Guest Column: Big Kahuna Tax Service

Just in time for tax season… the ‘convenient truth’ of Cracking the Code

Cracking the Code, CtCEditor’s note: It’s been my honor to know Pete Hendrickson for several years as a friend and a fellow warrior for liberty. As many of you know, the liberating (what I’ve taken to calling) ‘Hendrickson Discovery'[1] is one of those once-in-several-lifetimes findings (available for a mere pittance) that raises all boats and puts the wind at everyone’s back… that is, everyone not working for or receiving payments from the government. 

Pete made his discovery in 2003, and his book has seen multiple editions since then. Enabling tens of thousands of Americans to recover several billion dollars incorrectly paid to the federal state… and to any of several state states who assess a tax based on a resident’s ‘income.’ YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT.  The upside potential is that if everyone were to not pay what they do not owe, we the people would recover or retain roughly $3 trillion in wealth, to spend it wisely on our own lives—rather than enable the Washington Leviathan to commit atrocities on roughly a dozen major fronts.
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Brian’s Column: ‘Aggregate’ Doreen Hendrickson

A simple plan to get the word out about …
the story in World Net Daily re: Doreen Hendrickson’s historic free speech case

WND_ArticleNo, by aggregate I’m not suggesting we inflict some new form of collective belonging on our poor heroine. 🙂 Rather, let’s each of us pick one or three of the top ten political news aggregators—like the Drudge Report, who operate as search engines of top news stories worldwide according to a user’s preferences (that’s what an ‘aggregator’ does)—to pick up the historic Doreen story by courageous reporter Alex Newman of World Net Daily (WND). We the people MUST take charage in getting out the word. Because quite obviously, the mainstream media are in the business of systematically blockading any story promising any semblance of truth, justice, and liberty to the human race.

The Aggregation Procedure—Please, Everyone at least Submit to Drudge

This is a simple procedure that will work. Pete Hendrickson, Shane Trejo, and a few others have come up with this plan. So let’s all just submit the Doreen story, as a minimum, to the Drudge Report, which is one of the more liberty-oriented of the giant aggregators.

  1. Go to the Drudge Report lead page here, then scroll to the lower right hand side, where you see a ‘Send News Tips to Drudge’ box.
  2. In that box, enter a variation of the following message: “Federal judge-prosecution team suborns perjury of Michigan woman, Doreen Hendrickson, in historic First Amendment case that can bring down the IRS:
  3. Press the Submit button.

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Guest Column: Doreen’s Case Publicized in WND

Woman jailed for refusing federal order to commit perjury
Case erupts over speech rights, due process and signature on tax forms
By Alex Newman, World Net Daily [Full original article here]

WND_ArticleWhen a federal court and the federal government ordered Doreen Hendrickson to sign a form under penalty of perjury that she believed to be inaccurate, the mother of two initially refused to comply.

Eventually, she obeyed but noted that the sworn statement was being made under duress.

Now, because of that decision, she is sitting behind bars for “contempt of court.”

A federal appeal is being considered in what sources called an “unprecedented” case, with arguments from both sides presented last month.

The case has broad implications for free speech and due process.

Hendrickson’s saga officially began in 2006, when the Internal Revenue Service claimed that refunds it had issued to her years earlier were mistakes, according to the family and official documents reviewed by WND. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Grave Injustice to Doreen Hendrickson

Drawn from the Prophet’s comments in the The Truman Prophecy

WitchcraftInterlode: The Motor City Witchcraft Trial

Notes on trial to a World Net Daily reporter, by Hiram Chance.

The great libertarian scholar, Albert Jay Nock, wrote, “Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.” And that statement wholly represents my impression of the proceedings against Doreen… not to mention previous outrages of justice committed on her husband, Pete.

I knew from day 1—from the blatant, self-righteous hostility of the judge, from instructions to the jury, from the open collaboration of the judge with the prosecution, and, later, from obvious judicial tampering with the jury—that the fix was in. This was not a court of law, but a tribunal of Soviet-style justice: guilty regardless of anything. Continue reading

Guest Column: Soviet-Style Justice

Whistleblower experiences ‘Nightmare’ in federal prison
by Shane Trejo, excerpted from column in Bold Future

Doreen“There is an expression in the English language called Kafka-esque,” an exasperated Pete Hendrickson said about his wife’s treatment by the American ‘Justice’ System. “It refers to being enmeshed in an institutional insanity and an institutional impropriety.”

In his first public interview since his wife was kidnapped and thrown behind bars for a crime she didn’t commit, Pete Hendrickson describes the tragic circumstances surrounding his wife’s condition behind bars. Taped back in October, Hendrickson, the author of Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America gives a somber account of the legal nightmare that has torn apart his family. Doreen Hendrickson has now been imprisoned for close to seven months for speaking the truth: Continue reading

Let Doreen Know She’s in Our Thoughts

As Christmas approaches, Doreen Hendrickson needs to hear from us
Courtesy David Lonier,
PDF mailer and flier posted here

Doreen_Chrismas‘Tis the season to let Doreen know she’s in our thoughts.

Here’s the link to Doreen’s page:

Pontiac_Tribune_DoreenNote: The Pontiac Tribune recently published another powerful article by Shane Trejo calling for justice and shaming the corporate media for its complete blackout of this travesty of justice that destroys the freedom of all Americans.

Spread the word!

Doreen’s Address:
Doreen Hendrickson, 48564-039
FPC Alderson A-4, P.O. Box A
Alderson, WV 24910

She would love to hear your encouragement, uplift, appreciation and solidarity, and she can even be sent paperback books, as long as the envelope in which they are packaged has clearly written at the top: Paperback Book Enclosed. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy Preview

A preview of the novel by Brian Wright, The Truman Prophecy
Still looking good for publication by 12/15/15

Carrey2PDF version of preview here:

I’ve been publishing excerpts of key sections on my Coffee Coaster site ( leading up to actual publication. Keep in mind these are drafts without final polish and edit. Here are the links in approximate sequence as they will appear in the book. — bw

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