Brian’s Column: After 911 Truth, Chapter 7

The Share it Forward System

“The proper definition of a man is an animal that writes letters.”
― Lewis Carroll

What follows—thru chapter 11—is my description and advocacy of a unique letter-writing program, that I have referred to mainly as my 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure campaign (911TLC). Where a ‘letter’ may be either written correspondence using paper and envelopes (or cards) via the US mail or, really, anything else that resembles such: email, chat message, forum post.

The diagram below is the context diagram for 911TLC.


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Brian’s Column: The Threat Matrix

Specific high-crimes and assaults on humanity by the pathocracy

Real_Political_SystemDuring the writing of my book on Libertarian Party/movement grand strategy, Leaving the Sandbox, I stumbled on a central idea not unlike being hit over the head by it with a two-by-four. Duh! As I wrote in that book, “The Great Barnacle standing in the way of human fulfillment has morphed from an easily identified and demonized Tyrant to a global matrix of mental domination and brute aggression masqueraded—via decades of the most sophisticated and insidious audiovisual mind control—as somehow intellectually respectable and GOOD FOR US!”

Thus our greatest challenge as freedom fighters is to convince the people that those people who say they’re from the government “ARE NOT here to help you.” What this means is today the fight for TRUTH and JUSTICE are indispensable prerequisites to our battle for freedom. They are the soil and water of the Liberty Tree. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure Campaign, Part 3 of 3

Final Process and Project Notes and the First-Cut Letter Template

Breaking_Free_w_911Continued from Part 2.

Before I get to the actual 9/11 truth letter template I’m going to propose as the central format for the entire project across the Truth Community, let me say a few more words about the preparation and process. This letter template is just that, a template, actually a suggestion to facilitate—by not requiring a lot of heavy lifting as a writer—individual action. Each individual should feel free to deviate from the template based on his own preferences or personal style. The important thing is to get cracking without too much prep time.

Process/Project High-Level

My vision for the project is that each activist/letter (email) writer begins and completes his or her own outreach in the span of two to four weeks. This period includes:

  1. learning about and buying into the project thru the “After 9/11 Truth” columns or my book of the same name.[1]
  2. making groupings or distribution lists of your contacts.
  3. sending the letters (typically emails).
  4. gathering data from the responses to feed the campaign.

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Brian’s Column: Good Neighbor Libertarian Quickstart Guide

Intended to orient and get affiliates and individuals going quickly


sunshine manThis column is based on a two-sided, one-sheet description of the same name, which I’ve uploaded to a pdf file here. The idea behind it is to provide advance information on the Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL,  pronounced genial) political activation system I’m writing a book about. This GNL system is essentially a methodology for generating rapid growth in effective libertarian solutions to the main categories of the massive central corporate-state assault upon real human individuals in the incipient American police state. I also expect to dramatically raise ‘body count’ of caring, effective people monitoring public-official councils and holding them accountable for securing liberty. Continue reading

Movie Review (II): Anatomy of a Great Deception—The Happening

Launch Party premier of extraordinary film by David Hooper
Event commentary and movie review by Brian Wright

Marqiuee_DaylightThis column is as much a ‘Happening’ review as a movie review. The Happening is the actual debut of the film, in Detroit, Michigan, at the Fillmore entertainment center (for most of its life, the State Theatre). Mr. David Hooper, producer and writer/director of the film, is on hand, as are the many people on the production and promotion team. In addition, Mr. Richard Gage, founder and director of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, comes into town to introduce Dave on stage and generally contribute to the success of the launch. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ch 3: The Good Neighbor Libertarian

The essence of Leaving the Sandbox (LTS) strategy; everyone who can becomes a friendly leader in the community, creates the empowered, nonaggression way.

sunshine manRecall the phrase I’ve coined for the new Libertarian Party strategy: (Citizen) Empowerment and (Government) Accountability. The Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL (‘Genial’)) is my idealization of a person who helps crystallize the former. Rummaging around for clip art, I’m afraid I couldn’t find anything that fits my image of the GNL person (whom I conceive of as a man),[1] so I settled on Mr. Sunshine for this edition. Whether male or female, our GNL is the kind of person who opens doors to a bright new day. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Foreword to Leaving the Sandbox

New Strategy for the Libertarian Party

Cover_Leaving_Sandbox_FrontThe following is the foreword from my imminent book, Leaving the Sandbox, to be published on a subject that should be of great concern for all lower-case, generic libertarians: How do we Libertarian Party supporters integrate our efforts with the rest of the freedom movement (especially those parts showing success) to cast off the Old Paradigm of war and tyranny in service to ‘hive’ and move adroitly to the New Paradigm of a free society of individuals standing proudly at the altar of the ‘authentic swing?’ One thing is certain: doing the same old thing is a prescription for insanity… nor is there much time remaining for that. Continue reading