Donut Wholes: Brian Wright Campaign for State Rep, 2018


This column is my campaign brochure, and the three-panel brochure is located here:

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts… Can’t Lose!

Some will recognize this Dillon Panthers’ team cheer from the NBC series, Friday Night Lights. These fighting words express why I’m running… to help us to:

  • SEE thru the ‘Barrier Cloud
  • IGNITE our independent spirits
  • WIN by discarding our self-chains

“We have met the enemy and he is us.” Political problems start and end with the individual. If YOU choose to think for yourself, WE win… no matter who takes office.

High Level: Independents Rising

In 2016, I wrote a novel, The Truman Prophecy, which foresees a benevolent, abundant future for human beings of independent consciousness—Independents. We achieve this “Billion + Points  of Light” society per The Wizard of Oz (1939) analogy:

  1. Toto retracting the Wizard’s curtain,
  2. Dorothy chastising the Wizard,

  … and The Truman Show (1998) analogy:

  1. Truman realizing and rejecting being a ’Collared’ slave living for others.

So 1) Truth, 2) Justice, 3) Liberty. You can’t have one without the others. The key is easy, and we can all do it: lose the inner chains, the self-removing mind-control collars that clamped on our necks in kindergarten… and “Indie up.”

As described in the positions section,  Michigan’s success lies in “People Taking Charge” of their government via First Principles’ grand juries.

Diane McGilvery, former two-term mayor of Whitehouse, Ohio, has written the core book on American First Principles, What is the Foundation?, and my companion piece is  The Accountability Project, for practical rollout of people’s grand juries in Michigan. Continue reading

Donut Whole: Simple Grand Jury Template for Michigan, Etc.

Simple, Practical Grand Juries
By Brian R. Wright

Note: This column is the standin for my book until it’s done: The Accountability Project, which addresses the the problem of political corruption in Michigan with a simple, practical rollout of people’s First Principles’ independent grand juries. Most of the key ideas for implementation are included here, but not the heartwrenching personal stories of a mere handful of the thousands of living, loving, peaceful human beings crushed by public officials running amok on their abuse of power and unspeakable crimes of corruption.

When the book is complete, the above paragraph will include the hyperlink to it.
[From ‘notes on a napkin,’ 03/18/18. The idea is to proceed from our country’s First Principles and have the states, then the federal government, enable, facilitate, and obey (not own, control, and dictate) the people’s institution of grand juries. Note: This grand jury template and federal derivatives will be featured in my upcoming advocacy book,
The Accountability Project. — bw]

First Principles’ Grand Juries
Phase 1 Implementation–State-County Level Jurisdictions
To be written in form of a bill for the Michigan legislature to pass:

[Name: The Accountability Act… additional verbiage]
[Purpose: Uphold the people’s First Principles against corrupt government]

It is anticipated and hereby accepted by the legislature that:

