Brian’s Column: Doreen Hendrickson, American Gandhi

The good word from Doreen’s husband Pete is that she’s on home tether
The epochal word is their message of truth and peace is about to break thru

IRS on TrialLet’s all liberty lovers share in Pete Hendrickson’s elation that his dear wife Doreen has now been released from federal prison where she was serving an 18-month sentence for refusing to commit perjury under orders of a federal judge. Yes, you read that correctly. The facts are plain and well presented in the video on the right. →

Doreen is now in home confinement… with the proviso that within 60 days she swear to a lie that her economically-gainful activities in 2002 and 2003 (and Pete’s) were taxable activities, rather than activities of common right in which the government has no ownership interest. [The statements have been written by the government and Doreen is meant to swear them as being her own words.] Almost certainly, at the end of 60 days, Doreen will again refuse to commit perjury[1]… “and THEN… and THEN… uh uh… and then along came Jones…” as the song goes.

Along Comes the Great Spirit of Mohandas Gandhi and Rosa Parks

Make no mistake about it, the federales have tied themselves up in a Gordian Knot… through stupidity, arrogance, and just plain meanness. What is Rogue Judge #2 going to do when Doreen continues to refuse to yield to Rogue Judge #1’s unlawful command? Send our hero back to the West Virginia federal compound for life?  Even in the toxic, dumbed-down, lackey-media country we’ve become, Doreen’s struggle and truth will break through.[2] She will have become an insuperable moral indictment of the rotted system for all to see, which system will unravel as the British Empire in India and racial supremacists of the Old South. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Speculation on Johnson-Weld 2016

The success scenario is not all that unlikely considering the context

Cover_Leaving_Sandbox_FrontProprietor’s Note—I’ve written extensively on the Libertarian Party (LP) and Libertarian grand strategy, in particular, with my Pusillanimous Prize-winning book, Leaving the Sandbox: Grownup grand strategy and operations for Libertarians in an era of wanton US federal crimes and terror. More recently, in my novel, The Truman Prophecy, I’ve referred to the LP as being rife with anarchists of the irrelevant kind… thus I saw very little in the way of prospects for it.

As usual, the world is far more unpredictable than my understandings; at the national LP convention in Orlando this year, instead of dissolving itself in a flurry of ‘Dilatory Young Men Who Pontificate Incessantly on the Nonaggression Principle,’ the party goes the other way and basically sells its soul to the Republican Establishment. It nominates Gary Johnson (P) and William Weld (VP) (Weld, by a whisker), both utilitarian rather than principled libertarians—having the broad moral passion of a Mitt Romney with a sense of humor.

Strangely enough, this ticket may actually be THE ticket of the 21st century! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: People’s Justice Ends Public Terror

Understanding and ending the escalating public-terror assaults at their source

TV-Head-StopThese days, no sooner does a purported ‘lone nut’ terrorist attack—99 times out of 100, the nutcase and/or patsy has connections to ‘radical Islam,’ gee, what are the odds?—on innocents occur, worldwide, than the next week here comes another. TV-Planet-Mind was just getting accustomed to the (6/12) Orlando, Florida, (extremist-Muslim-hatred) op vs. homosexuals when on Bastille Day (7/7), Charlie Hebdo II takes place in Nice, France—via an 18-wheeler-wielding assassin, the TV gods say, who mowed down multiple civilians for Allah.

Mainstream ‘news’ is still coming in and if the past is any indication, we the people are going to be lied to, grossly, once again. In recognition of the rash of ongoing subterfuge by public officials and their embedded media, I have put together a two-step program for hard stopping these atrocities: 1) ascertain that the official story is a lie and 2) form a people’s grand jury to investigate and indict officials and their accomplices for misconduct. As James Fetzer has stated in respect to the Sandy Hook Hoax:

“Faking [or actually committing] a … shooting to instill fear into a population for political purposes is an act of terrorism [a crime against humanity], where it has become clear that this instance was brought to us by officials at every level of … government….”

So here is my brief preanalysis and recommendation to deal with the general case of state-sponsored public-terror events.[1] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Cars and Change, 2016

Often, you have to let go to move on

Lord knows the big problems of the world are not taking a breather—I especially want to send my kudos and support out to Dane Wigington et al on the front — but every once in a while, no matter how committed one is to help save the planet, a man just has to kick back and take care of some PB. In this case, the time had come to make some decisions regarding my means of free noncommercial travel.[1]

Letting Go

Villager_1997The 1997 Mercury Villager had come to the end of the line, and I loved that car—still do. For one thing, it’s a fond remembrance of my dear mother, who had been living in my condo since about 1998. [In 1999, knowing Mom had to replace her Aerostar van, I wandered down to Varsity Lincoln-Mercury in Wixom and saw it in the used car lot; I mentioned to her that I thought it looked good. Next day, I find out she’s gone ahead and bought the doggone thing, no questions asked. Fair enough.]

