Brian’s Column: The Independents’ Qualification (IQ) Test

World’s Smallest Quiz of Whether One Thinks for Oneself

IQ_TestDavid Nolan, founder of the Libertarian Party (1971), developed a series of questions that measured a respondent’s liberty quotient, that is where he stood wrt economic liberty and civil liberty… which were plotted on an X-axis and Y-Axis, respectively. It became known as the Nolan Chart and the basis for the Advocates for Self Government’s ‘World’s Smallest Political Quiz.’ []

The Independents’ Movement leadership has come up with a dual-axis chart that measures one’s alignment with Independent psychology. Start at the zero point in the middle of the chart and proceed either positively (-> Indie) or negatively (-> Zombie). Here are some initial questions whose correct answers are all Yes: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘Aggregate’ Doreen Hendrickson

A simple plan to get the word out about …
the story in World Net Daily re: Doreen Hendrickson’s historic free speech case

WND_ArticleNo, by aggregate I’m not suggesting we inflict some new form of collective belonging on our poor heroine. 🙂 Rather, let’s each of us pick one or three of the top ten political news aggregators—like the Drudge Report, who operate as search engines of top news stories worldwide according to a user’s preferences (that’s what an ‘aggregator’ does)—to pick up the historic Doreen story by courageous reporter Alex Newman of World Net Daily (WND). We the people MUST take charage in getting out the word. Because quite obviously, the mainstream media are in the business of systematically blockading any story promising any semblance of truth, justice, and liberty to the human race.

The Aggregation Procedure—Please, Everyone at least Submit to Drudge

This is a simple procedure that will work. Pete Hendrickson, Shane Trejo, and a few others have come up with this plan. So let’s all just submit the Doreen story, as a minimum, to the Drudge Report, which is one of the more liberty-oriented of the giant aggregators.

  1. Go to the Drudge Report lead page here, then scroll to the lower right hand side, where you see a ‘Send News Tips to Drudge’ box.
  2. In that box, enter a variation of the following message: “Federal judge-prosecution team suborns perjury of Michigan woman, Doreen Hendrickson, in historic First Amendment case that can bring down the IRS:
  3. Press the Submit button.

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Grave Injustice to Doreen Hendrickson

Drawn from the Prophet’s comments in the The Truman Prophecy

WitchcraftInterlode: The Motor City Witchcraft Trial

Notes on trial to a World Net Daily reporter, by Hiram Chance.

The great libertarian scholar, Albert Jay Nock, wrote, “Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.” And that statement wholly represents my impression of the proceedings against Doreen… not to mention previous outrages of justice committed on her husband, Pete.

I knew from day 1—from the blatant, self-righteous hostility of the judge, from instructions to the jury, from the open collaboration of the judge with the prosecution, and, later, from obvious judicial tampering with the jury—that the fix was in. This was not a court of law, but a tribunal of Soviet-style justice: guilty regardless of anything. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 911 and the Emperor’s New Clothes

Open letter to my techie-buds in continued denial
by Brian Wright

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedOriginally posted October 28, 2012

… no matter who you are. But I especially want to address this short missive to my Old Paradigm peers in engineering and science professions, and libertarian friends from the world of technology who yet resist or deny exposure of the Big Lie that is the US government’s (USG’s) official conspiracy theory (OCT) of the attacks of 9/11/2001. Much is at stake; the people need you to firmly attest to objective reality, help shine the light to guide humanity in its dark hour of dire need.

Dear Esteemed Acquaintance:

In the past, I confess I’ve been too direct in asserting the overwhelming amount of evidence to the effect that the OCT is so absurd as to be, well, insulting. Those of you who still accept the OCT either 1) cite the few authorities, e.g. the Popular Mechanics apologia, who support it, 2) assert apriori assumptions—”No way my boy is a criminal.”—, 3) disguise consideration of evidence with kneejerk denial of evidence (e.g.: “Hi-tech explosives and molten metal were not found at the World Trade Center (WTC).”), or 4) refuse to face the issue at all. None of these responses will stand up to the tsunami of discovery by thousands of dedicated-citizen truth-seekers heading our way. So why not join the truth forces now? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Interlode: The Turning of Analyst Smith

Evidence of the deep, transformational power of Independent Being
Public officials change sides…

Godwithin10This column is one of the several one-page ‘interlodes’ included in my novel, The Truman Prophecy, set to reach the Amazon bookstore—unless ‘banned’ by some executive there [for exposing criminal conspiracies of state (like the book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook)]— on or about February 8th of this year. — bw


What she didn’t tell Mr. Sally was that she had reached a personal breaking point with this Homeland Security business. Ana had come on board in 2012 with a mixture of hero-worship and strange desire for the then-secretary of DHS, Janet Napolitano. They were close to the same age.

Ana identified with Nappy’s pluck, becoming attorney general (top state law enforcement henchperson) then governor (top state mob boss) of Arizona and inserting herself as she did, at the highest level, into the male-dominated world of America-(.AND. for chrissakes, Israel!)-Über-Alles state security. Lord knows the Divine Ms. N. didn’t get to the top of her profession of beating the peons into submission by sleeping her way there. Moreover, Ana deeply admired Janet for standing tall against those ugly rumors of same-sex orientation. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Whither the Libertarian Party/LPM?

Some thoughts from The Truman Prophecy

vulturePerformance-driving enthusiast, automotive engineer, and 30-something go-getter Ypsi Sam, a few years ago when he lived in Flint, had spent an unconscionable amount of time (and several hundred dollars of his own money) trying to bring some semblance of, well, normal middle-class, dual-gender, all-age, outreach-oriented appeal to the Genesee County LP affiliate. Only to be met with harsh rejection by the forces of what seemed a bizarre sect of Goth-Voluntaryist-Anarchist-Nihilist national boys’ clubs.

The Genesee Boys’ Club, despite its members’ eternal harangues for Purity of Anarchist Essence—no compromise with any institution or instrument of ‘Existing Coercive Government’ at any level or for any reason—sought to take over the state LP, which of course is a political party whose objective is to run candidates for office in ‘Existing Coercive Government.’ And none of these boy wonders saw the contradiction. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Spiritual Magic Move

Potentially useful cosmic shortcut I stumbled upon in writing The Truman Prophecy

Godwithin7This shortcut cultivation method I discovered during writing of the Prophecy. Regular performance brings inner peace and, by enabling inner flow, produces great energy and imagination.

Prophet’s Spiritual ‘Magic Move’

[The term ‘magic move’ comes from one of the great teachers in the game of golf, Harvey Penick. It’s a term for a simple move that anyone can perform to enable the proper and effective swing of the club.]

The process takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes in the midst of one’s day, 10-15 minutes before night’s sleep or before rising for the day, or 25-30 minutes for full meditation. I call it Breathe, Center, Watch, Be, Flow. Continue reading