington’s relations with Moscow), he is also controlled by the Kremlin, which is blackmailing him into submission.

This pseudo Intelligence Dossier surfaced in the days following the Director of National Intelligence announcement James Clapper that Russia’s alleged hacking constitutes an “Existential Threat” against America. Continue reading

Guest Column: When Fear Comes

Timely observations on the end of freedom
By Chris Hedges [Excerpt: Read full column in here.]

“Right totalitarianism, left totalitarianism, any way you look at it you lose.” — Editor… from a really good song by Simon and Garfunkel


Alexander Solzhenitsyn in “The Gulag Archipelago,” his profound meditation on the nature of oppression and resistance in the Soviet gulags, tells the story of a man who was among prisoners being moved in the spring of 1947. The former front-line soldier, whose name is lost to history, suddenly disarmed and killed the two guards. He announced to his fellow prisoners that they were free.

“But the prisoners were overwhelmed with horror; no one followed his lead, and they all sat down right there and waited for a new convoy,” Solzhenitsyn writes. The prisoner attempted in vain to shame them. “And then he took up the rifles (thirty-two cartridges, ‘thirty one for them!’) and left alone. He killed and wounded several pursuers and with his thirty-second cartridge he shot himself. The entire Archipelago might well have collapsed if all the former front-liners had behaved as he did.”

The more despotic a regime becomes, the more it creates a climate of fear that transforms into terror. At the same time, it invests tremendous energy and resources in censorship and propaganda to maintain the fiction of the just and free state.

Poor people of color know intimately how these twin mechanisms of fear and false hope function as effective forms of social control in the internal colonies of the United States. They have also grasped, as the rest of us soon will, the fiction of American democracy. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Beginning

Letter launch of Trumanism and invitation to Global Spring

What follows is a template of a hard copy letter with enclosure of my three-fold Trumanism brochure. It’s a letter with my audience—consisting of individuals to whom I’ve sent my book, The Truman Prophecy—broken into four categories:

  • They’ve read it but not yet posted comments (4-or-5-star review requested) to the Amazon page.
  • They’ve probably not yet read it but I would like them to and then post favorable comments.
  • They’ve read it and posted their favorable comments to the Amazon page.
  • Eventually, I’ll develop a letter template for general promotion, i.e. to those who are reasonable prospects for Independents Rising => Global Spring.

To each of these individuals I solicit spreading the good news and encouraging ‘signing up’ on my Independents Rising site, [Signing up entails expressing support in entering name and contact info and/or indicating level of interest: more info, want to help, have read the personal Declaration of Independents (PDI), have signed and notarized the PDI… and/or will take part in additional work efforts in the Trumanist-Independents’ activity matrix.] In other words, building cadre. Continue reading

Book Review: Building a Bridge to the 18th Century (1999)

How the past can improve our future
by Neil Postman
1999, First Vintage Books, 193 pages

Building_a_BridgeNeil Postman, longtime professor and eventual chair of the department of culture and communication at New York University, sadly died in 2003 at the age of 72.  Bridge is his final book, and it deals with the same universal themes found in his earlier 20-odd works: language, reason, education, childhood, and the idea of progress. [I also want to state that this book, as so many others, I decided to read and review thanks to reference from my dear mother, who was always in her own orbit politically and managed, eventually, with works such as these, to liberate my literal cause-orientation from its familiar strait jackets.]

Despairing over post-modernists who claim words don’t stand for anything real, he makes a case for reading and writing. Indeed, he feels if we don’t come up with a meaningful narrative for our world, we’re toast.

It is no accident, Postman is a huge fan of the two Thomases: Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, particularly Paine.

Note: Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense and The CrisisCommon Sense sold as many as 600,000 copies, which would be equivalent to a run of 60 million copies in the United States today. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Da Vinci Code (2006)

Good ideas that read better than they film

This isn’t to put down the fine cast and expression of sublime ideas that cause everyone to catch their breath the first time they hear them. It’s just the nature of the ideas.

For those of you who were not swept up in The Da Vinci Code book, it was quite the page turner:  An author and scholar specializing in cultural symbols, Dr. Langdon, visits Paris, France, to deliver a series of lectures.  As he is finishing one of them, a police inspector (Fache) approaches him and insists Langdon accompany him to the Louvre.

There the curator (Saunière) has seemingly been killed or committed suicide in a bizarre fashion, leaving clues in his blood stains and body position specifically for Dr. Langdon to decipher.  This seems evidence to Fache that Langdon has something to do with the curator’s death, enough to charge and imprison Langdon.  Yet Sophie Neveu, a policewoman, intervenes and secrets Langdon away.

The chase is on. Continue reading

Guest Column: Whose Mind is it, Anyway?

How we become slaves of the system
by Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty [full original column here]

Almost everything you think and do is against your best interest and you don’t even realize it. It’s planned that way.

The state seeks absolute control of your mind, body and spirit. Can the state succeed? It has, but only a precious few ever know.

Your mind and your thoughts are not your own. Almost every thought you have channels you toward the state.

By the time a child grows up and goes through the public (non)education system, he or she has no thoughts of his or her own. By the time that person is finished with college, the system has sealed his or her thought processes so that nothing is questioned. The imperative to inquire beyond what comes from the propaganda media and our leaders is gone.

Our minds are so smug in darkness and organized confusion that we are complete automatons. Our ego, our individuality, is completely excised and we are completely transferred into the state organism and group thought. Any deviation from the system by anyone is met with hostility by friends and neighbors.

By this we become locked into a system based only on conventional wisdom.  Conventional wisdom is what everybody knows. It is the court history (faux history) we receive in school and through the controlled media, repeated ad nauseum. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘Trump’s Team,’ Ghosts of Christmas Past

Yet if liberty people step up, there’s light at the end of the tunnel

Strength thru Unity
Unity thru Faith

Just in case anyone is misinterpreting my assessment of what we are in store for with the Donald, here’s an interchange I produced in econversation with some Michigan liberty Republicans regarding the latest cabinet and advisor prospects

It appears to me that the Trump gang is going to be carrying the water for the Israel Lobby just as much as Hillary would have, with the possible exception of not upending Syria for a while. His statements and staff selections indicate he’s on board with the Greater Israel Project, especially in terms of invading and/or attacking Iran.[1]

He also appears to have fanatical belief in the Ziocon[2]-contrived War on Terror and its associated Constitutional infringements—not to mention the continuing unbroken string of false-flag attacks of global state terror—, such as stop and frisk [not even Hillary was for stop and frisk, at least not publicly]; he’s antitruth on several fronts (pals with many of the legitimate suspects of the 9/11 attacks, such as Larry Silverstein and other major Ziocons), is a sadistic Medievalist when it comes to drug freedom and women’s choice, is okay with poisoning the environment (and us) with GMOs, glyphosates—anything the Monsanto/Big Agra cartel wants to throw our way, including slow death by geoengineering and weather warfare.

He likes torture, mass incarceration, rendition, full-spectrum illegal surveillance, all the baubles and trinkets of the US-Israeli imperial juggernaut running amok. In short, where Hillary represents the totalitarian left, Trump represents the totalitarian right… and when you get right down to it, the individual of liberty in either regime is dead meat. Continue reading