Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy, the Preview Pictures

Briefer subject-area-specific previews of my new novel now available here

From the book review (April 1, 2016):

Truman_Front_NewWith a mixture of pride and humility, I’m very happy to announce the completion of my novel, The Truman Prophecy, the initial full release effective the first day of spring 2016. Truman is a story about an envisioned, imminently successful struggle for truth, justice, and liberty… in roughly that order… in America and the world.

I’m hoping motivated readers will follow at least some of the story’s bread crumbs toward building a free worldwide society of Independent human beings. The book employs a simple ensemble-cast plot surrounded by metaphor and analogy to keep it grounded in people’s real lives… along with, I hope, some modest entertainment value.

The essence of The Truman Prophecy is the Little Boy in Hans Christian Andersen’s, The Emperor’s New Suit, simply declaring the obvious. Nothing special. To those who fear pulling back the curtain on Big Wizard and ruining their standing in the merry old Land of Oz, I’m sorry. We simply must dispel and discard the overwhelming illusions of the modern world for the healing to begin. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Elation of a First-Time ‘Educated’ Filer

It’s the principle of it, but the retained earnings bring a broad smile

Cracking the Code, CtC“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” — Mark Twain

Oh no! Not another Brian column on the ‘convenient truth’ of the Hendrickson Discovery… and a call to Stand for Doreen. Yes, but this time it’s more. Up close and personal. Despite my long advocacy of Pete Hendrickson’s Cracking the Code understanding and so-called educated filing of federal income tax returns and claims, I’ve never actually done so. I’ve had decent reasons, my recent years of earnings have had no withholding applied to them from clients who, nonetheless, had filed information reports on me, and basically I lacked a felt need to file 1040s to correct or rebut the improperly reported ‘income.’

We’re not talking about large sums of money here. [Nonetheless, thanks to my recent part-time employee status that did withhold small amounts based on improperly alleged income, I shall be filing to correct and rebut those earlier erroneous claims.] This year, however, I have had amounts erroneously withheld, so I did file to correct and assert that those withholdings be refunded to me. I completed the work on the 15th, not realizing we had until today officially to postmark the filings. AND… I… FEEL… GREAT! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Micro Spiritual Magic Move

Godwithin9More recently, the author-Prophet found a briefer way to apply the ‘Move’ in the middle of an active day, a process that could be completed in about a minute and have the beneficial effect of quieting the mind, while bringing the practitioner to a fair degree of the joy, ease, and lightness available at source contact with the Deep Calm and Stillness. He calls it the Spiritual Micro Move, and it is described on this page.

The Micro Move

… basically incorporates the ‘you’ centering step into the initial breathing step and uses a minimal number of deep breaths, namely three per each step. [You can possibly gain some benefit from a single-breath step, but such a minimal time severely abridges any fluid transition from step to step.] Thus the three-breath micro is, IMHO, the practical lower limit for the following:

  1. Breathe-Center—deeply into your diaphragm, taking five-second inhales and exhales, three times. Feel each breath filling your center, and your center of awareness, your ‘you,’ shifting into your body’s center at the same time.
  2. Watch-Dispel—For the next three breaths, ‘let Mind go’ where it will in a rapid sequence of ‘thoughts,’ discharge its nervous energy. Unlike normal narrative, do not let Mind dwell on any thought more than an instant.
  3. Watch-Relax—Start from full-centered awareness of your head and direct it to completely relax (one breath), then relax your trunk and upper extremities (one breath), then relax your abdomen and lower extremities (one breath).
  4. Be (Still)—Now let your whole ‘you’-centered inner body simply ‘be,’ with each breath. Feel your complete stillness at the core of the universe—the Deep Quiet or Infinite Eternal—for three full breaths. Reside there until you have to go.

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Brian’s Column: What the World is Coming to

Interlode from the Truman Prophecy, Final Thoughts on Independents’ Day

Chance, for 50 years has served on several fronts of the general liberty cause. Now, he feels he’s finally struck gold… with the Independents’ Movement (IM), as supported by the truth and justice salients described in this book. The essentials of the political world he sees are laid out in the following diagram (first produced as part of the  Worldwide Toto project}:

Simplified_Diag_w_TotoTwo important points are that a) the Truman-Indie project will be removing the Coercive Monopoly Government box (causing the end of the Old World Order in the upper left hand corner) and b) humanity will adopt a ‘voluntary government’ public service association (PSA) approach to supply legitimate public services. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Firewalling Tyranny the American Way

Interlode in The Truman Prophecy on Nullification

NullificationNullification: The Rightful Remedy

Sean was beginning to appreciate the Big Picture, Hiram Chance style. At the same time, he had already become one of Michigan’s leading young liberty activists—nom de guerre Shane Trejo—by focusing his energy on projects that produced nearer-term tangible successes. This was nowhere more true than in the nationwide effort to uphold the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights via an individual-state legislative process called Nullification.

Interestingly, again as if destiny were taking a hand, Chance’s mother had passed along to Chance her uncanny political wisdom that federal tyranny—the publicized and rampant domestic evils, anyway—prudently were stopped by the states just saying “we’re not doin’ it.”

The 10th plank in the Bill of Rights is exceptionally clear: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “Not like the others…”

Interlode: “Not like the others…”

Truman_Front_2_for_ColumnEditor’s note: Drawn from finishing touches of my novel, The Truman Prophecy. The review edition of the book will be available here on Amazon—you may also click on the book image right—on or after March 28, 2016. Interlodes are illustrative vignettes of connective tissue to move the plot forward. —bw

As for the previous year, the fantasy football league (FFL) started in the late 1980s under auspices of ACME Geeks, Unlimited, held its 2015 draft in the man cave of one Eddie Falkowski, team name the Falcon Eddies (after the world’s scariest TV villain in Rich Man, Poor Man).

Chance had fallen in with the ACME league years ago, and stayed thru thick and thin, near and far, finally keeping settling on his team name Freedom Riders. In FFL practice and vernacular, team owners are known by their team name or nickname. Eddie was Falcon, Chance, Freedom. ACME was an eight-team league, notable other team names/owners as follows: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Is Donald Trump the ‘Apple Girl’…

… or Big Brother soft shoeing for the zombies

AppleGirlWhen a person makes an incorrect choice or supports a mistake, he needs to fess up and make things as right as possible… and as quickly as possible—to the extent people respect his opinion and to the extent of the magnitude of the mistake. Well, mea culpa wrt to the Trumpster. And I feel a need for deep apology to my modest group of followers for any impression I have given that Mr. Trump is anything more than, at best, a leader of one subgroup of the global syndicate vs. another.

The syndrome leading to my mistake—I never fully endorsed the man, but conveyed favorably some statements Trump had made about this issue or that one—is the classic fallacy that the apparent enemy of my enemy is my friend. The rest was simply falling for the wishful-thinking fallacy. And if ever we were going to wishful think, the 2016 election would be the ideal candidate. Trump actually conjured up for me the prophetic Howard Beale character in the 1976 movie, Network, trumpeting from his anchorman pulpit, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” Also the so-called Apple Girl from the 1984 Superbowl advertisement for the Macintosh, per the figure above right.

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