The Amazing Villager was an impulse purchase that worked out famously. The photo above shows that it still retains a youthful look, after 195,000 miles (160,000 from Mom and me) of yeoman’s duty in the back and forth department: traipsing down to Parris Island with five passengers to pick up my newly minted niece Marine, several crossings of lower Michigan to Battle Creek and back, I drove it to and fro the Free State (New Hampshire) on at least three occasions, and I believe Mom even took it down to Tyler, Texas, to visit friends once or twice. So there you are. A workhorse with a heart of gold. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Independents’ Day Reflections

Adding my voice to the chorus of ‘2d Renaissance’ workers and aspirers


Image, visit Miles Mathis

It’s humbling yet ennobling, these days, to be among so many great and daring-to-be-great advocates of truth, justice, and liberty. I have written about rebirth and restoring the Republic, using other terms/phrases that lend themselves to the vision I’ve set forth in The Truman Prophecy for the New Paradigm. My so-called Billion+ Points of Light Society.

This column has a dual aim, proceeding from observations at the ramparts, so to speak: 1) to present what I’ve found to be the ‘Magic Move’ for acquiring basic independent understanding of our world and how to unravel the illusions/conditioning ‘we the people’ have had to deal with for decades, and 2) the immense liberating potential of understanding the legal meaning of key words.

The Four Horsemen of the Awakening… and Second Renaissance

The overriding fact is that what an individual believes or asserts depends on what he regards as valid sources of information. Most of my peers, including several to whom I’m very close, regard the mainstream media as THE source of their reality. They refuse to accept that this source is woefully corrupt and, in fact, a sophisticated mind-control technology run for decades by the Men of the Power Sickness.They refuse to accept that they have been lied to, that their perceptions and emotions have been engineered. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Warm Bodies for Liberty (WBL)

That is: Warm Bodies (Acting) for (Truth, Justice, and) Liberty
“80 percent of success in life is showing up.”

SymbolThe adage about showing up, most often attributed to Woody Allen, expresses a profound truth especially germane to achieving benign political goals. How many times have you joined a group of people working to end some aggression of the state—in court, on the streets petitioning, attending or speaking before your city council meetings, and so on—and the total entourage numbers three individuals!? Way too many times, I’ll wager. It’s totally discouraging. No one wants to go to the ramparts alone. This has to stop. We need to bring masses of bodies to bear on government crime and corruption.

I’m thinking of three notable incidents of my own experience where not nearly enough people showed up:

  1. In summer of 2014, Doreen Hendrickson was tried for criminal contempt of court—a second time—for refusing to commit perjury on a tax form. The judge instructed the jury that it was not to consider the lawfulness of the contempt order (which suborned Doreen to perjure herself). Hundreds of thousands of Americans have benefited from her husband Pete’s discoveries in his book Cracking the Code, with an average recovery of $10,000. At no day of the trial, nor in the subsequent sentencing hearing, did Doreen’s supporters in the courtroom exceed 25 persons.
  2. A couple of years ago, an electrohypersensitive woman in Oakland County, Michigan, Dr. Georgetta Livingstone, removed her biohazard surveillance electric meter for health reasons. She replaced it with a safe analog meter. The power company in Michigan, DTE, shut off her electricity. She installed energy alternatives. Her homeowners’ association (HA) has been fining her hundreds of dollars a day for refusal to use a ‘smart’ meter. The HA is taking her to court for the fines—scheduled for October 2016. She countersued, the HA moved for summary dismissal, which was granted by an Oakland County judge on May 11. In attendance to show support for Georgetta were perhaps 10 people. [This is a significant case and ‘smart’ meter opponent-activists in Michigan number in the several thousands.]
  3. The third incident is recent, a petition campaign put together by a few ‘liberty Republicans’ to put a Stop Civil Asset Forfeiture ordinance on the ballot for several communities in Oakland County. One of the key fiefdoms is Auburn Hills, which also has one of the highest signature count requirements (726). We go door to door, mainly, and the measure is an easy sell: anyone can typically get 10 signatures per hour, with practically no rejections. We’ve collected perhaps half that total with only three weeks to go. A lot of people show up at the organizer’s place to talk but thus far only perhaps a dozen persons have come to walk (gathering 10 signatures or more).

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Musings on the Week That Was

On Orlando, mind control, effective political action

Cover_Leaving_Sandbox_FrontOf course, everyone is saturated with the standard ZNN[1] coverage of the Orlando, Florida, incident. I say incident, because at this stage it’s difficult to say truly what happened at the Pulse nightclub where a lot of official-looking vehicles—though few, if any, ambulances—and public officials position themselves interminably, sucking up overtime pay. And newscasts stating “world-record massacre,” “Islam radical responsible,” “50 dead and 53 wounded,” “gun violence,” and so on. But nobody answers observations that any person with the IQ of a soup can might pose:

  • Too many bullets alleged to have been fired in the time allotted
  • Reports of multiple gunmen which we have seen in other false flags attacks
  • Absence of ambulances taking away dead and injured
  • Absence of any evidence of bloody carnage
  • Purported injured persons being carried toward the nightclub, in one scene the man being put down while those carrying him simply walk away
  • Victims simply standing around to be shot, rather than fleeing the club
  • A smiling policeman taking a position in the back row of a somber official briefing
  • No video footage from security cameras
  • No apparent interference from security personnel with the alleged gunman
  • The alleged gunman’s ties to and contacts with individuals and organizations involved in previous acts of state sponsored terror
  • G. Edward Griffin reports that a new would-be shooter, James Wesley Howell, emerges blowing the whistle on a larger government gay-club-shooting black op

Like Sandy Hook and Boston, anyone who thinks for himself knows that he’s being lied to by all the public officials on the scene, behind the scene, and by the media who are willing accomplices in the act of subterfuge for political purposes. Continue reading