Article: Open Letter to Governor Don Siegelman (#24775-001)

Sharing a special relationship that I hope to continue when he’s out
by Brian R. Wright

Note: Democratic Governor (1998-2002) of the State of Alabama was selectively, maliciously, and (demonstrably) criminally prosecuted by the federal judiciary for an appointment of a major campaign contributor to a nonpaying position on a state board—no funds went to the governor personally. [If every political figure were prosecuted for a quid pro quo response to a campaign contribution, there would be no political figures. The miscarriage of justice occurred under auspices of Karl Rove and the US Justice Department running amok with spite of the widely popular Siegelman for impeding the Republican gang’s power plans for Sweet Home Alabama.]

Further, Siegelman received an outrageously harsh sentence of seven years in the Oakville, Louisiana, federal facility. He’s due out in February; supporters are asking Obama to issue the governor a full pardon; Siegelman’s ordeal has received mainstream media attention over the years, including coverage by 60 Minutes. A documentary movie is near to being funded as we speak, entitled Atticus and the Architect, that promises to be a bombshell. It may actually result in the prosecution and conviciton—for criminal conspiracy to deprive liberty—of the notorious Bush operative and dirty tricks sadist, Karl Rove… aka “The Architect.”

Please help with the final days of fundraising to produce this extraordinary film!

My own awareness of Governor Siegelman’s case emerged a few years ago, and my support of him stems from consideration of the fact that we are all in this corrupt system together and if such blatant injustices and high-level corruption can happen to a former governor they can sure happen (and do happen) to you and me. Plus, I am just drawn to stand up for a good man of such notoriety for humanitarian reasons. The toll on him and on his wonderful family is simply staggering. I have sent him notes where he has been caged, and I sent him a Christmas card. I have also donated small amounts on numerous occasions to his cause. Continue reading

Article: Time to Redouble our Efforts

Donald Trump will need major help to see the light of liberty
Ron Paul, Campaign for Liberty

“So what does Donald Trump’s election as President mean?”

When a close friend of mine asked me that question shortly after the results poured in on election night, I tried to be as fair and objective as I could.

It means the American people are angry. With the rejection of Hillary Clinton, it means the American people are telling Washington, D.C. and its apologists in the press exactly where they can shove the status quo.

It means you and I are facing some real opportunities — and some very real dangers.

The American people have spoken, and they are fed up with business as usual.

But now the question becomes — will Washington listen? Continue reading

Guest Column: Electoral College Makes it Official

 Donald Trump Officially Becomes 45th US President-Elect
by Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers [original column here]

December 19, 2016. Final count:

  • 304 Trump
  • 228 Clinton
  • 3 Powell
  • 1 Kasich/ Paul

Congratulations to the GOP Electors who “stuck to their guns” despite death threats and intimidation by tantrum-throwing leftists who inundated the Electors with calls, emails, and even in-person “visits” to their homes. As far as we can tell, this is the first time in American history that Electors actually received multiple death threats by political zealots attempting to terrorize them into changing their votes. Just imagine what Obama, Clinton, and the mainstream press would be saying if the situation was reversed, and Trump supporters had threatened to kill Democratic electors in an attempt to force them to change their votes. The Trump supporters issuing such threats would be have been condemned as terrorists, anti-democratic extremists, and traitors, and there would have been widespread demands for their arrests.

But when Democratic supporters threatened to kill electors, along with calling for the assassination of Trump and the raping and killing of his family members, the Obama Admin, Hillary Clinton, and Democratic Party leaders were entirely silent, and likewise for their fellow-traveler comrades in the media. We heard crickets. By their silence they signaled their approval of this terrorist campaign of intimidation of electors. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” Gate

Wouldn’t be the first time…

… that the mainstream media [what I’m taking to calling, as a whole, the GPN (Government Propaganda Network)], working with and for the CIA, simply concocts a convenient Big Lie—“Despite all appearances, people, your all-majestic emperor is NOT naked.”—and spoon feeds it to a just-tell-me-what-to-think-and-do public.

Personally, this notion that the Russians are behind Hillary’s defeat [and the destruction of everything that makes America a bright, shining Candyland] reminds me of the scene in Mel Brooks’ 1987 movie, Spaceballs, where Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) dangerously orders his ship, Spaceball One, to go to LUDICROUS SPEED!

