Brian’s Column: Resolving Oregon Confrontation Peacefully

Proposed jury solution to occupation of Malheur facility works for all disputes

HammondWhat happened, based on intersection of mainstream and alternative sources:

On Saturday, January 2, 2016, a ‘militia’ of several dozen men, some from outside the area, took control of the facilities of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (run by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) of the Department of the Interior)—in large (10,000+ sq. miles), sparsely populated (7,422) Harney County, 30 miles SE of Burns, Oregon. The federal property was closed and unstaffed for the holiday weekend.

The occupation came shortly after an estimated 300 marchers—militia and local citizens both—paraded through Burns to protest the prosecution of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond, Jr. and Steven Hammond, who are to report to prison on Monday. Among the occupiers is Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and two of his brothers. The group demands that the Hammonds be released and the federal government relinquish control of the Malheur National Forest and observe Constitutionally protected rights for states, counties and individuals to manage local lands. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Time for the 9/11 Justice Movement

And by that I mean independent, fully empowered grand juries…

HIdden… and of course, fully informed petit juries who exercise their authority over judges and prosecutors. So it’s been a long haul and a slosh thru the muck in the various truth movements, especially the premier one: 9/11 Truth. What, it will be 15 years this coming September, and so far no legitimate suspects have even faced indictment! No fully empowered, independent grand juries have been empaneled at either the federal or state levels. As a consequence, the 9/11 Truth movement shows signs of internal strife and nobody appears to be moving forward with focus to apprehend and prosecute the criminals who did the deed.

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedWhat follows is a Facebook post reply I made on a thread in the I am the Face of Truth Group deftly run by Claudio Marty et al. It concerns the general issue of ‘Judy Wood,’ whose proponents tend to take an adversarial tack to the standard Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911T) more ‘official story’ inside the 9/11 truth movement. I’m personally relatively new to hearing the Judy Wood theory(s)… but it’s been my general impression that partisans of Wood are dismissive of the body of work that has been produced by AE911T and other allied researchers. Here is my post today: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Foreword and Acknowledgments

Notes on the title, key metaphors, plot, structure, and characters

Truman_Front_2_for_ColumnRight away, many will ask what’s with the title, The Truman Prophecy? Okay, what happened is one night, shortly after I’d decided to write this—my ‘liberation’ (and first) novel—I refresher-watched the movie, The Truman Show (1998).

It depicts the life of a young man, Truman Burbank, (Jim Carrey) who has been raised since birth as the unknowing star of a television show—with actors, crew, sets, ubiquitous miniature recording equipment, on a domed stage visible in deep space—broadcasting 24/7 to billions of admirers worldwide.

!!Movie Spoiler!!
To make a long story short, Truman figures out what’s going on. In the climactic scene, fan-deified director Christof (Ed Harris), who adores his creation, implores Truman to stay on the show (enjoying a comfortable life in an idyllic community). [Though things have changed, haven’t they? Now that Truman knows.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy, Excerpt #13

From Part I: Dorothy Scarecrow: Fed Grand Jury on Geongineering

Truman_Front[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, due for publication 12/25/15.]

Federal Grand Jury on Geoengineering, Sacramento, California. Clarkson Hodges after a key conference call with Chance and Brother Al in late March of this year, contacted his local Californian, Dane Wigington, prolific leader of [Or perhaps Dane—after reading the Prophecy—initiated the contact to Clarkson via Chance/BroAl.]

In any case, they arranged to meet, early April, in a restaurant in Redding, Northern California. They were to discuss submittal of a petition to the most proximate sitting, actual federal grand jury (in Eureka, CA)—also believed by Hodges to be overseen by the most uncorrupted and Constitutionally knowledgeable district court judge—to investigate and indict federal and state government officials, as well as corporate and labor accomplices, for attempted manslaughter of Northern California residents, specifically, and Californians in general.

“Nice to meet you, Clarkson,” said Dane Continue reading

Brian’s Column: A New Strategy for Libertarians?

The first Michigan Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) convention

RLC_MICommerce Township, December 5, 2015. Roughly 50 members of the recently rejuvenated Michigan RLC met at its first convention today to elect a board of pro liberty directors and pass key resolutions. The stated mission of the organization: “to further the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and free markets within the Republican Party and throughout America.”

The following two resolutions also passed unanimously:

Resolution: Defending the 4th Amendment and Privacy Rights

Whereas: Our privacy rights should never under any circumstances be violated by the NSA or any other rogue spying agency operating lawlessly in Washington D.C., and it is unacceptable that Big Brother Republicans are shamefully complicit with these violations of our freedom.

Whereas: The state of Michigan must disavow any partnership or association with the NSA or any other federal agency working to facilitate the destruction of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution and the development of Big Brother and the national police state. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy Preview

A preview of the novel by Brian Wright, The Truman Prophecy
Still looking good for publication by 12/15/15

Carrey2PDF version of preview here:

I’ve been publishing excerpts of key sections on my Coffee Coaster site ( leading up to actual publication. Keep in mind these are drafts without final polish and edit. Here are the links in approximate sequence as they will appear in the book. — bw

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Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #10

From Part 1: Dorothy. Weaverville, Northern California, Segment

Justice[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, due for publication 12/25/15.]

The Trinity River was running higher than normal for the season, making it doubly difficult to locate smaller runoffs that might be productive… not to mention for setting up his equipment.

Clarkson Hodges, civil engineer, author of The Hidden 4th Branch (about the natural grand jury and its proposed American recovery)—and as a way to help make ends meet and occupy time he couldn’t be spending with his son (thanks to a less-than-pleasant-or-even-halfway-fair divorce deal)— had developed a gold extraction system that was beginning to pan out. 🙂  At least with sales of the extraction machinery itself.

Here he was on the cusp of a personal gold tremor, if not rush. Meaning he can now pay the cable bill and even make a dent on the back rent. Half of what he made from the county surveying job went straight to ‘her.’

Why all this hardscrabble in his life?

Frugal, not saintly, Kelly (40-something) enjoyed an occasional stop at the brew pub, dated irregularly, was known to play a pony or two, but kept to a budget—that included regular donation to his community church. Continue reading