  1. Each of the 83 counties of Michigan shall accommodate a continuously sitting people’s independent grand jury (SIGJ) for exercising the people’s authority to directly monitor, investigate, and indict gross misconduct in office, violation of oaths, and abrogation of American First Principles (“We hold these truths…”) by public officials.
  2. Each sitting independent grand jury shall be composed, voluntarily, of 25 good and lawful persons who are not government employees or solely beneficiaries of state largesse, and who are Constitution-knowledge-and-fealty tested, randomly selected by lottery, acting with supreme authority over all state justice officials in the jurisdiction.
  3. The SIGJ grand jurors shall be compensated from the state treasury at 80% of the governor’s prorated salary for each session, and shall select a foreman, who shall select an independent counsel (IC) and private investigators (PIs) as needed; foreman and ICs/PIs shall be compensated at 100% of governor’s prorated salary.
  4. Session length, hours, working conditions, workflow, security and meeting requirements, empaneling of additional special grand juries, interface protocols to state and county officials, and so on shall be the prerogative of the SIGJ and developing common IGJ practice, except that as a general requirement it is anticipated grand juror identity will not be publicly known and full cost to the state treasury for all SIGJ and subjury sessions shall not exceed <$2 million> per year [January 2018 USD].
  5. The SIGJ of each county, as its primary mission, shall hear and rule on consideration of all reasonable complaints of corruption or criminal behavior of public officials and accomplices; it is the civic duty of all adult residents to report violations of oath of office and gross misconduct in office to the SIGJ.
  6. The SIGJ of each county, as its secondary mission, shall hear and rule on consideration of all reasonable filings by state justice officials alleging a crime by one individual(s) against another individual(s); the SIGJ for such person-to-person cases may either decide to itself investigate and send indictments back to the justice officials or set up a special SIGJ composed in the same manner as the primary SIGJ.
  7. State/county justice officials–judges, prosecutors, police, executives, etc.–work at behest of the SIGJ; when ordered or requested by SIGJ foreman and ICs/PIs to assist in investigating a case they do so as top priority; these officials, as a top priority, also promptly effect any public official indictments by bringing such individuals before a suitably composed and informed petit jury.
  8. The SIGJ retains full authority over the formation and function of the petit jury(s), assuring that all individuals–public or private–are accorded a fair trial, also by their peers, which shall have the same composition requirements as people’s grand juries, i.e. “not government employees or primarily beneficiaries of state largesse, and who are Constitution-knowledge-and-fealty tested, randomly selected by lottery…”
  9. Petit juries, like grand juries, do not belong to the state justice system, they belong to the people themselves, independently; judges, prosecutors, cops, etc., and defense attorneys are subservient to the petit jury via the foreman, who shall have the benefit of selecting independent counsel for aid and assist in assuring state officials conform to First Principles’ protocol and practice. Petit juries render verdicts based on conscience; they may judge law and fact, and nullify a prosecution at will.
  10. Any county SIGJ or SIGJ-designated special grand jury shall have authority to investigate and indict state public officials for malfeasance applying within their counties. However, the Accountability Act anticipates formation of a sitting state-level grand jury by the same means and adhering to the same founding principles as the county SIGJ. It is anticipated the State SIGJ will also serve as referee for conflicts among county SIGJs or cross-county acts of public official corruption.[1]

Continue reading

Donut Dough: We Were What We Eat

Speed bump on the road to freedom from food addiction
By Brian R. Wright

Lo and behold, out in my part-time job as a medtech/driver, after, count ’em, SIX full days of abiding by the one meal per day (OMAD) prescription by a guy named WIL (What I’ve Learned):

But I made the mistake of buying a large—standard size today is 22 oz, remember how soft drinks all used to be 12 oz?—Pepsi vanilla-cherry carb-onated, caffeinated cola to pick me up for the leg home. Which must have helped to launch a sudden craving-based notion that I would stop and buy a Hot ‘n’ Ready pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars, some potato chips, then go home and eat until stuffage.

Binge junk food supper.

Actually, this is the first time I’ve stopped for a ready made pizza, and I was only expecting to get maybe three pieces for like $6. So I was kind of astonished that for only $5 they give me a grownup-sized eight pieces, shown above right with accouterments. Think about that for a minute: A six-inch turkey sub from Subway, which costs about the same, has roughly the same number of calories as a single piece of the Hot ‘n’ Ready above (~300). So in  calories per dollar, the majorly junk option is 800% more economical for the average consumer. Continue reading

Donut Whole: Oh Say Can’t You See…

My take on NFL and other pro sports’ players kneeling for the national anthem
by Brian R. Wright

Here are two articles by journalists/columnists I respect and they pretty much nail the issue, at least on the Independent-Individualist surface from which yours truly views the world:

Brandon Smith: “NFL Players Have a First Amendment Right to Act Like Little Bitches

“If NFL players refused to stand for the national anthem because they believed in the ideals it represents but felt that our government no longer represented those ideals, then I would be in full support of their motives. Obviously, this is not why they are protesting. If their motivation was about speaking against corrupt government, then they would have refused to stand for the anthem back when Barack Obama, a Constitution-wrecking cabana boy for the elites, was in office.”

Jon Rappoport: “An Open Letter to NFL Players: You’re Being Used

“In other articles, I’ve written about solutions to some of these problems. Here, I’ll simply say that if you NFL protestors want to make a difference, you need to stand up and do something harder than you’re doing now. Right now, you’re unwitting agents of NO CHANGE and racial divide-and-conquer.

“YOU’RE FOCUSING ON POLICE BRUTALITY, AS IF THAT’S THE DEEPEST PROBLEM IN BLACK INNER CITIES. It isn’t. So you’re leading people away from recognizing and admitting what the real problems are.

