Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #2

From Chapter: Toto Curtain #1: Golden Rules

New Picture (43)Continued from Book Review here

[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

… “We are fighting for the life and conceptual faculty of individual persons over Alien Collective technology that demotes our consciousnesses to the status of unquestioning ciphers… indeed, we throw off that technology by asserting our humanity as full and natural Independents.

“What’s more, we KICK ALIEN ASS!

“Strong words,” noted Sean.

“Well stated,” confirmed Katie.

“Thanks for the ear, you two,” acknowledged Chance. “I wanted to cover at least some of the high-spiritual material with you before moving on to the Toto business at hand. But you know what?”

“What?” they said in unison.

“Fulfillment occurs at its own pace and in the free flow of energy among those committed to it. No one can predict or prophesize the full flowering of the Independents to the final detail. A prophet only sets things in motion. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: American Freedom is Ours NOW!

All we have to do en masse is NOT do something unpleasant we were doing…
an urgent message for all would-be bona fide libertarian ‘opinion leaders’

HeadupassAnd by libertarian opinion leader, I mean every American writer or celebrity with some following who has ever had the adjective libertarian applied to his name—from John Stossel and Ron Paul to Alex Jones and Matt Drudge to Gary Johnson and Mary Ruwart and Jesse Ventura to Libertarian Party members, officials, candidates and anyone engaged in the political process in any manner to effect a world of liberty. And let’s not forget all the truthers and their leading icons — regarding 911, chemtrails, GMOs, spy-and-fry utility meters, forced medicine, etc. — those concerned with the high-crime assaults enabled by the veil of universal deception. I have in mind literally several hundred notable or activist individuals. And what do I have them in mind FOR?!

For the fact that virtually none of this vast quantity of ostensibly ‘wants-us-to-be-free’ leader-persons—as articulate and popular a commentator as he or she may have become—has cared so much as to acknowledge what I’m calling the Hendrickson Discovery and that tens of thousands of American individuals have kept all the fruits of their labor out of the hands of the federal Leviathan. Now. Today. Legally and prudentially. The amount of wealth these real Americans have retained/reclaimed is approaching $3 billion. [The amount of improperly extracted (via gross popular ignorance) federal income tax revenue is approximately a thousand times more than that, annually.

Think about those numbers for a minute: The government can commit a lot of heinous crimes with $3 trillion per year. Or put another way: The government can commit virtually no heinous crimes without these $trillions it deceives Americans into forking over.]

Then here’s my message to all my esteemed and august libertarian opinion leaders: PLEASE IMMEDIATELY RETRACT YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR NETHER REGIONS! Continue reading

Guest Column: 6th Circuit Appeal for Doreen

Free Doreen Hendrickson… and the American 300 million…
via Attorney Mark Cedrone, Pete Hendrickson, reported by Brian Wright

DoreenAppeal… from ignorance, deceit, and malicious behavior of public officials.

Full appeal brief here (7/20/15):

The following text is the summary of the argument in the appeal. From the little I do know about the law, and from the substantially more I know about good writing, the Doreen Hendrickson appeal brief is a stunning statement of the principles of liberty and reason that stands to imminently remedy gross injustice. The court has no moral or legal option but to grant the appeal and restore Doreen Hendrickson to full freedom.

Summary of Argument


The Order Doreen Hendrickson was convicted of contemptuously violating was unlawful. Meanwhile, for a defendant to be convicted of contempt, the underlying Order they are accused of violating must be lawful. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Doreen Hendrickson News Release

Assembled by myself and Shane Trejo, executive director of CRAL
June 26, 2015

DoreenPlease read and review. Also, this is a user document. We want everyone who sees the release to go to the original at this location (, then download it in Word format, adjust the date if need be, and send it forward to your local media and newswires in the general vicinity of wherever you hang your hat. The saga of Doreen and Pete Hendrickson needs to be sent out to the world, far and wide. They are the folk heroes around whom every American can rally… as we learn to claim/reclaim our property from Leviathan… and wrest a good woman from its clutches, bringing her home to family and friends. The word is Liberty. Spread the good word.

And fund the ongoing effort here:

Make viral the outstanding 12-minute video: As of this posting, number of visits/views to the YouTube channel is closing in on 10,000. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Snowden-Manning Campaign

… is a symbolic assertion of consensus by millions of Americans on how their country can be fixed… especially in light of the federal government’s attacks on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Army Wikileaker Bradley/Chelsea Manning.

Snowden-Manning_Art_2The plan is to develop a Website and facilities for blanketing the country in ‘signage’—bumper stickers, t-shirts, coffee cups, lapel pins, banners, brochures, etc.—that will be suggestive of a Snowden-Manning 2016 presidential campaign. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Doreen’s Status, Please Help

Doreen Hendrickson relief fund:

CtCOn April 11, 2015, Pete Hendrickson drove Doreen to the prison facility to begin her unconscionably severe 18-month sentence for refusing to obey a direct order from a federal judge that Doreen commit felony perjury on a tax affidavit. (Yes, it CAN and DID happen here.) Pete strenuously filed motions for ‘bond release until appeal’ to the sentencing judge, which judge vindictively ignored. Thus his wife and mother of two… and daughter and sister and dear friend to so many of us has taken up involuntary residence in the hills and hollars where world famous Martha Stewart did her time (though only for five months under ‘cupcake’ conditions… mainly because Martha did NOT refuse to lie to officials).

 [Doreen Hendrickson: 48564-039, FPC Alderson A-4, P.O. Box A, Alderson, WV 24910. She would love to hear from you. Personally, I’m mailing her a letter per week for however long it will be, we hope only a few more weeks when the appeal is successful, as our good ol’ Bill of Rights is invoked.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Doreen Freedom Files

Ongoing efforts to free Doreen Hendrickson from the clutches of Leviathan

TaxToonToday I want lay out a set of documents and activities that Pete and many others in the educated tax and general liberty movements are putting together. We earnestly hope they do the job, that is lead to the exoneration and liberation of Doreen Hendrickson from the recent sentence of a malevolent prosecutocracy that is running amok nationwide. First the appeal is in progress. Second the attorney has sent a motion to the district court to modify Doreen’s sentencing on exclusively 5th Amendment grounds, which I’ve uploaded here. Third, led by Pete, we have been constructing a petition for submittal to high Michigan officials—chiefly the head law enforcement official in Michigan, Attorney General Bill Schuette; this will be accompanied by a background description, which Pete has composed and is uploaded here. And fourth, individuals are sending their own letters of appeal to Michigan officials to interpose on Constitutional grounds, such as the missive by former Troy mayor, Janice Daniels, which I’ve uploaded here. Continue reading