Brian’s Column: The Death of Death Star Politics

Home of Postmaster 1, Sterling Heights, Michigan.

Walking_off_Stage_2[Editor’s note: This column is an excerpt from the Tin Man’s Heart chapter of my novel in  progress, The Truman Prophecy. The corresponding location in the book will likely see several changes before publication.]

Patrecia Bartlett turned off her TV in disgust. Mid-October 2015, the 2016 presidential candidates snorted and pawed in the early public forums leading into Primary Season. What earned her revulsion was the latest ‘debate’ among the Republican lot.

She seldom watched mainstream TV anymore, but succumbed today in a moment of weakness. Maybe this one time—with alleged libertarians Rand Paul and Ben Carson or apparent anti-MSM, Jack-in-the-Box billionaire Donald in the mix—a genuine ray of hope-laden light would slip out between the gears of the fog machine. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Boyhood Visits to the Farm in Iowa

Reminiscences in response to Cousin Jim for his journey thru Kansas


Bro Forrest (R) and Me (L) with Tuton (Twoton)

[In the 1950s and 1960s my brother Forrest and I would go with Mom and Dad to my grandmother’s farm in Iowa. Cousin Jim and his wife are on a cross-country roadtrip heading ultimately down to New Orleans to visit his daughter. He has been trying to locate Gram’s step children, and now seems to have located them in Western Kansas. So he asks for memories and photos of the time, which I feel sans any real identifications, are appropriate for me to share out as a broader good will gesture to the rest of the human family.]


Those were golden years in my childhood… except for the time that you and Forrest ganged up on me, when Aunt Donna slapped me for being sassy, and feeling totally out of it when the men would retire to the parlor after the big meal and talk in ‘man code.’ [It sounded like they were discussing very important matters, especially Grandpa Al. He seemed to lead the discussion, and had a way of sounding authoritative, though I’d have no idea what he was talking about. I expect my dad and Uncle Ted and the other younger men didn’t know what he was talking about either, but respectfully kept their end of it up.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Notes to the 2d Edition of After 9/11 Truth

Accommodating Toto Worldwide and The Truman Prophecy

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedThe best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry… as the poet Robert Burns (1785) put it. So, too, the summary book I wrote on the 9/11 attacks and my concept of what actions best to take to achieve ‘truth’ most efficiently. Well, not awry exactly, but in need of UPDATE based on subsequent discoveries and actions. A significant part of those discoveries have been ‘of self,’ namely that yours truly, being a writer and affected by a modest engineering habit of mind, tends to look at the world a certain way. That is with a naive remote impartiality that says, “after solid study and effort, I see or have derived the following grand process that, if followed, will produce the desired result.”

The desired result, of course, in the case of 9/11, yielding general truth and freedom.

And if you read the Amazon review comments to After 9/11 Truth—excerpts of many of them are included as testimonials with this imminent second edition—those readers of my liberty and reason milieu do completely get the message. The problem is I want and need to cultivate a larger audience, which is what I thought my ‘engineering plan’ of the second half of the 1st edition would accomplish. Alas, people—readers and doers—are not items in an equation, however elegant or ironclad the solution appears. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Reality?

Power of NowOne of life’s many mysteries
is why libertarians who say
don’t trust the government on anything,
from jobs to school performance to how to pay for roads,
believe any government official story
when it comes to military or foreign policy,
from WMDs in Iraq to ISIS rebels’ funding
to nuke threat of Iran… to the attacks of 9/11.
Also, anyone who actually tries
to watch modern mainstream network news
takes part in the same mystery
of why to believe what’s induced via that deep trance. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Of Fantasy Football and Donald Trump

Comments on how my friends (and I, occasionally) ignore the 900# Gorilla

Ol’ Tom said it most eloquently:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Ignore_2In other words, life goes on. Most people, like my fantasy football league guys and nearly everyone else I’ve ever worked or played golf with, have ‘taken the Blue Pill’ so long ago in their lives—preferring normal lives with children, jobs and careers as best they can, going to church, fitting in with the way things are done without asking any questions—that they literally have no idea what I’m talking about when I suggest the system is lying to them. That, in fact, the system is dangerous to life and limb and needs to change… and that they should ask questions and act to save themselves and all those they love. [They have to recognize, first, what Toto tells them, and then they must DOROTHY UP!]

Now with advent of ‘The Tube‘ it may be too late:[1] as Morpheus notes to Neo in The Matrix, “You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” Say it isn’t so, Morpheus! These are great guys… productive, bright, generous, funny, a joy to be around…  you mean they’ll never lift a finger to stop wars of aggression, end torture and gross injustice, expose all the Big Lies of the Borg State?! Sadly, I’m afraid that’s just the way things are. For plenty of reasons. Unless… Continue reading

Brian’s Column: American Freedom is Ours NOW!

All we have to do en masse is NOT do something unpleasant we were doing…
an urgent message for all would-be bona fide libertarian ‘opinion leaders’

HeadupassAnd by libertarian opinion leader, I mean every American writer or celebrity with some following who has ever had the adjective libertarian applied to his name—from John Stossel and Ron Paul to Alex Jones and Matt Drudge to Gary Johnson and Mary Ruwart and Jesse Ventura to Libertarian Party members, officials, candidates and anyone engaged in the political process in any manner to effect a world of liberty. And let’s not forget all the truthers and their leading icons — regarding 911, chemtrails, GMOs, spy-and-fry utility meters, forced medicine, etc. — those concerned with the high-crime assaults enabled by the veil of universal deception. I have in mind literally several hundred notable or activist individuals. And what do I have them in mind FOR?!

For the fact that virtually none of this vast quantity of ostensibly ‘wants-us-to-be-free’ leader-persons—as articulate and popular a commentator as he or she may have become—has cared so much as to acknowledge what I’m calling the Hendrickson Discovery and that tens of thousands of American individuals have kept all the fruits of their labor out of the hands of the federal Leviathan. Now. Today. Legally and prudentially. The amount of wealth these real Americans have retained/reclaimed is approaching $3 billion. [The amount of improperly extracted (via gross popular ignorance) federal income tax revenue is approximately a thousand times more than that, annually.

Think about those numbers for a minute: The government can commit a lot of heinous crimes with $3 trillion per year. Or put another way: The government can commit virtually no heinous crimes without these $trillions it deceives Americans into forking over.]

Then here’s my message to all my esteemed and august libertarian opinion leaders: PLEASE IMMEDIATELY RETRACT YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR NETHER REGIONS! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy Context

Identifying the Gordian Knot and focusing on its undoing…

StructurePlease forgive me for airing out my thinking before actually cutting significant chips. Two reasons for this: 1) I find I think better toward solving problems when posting via writing as an open letter, and 2) I want to assure those who helped me to crowdfund After 9/11 Truth that I haven’t forgotten them—that I still plan to honor my revenue sharing scheme as sales become substantial. Indeed, part of the reason for launching the Truman novel is to stimulate sales of my Truth book, then naturally lead into activism in the Toto Worldwide Foundation I’ve envisioned.

  1. You may read a teaser draft short of the penultimate chapter, “Declaration Eve,” of the book here.
  2. Then a couple of weeks ago I assembled a kind of analysis of social context that gives a reality to the fictional activity… here.

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