“What you’re doing now, men, isn’t going to work. You’re only going to sow more conflict.”

Plus for a good laugh/cry, visit the first followup by Mr. Rappoport here:
Trump/NFL Political Theater: Who’s winning?Continue reading

Donut Whole: Sauce for the Gander

Proposed language for bill that goes the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S.720) one better:
The Anti Israel-Zionist Boycott Act
Satire by Brian R. Wright

A lot of talk in the media and on Capitol Hill these days in support of the so-called “Don’t Mess with Israel” bill, which would abrogate the United States Constitution in no uncertain terms and apply draconian penalties for standing on one’s First Principle rights when it comes to disrespecting our ally-supremo, the model-benevolent state of Israel. To my way of thinking, this Senate bill S.720, formally ‘Israel Anti-Boycott Act,’ doesn’t go far enough. In fact, using the same template as S.720, l have formulated a more thorough gutting of the Bill of Rights via an S.720 countermeasure, and suggested it to my august federal legislators…

The modifiable Libre Office document lies here. And below lies the html version for your consideration and, I hope, wide circulation:

The Anti Israel Zionism Boycott Act

[Congressional Bills <TBD> Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[<#TBD_Anti_Israel-Zionist_Boycott_Act> Introduced in either house]


To prohibit any support or expression of support for the state of Israel or the political philosophy/movement of Zionism by any individual or group within the United States and by any public official of the United States. Continue reading

Donut Whole: Hell is Coming for Breakfast

Are You Ready to Die?
By Paul Craig Roberts [Full original column posted here]

This column by PCR will perhaps go down in history as specifying the most crucial choice any of us faces regarding survival of the human species, as well as our ourselves. He is absolutely right that lunatics running the deep state of the United States have chosen a literally Satan-worshiping path that leads to imminent preemptive nuclear attack by the US against Russia and China or vice versa. PCR also notes that NO MAINSTREAM MEDIA OUT- LET HAS COVERED A SINGLE STORY showing that nuclear war is very likely months if not weeks away—NOT A SINGLE STORY! [Excuse me, one outlet, the Times Gazette of Ashland, Ohio, covered the statement by the Russian armed forces directorate official below that Russia has concluded that the United States intends a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.]

Further—and this is my own observation—the minor premise of the syllogism[1] leads to the irrefutable conclusion that the Mainstream ‘Noise’ is of no value to humankind, and, in fact, is working to be instrumental in its annihilation. Ergo, everyone interested in human survival, and the truth about ANYTHING ELSE, needs to completely sever all Mainstream ‘Noise’ connections, ASAP! — Editor, brw


“Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight is inevitable, you must strike first.”  — Vladimir Putin

In George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian novel, 1984, information that no longer is consistent with Big Brother’s explanations is chucked down the Memory Hole. In the real American dystopia in which we currently live, the information is never reported at all. Continue reading

Donut Whole: Asset Preservation, Just in Case We Avoid WW3

My earlier Bitcoin hunch looking more rewarding than ever
by Brian R. Wright

First, we are by no means out of the woods with the New World Order-Slash-Luciferian lunatics running around building cadre for World War Three. My recent column on the subject suggests we now have basically two alternatives to preserve humankind in some semblance of a livable planet: 1) someone high on the inside simply refuses to go along with initiating the brandishment or launch of nuclear weapons and/or 2) benevolent OIBs (other intelligent beings) are in place to prevent nuclear exchange, as they have done on numerous occasions since advent of the Bomb for over 70 years… though on a smaller, individualized scale.

So let’s toss in all the Pollyannish galactic forces we need to see these major whack jobs of history—the Donald having been flipped via blackmail and his own moral flaws—stymied in their plans to destroy Planet Earth tomorrow if not sooner. IOW, cross your fingers and invoke the Great Pumpkin… in this short-term situation there’s not much that we can do, unless we have one of the insiders on speed dial and he is susceptible to your reasoning or perhaps blackmail to expose, say, his man-love for ESPN’s Chris Berman. But whatever you can do, as the Storm Clouds Gathering part of my column insists, now is definitely the time.

Then when a semblance of normalcy returns to society, we can proceed to make honest livings and secure our earnings with a less manipulable currency than the US dollar. That is the message I sent regarding Bitcoin to my entire email list and social networks, roughly a month and a half ago. And I reprint with current comments as follows: Continue reading