From this corner it appears the GPN and its backers are spinning childish lunatic fantasies, as a last gasp-cum-death throe. Tomorrow, the meeting of the presidential electors, will provide a significant data point as to whether America has sufficient humanity remaining to brush off these dying, demented space-lizards and move on. Paul Craig Roberts presents some scary, yet reasonable, speculation on who’s behind the curtain pulling the levers, and what may happen if Toto and Dorothy do not reveal, then call out the Wiz. Personally, I think the people will call this CIA-GPN Big Lie Bluff… and drive a stake thru the heart of the mainstream media… finito!

Munchkins of the world, unite! Continue reading

Book Review: Incident at Sakhalin (1995)

The true mission of KAL Flight 007
by Michel Brun
Reviewed by Brian R. Wright

The KAL 007 tragedy, September 1, 1983, was one of the most dramatic and dangerous episodes toward the end of the Cold War. Despite two official investigations, myriad television reports, newspaper and magazine articles, and books, the startling truth of the incident—in which 269 civilian passengers and crew lost their lives, and the world came closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis—has been covered up by the American state-security apparatus… in cooperation with USSR, Russian, Japanese, and dozens of other governments.

Michel Brun’s, Incident at Sakhalin, is a masterpiece of discovery and persistence in the face of official discouragement. He proves to rational certainty that the Korean Airlines Boeing 747 was destroyed not at Sakhalin by Soviet military fighters, rather it was destroyed an hour later and 400 miles farther south, off Honshu, the main Japanese island, by means still not established. Despite Brun’s clear and convincing evidence, found in this book, and years of presentation in various forums—private and government—the official series of lies—single-intrusion, single-shootdown near Sakhalin Island—has never been abandoned by the US government. As reflected here in the Wikipedia entry (Wikipedia is a notorious suckass for any official story—government or corporate): Continue reading

Movie Review: Love Actually (2003)

Ultimate post-911 feel-good holiday movie (9/10)

All you need is love. — The Beatles

You look at the IMDb entry for Love Actually and you think they must have spent a year assembling so large a cast of quite competent working actors from stage and screen—I swear there are 100+ names on the list—not to mention acquiring the services of all the stars.  Anyway, regardless of how one feels about the acting profession, one has to hand it to all the beautiful people in this film for doing a first rate job in conveying a dozen separate love stories… not to mention kudos to the director for weaving them together so seamlessly.

Thus credit goes primarily to the director/writer, Richard Curtis, who has written such fine English fare as Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, and Bridget Jones’s Diary.  On this occasion he also directs, and from the DVD extras we learn he was highly motivated to counter the negative energy from the 911 attacks —negative whether one believes the official conspiracy theory of 911 or the evidential alternative conspiracy theory(s) of 911.  And Curtis sought to do so explicitly through the healing energies of love and music in the lives of real people.  The soundtrack itself brings your spirit to a special place.

The movie begins with actual video footage taken at the Heathrow Airport arrival gates of people of all shapes, colors, and sizes embracing one another.  The caring yet confident voice of Hugh Grant, playing the newly elected prime minister of England, fades in with words that prove to be the movie’s overarching theme: Continue reading

Guest Column: Libertarians and The Alt-Right…

… brothers in arms toward leftist destruction
by Shane Trejo [go to source original column here]

Lately, there has been a great deal of petty bickering going on between libertarians and members of the alt-right. This turf war is being waged primarily through social media, and much of the time, it is centered around disputes on contentious issues such as multiculturalism and open borders. Instead of arguing about the specifics of these nuanced issues and further dividing the two factions, libertarians and members of the alt-right should find common cause against on their extremely dangerous, increasingly deranged, and virulently statist enemies of the political left.

The Impact of the Alt-Right

At the current moment, the alt-right is emboldened by their perceived success. Whether true or not, they have given themselves credit for memeing Donald Trump into the White House. Based on the media coverage of their exploits, it is hard to disagree with this assessment. Hillary Clinton read Alex Jones’ conspiracy theories and ridiculous headlines penned by Milo Yiannopoulos at live events during the height of campaign season. Her campaign actually released an online resource depicting Pepe the Frog as a white supremacist threat. The alt-right is the left’s preferred boogeyman of the moment, a distinction that libertarians enjoyed at the height of the tea party era.

Sadly, many libertarians have reacted to the alt-right with much of the same admonition as the left. They have repeated talking points straight out of CNN, led by the once relevant Jack Hunter and other creatures of Washington D.C. swamp. These hacks are only concerned about protecting their bread and butter and refuse to see the bigger picture. At the very least, libertarians should be cackling feverishly at the Idiocracy-meets-the-Twilight-Zone new political normal that has resulted due to Trumpmania. Libertarians should appreciate the bizarre and ruinous impact that the alt-right is having on the body politic at large. Continue reading