Brian’s Column: Coming to Jesus on Vaccines

Deactivating ‘compulsive mind’ on such important issues

jesus_180First, I want to apologize to those I’ve already contacted with a flurry of posts and bcc emails reacting to events of early last week (~9 February 2015) when commentators and Big Pharma pushers called for harsh measures to punish those who resist forced vaccination. [The recent hysteria calling for forced vax stems from a presumably contrived outbreak of measles at Disneyland.] I myself went straight into reactive mode at the horrifying vision of medical fascism coming full bore to the streets, homes, and schools of America.

The problem is that this mental ‘reactive’ or compulsive-mind approach merely spins the wheels of conflict, and fails to break the cycle of medical aggression or to disrupt the reactive/compulsive mind-rack of many otherwise intelligent and decent people who support such vax aggression. Instead what we need to do, particularly with the latter, is adopt what I’ve come to call a ‘Jesus Mode’ consciousness. As someone who fully understands that 99% of the human population is victimized by compulsive mind, Jesus puts himself in a position to break thru that compulsion by parables and simple logic. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 911 Truth, Chapter 2

Refresher 9/11 Truth Course: Bundle with a Bow

911_Knockout“The false narrative of what happened on 9/11 can no longer be supported or sustained by any reasonable person.”
— Christopher Bollyn, open letter to Pope Francis, March 25, 2014

This chapter is from my column on boldly entitled, “After 9/11 Truth.” I had been thinking that in terms of the logic and argument and sheer magnitude of evidence, it’s all over but the shouting. So why not seal the deal and do what Frances Kendall and Leon Louw did to South African Apartheid in 1987,[1] write a book assuming its inevitable demise?

Make 9/11 Truth a self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 911 Truth, Chapter 7

The Share it Forward System

“The proper definition of a man is an animal that writes letters.”
― Lewis Carroll

What follows—thru chapter 11—is my description and advocacy of a unique letter-writing program, that I have referred to mainly as my 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure campaign (911TLC). Where a ‘letter’ may be either written correspondence using paper and envelopes (or cards) via the US mail or, really, anything else that resembles such: email, chat message, forum post.

The diagram below is the context diagram for 911TLC.


Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 9/11 Truth, Chapter 4

Stepping up to Satyagraha

“To confront Evil of this MAGNITUDE, facts alone are not enough.
The 9/11 truth movement is, and must be, the heart of a growing global ‘truth force’ (Satyagraha) initiated by M. Gandhi on September 11, 1901.
— Barbara Honegger, MS, Behind the Smoke Curtain

SmokeMany thanks to Ms. Honegger, whom I look forward to the pleasure of meeting. Her comments at the Town Hall Theater in Seattle, January 2013—which became the dagger video: Behind the Smoke Curtain—are the origin of my own discovery of Satyagraha.

Indeed, the idea of a smoke curtain (official deception) is integral to my Barrier Cloud concept just discussed in Chapter 3. The dispelling of that obstacle thru deep spiritual resources—that I point to in the BC monograph—also folds in perfectly with the cosmic moral force of Truth as the ultimate remedy to political, even as Barbara demonstrates, “Diabolical,” Evil. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 9/11 Truth, Chapter 5

The Inner Game: Finding One’s Authentic Swing

Freddie “Physician, heal thyself.” — Jesus

Years ago, when I was just starting out as a cause-oriented sort of fellow, I wish someone had exposed me to a brief lesson such as what I’m about to try to impart. It may have saved me—and those around me—a lot of ‘Sturm und Drang’[1] accomplishing very little positive, healing, or lasting.

It’s not a radical discovery by any means, but one seldom appreciated by those setting out to slay dragons: Namely, to be most effective in the pursuit of noble deeds for ‘all of society,’ one must first expel the internal demons that limit our own fulfillment. Eckhart Tolle puts it as follows: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The First Principles’ Grand Jury …

… and General Remediation Program for America of 2015

HIddenAs we come to the need to properly investigate and indict persons in the US establishment and its global gangster cohorts for the 9/11 high-crime in particular and for all the major high-crime assaults on our lives and liberties in general, we’d better get it right. Which means a proper grand jury of our peers with full authority over other officers of the court to help it do the job.

Note: The 2003 Cato Institute column, “A Grand Façade: How the Grand Jury Was Captured by Government,” paints a scary picture of how—contrary to being a force for freedom and means for mitigating bad government—the modern grand jury, with government prosecutors taking it over entirely, becomes a dangerous threat to liberty… because it is not subject to offering constitutional protections that apply to criminal defendants in petit jury trials. Thus the grand jury is being used as a sword against the people and a shield for the government. Exactly backasswards.

We have to turn the grand jury by taking it out of the hands of government prosecutors. This is interesting history here from Wiki: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Fifteen Fatal Flaws in the Fable of 9/11

Killer contradictions in the Official Conspiracy Theory[1] of the 9/11 Attacks

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedAs I was working on my After 9/11 Truth book and funding project over the past two weeks it occurred to me that the first part of the book—which is a digest of significant scientific, engineering, and forensic works that show that the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) is an absurd ‘pigs fly out of my butt’ viciously self-serving fairy tale—can be distilled into a rather brief list of contradictions to that story. My first cut comes up with 15. Note that a) many more such refutations of the OCT have been adduced by researchers and b) [this is absolutely crucial to grasp it only requires one contradiction to demolish the government’s official story of 9/11. That’s right, if only one of the following contradictions is true, the whole Emperor’s New Suit of the OCT flies away in the wind.

Note: I have assembled my digest of contradictions mainly from the videos Experts Speak Out, by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Behind the Smoke Curtain, by Barbara Honegger, MS, and The New Pearl Harbor, by Massimo Mazzucco. See my column at for all my ‘Sterling Dozen’ sources for the alternative view.

So here they are: Continue reading