Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘the Noise,’ Part 2

Making the right choices regarding Humpty Dumpty and the king’s men and horses

From Part 1 of this column, I stated:

“I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.”

The Political Solutions

Then, I said I’d get back to the political solutions after discussing the only spiritual found- ation that renders these solutions possible, even straightforward. Once people discard the noise in their heads, they’ll know enough to eliminate the sources of this noise in the political environment: chiefly deception suborning aggression. By? Well, by our old friends the Men of the Power Sickness. The quick and easy way to eliminate the political noise sources is threefold (per the Trumanist Philosophy), using the following steps and metaphors:

  1. Wake: Expose official lies leading to  ‘high-crime’ assaults on the people
  2. Stand: Bring justice via people’s grand juries against such lie-crimes
  3. Walk: (Each) declare our Independent Being psychologically and politically

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Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘The Noise,’ Part 1

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” in a world often seeming Hellbound in a handbasket

Part 1 of 2

No, this isn’t a Norman Vincent Peale rave about the power of positive thinking… or extolling the so-called Secret where wishing makes it so (or at least much more likely). Rather an attempt at some constructive cognition on how we as psych-ologically independent individuals can put our minds to rest, and thereby, in the long run, bring a semblance of sanity to the social environment that has become so overwhelming.

I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.

I’ll get to the direct political cures in Part 2 of this post. They’re simple, yet require modest courage… on a wide scale. Many hands make light work. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Blue Pillar Syndrome (Part 1)

Homing in on the pervasive core mind-control program for human subjugation…
with reasonable expectation of that program’s imminent excision

I am extremely thrilled about my column today! Why? Because it deals with perhaps the most potent independent-human, health-bringing discovery since the advent of natural, individual rights. I’m talking about noodling out just how the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) have managed to turn vast numbers of human beings (including most dear ones we know) into willing ciphers serving the MOPS’ antihuman agendae.

Indeed, our high-minded, good-hearted friends who prefer the Matrix‘s Blue Pill (the Blue Pillars) are all that stand in the way of humanity’s near-term ‘Red Pill’ liberation

T_B_Emblem_3What I have been trying to do with this column—and, believe me, I’ve gone back and forth dozens of times, simply coming up with the exact right title… that is, a name for the critical barrier affliction of our peers we Indiecons[1] (We) face—is name and describe what We are up against in order to adroitly excise it from human society.

I’ve done sooo much thinking about The Big Why: What it is that causes vast numbers of our respected peers to accept and push the official stories of so many high-crime assaults of the Global Mob (Glob) (aka New World Order)?! Or on the other hand, what causes these same peers to look away or stand idly by while some individual is pummeled by that Mob… or its submobs, e.g. the various levels of government in the United States.

Cracking the Code, CtCTake the case of Doreen Hendrickson, who was sent to federal prison for refusing to comply with a judge’s order that she (Doreen) commit perjury on a tax affidavit. Pete, her long-suffering and brilliantly persistent husband who made a crucial discovery in the language of the federal tax statutes that enables most of us to recover funds wrongfully withheld from us as income, continues valiantly “to fight dragons with a pitchfork.”

You may choose to look the other way,
but you can never say again that you did not know.
— William Wilberforce
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Brian’s Column: What’s the Sane, Sober Prez Ticket for 2016?

The megacriminal Hillary Clinton is the worst possible choice, but then who?

BarrierDepends on your premises. Let me tell you mine. As a primer, please watch the Thrive video (~2 hours), followed by Rule from the Shadows (~0.5 hours). Also please read my monograph The Barrier Cloud (28 pages). These establish beyond a reasonable doubt that 1) a covertly operating Western Cabal, calling itself the New World Order (NWO),[1] is in the process of fulfilling its plans to ‘full-spectrum’ dominate humanity, and 2) it has developed an extremely sophisticated technology of media-and-mind control to engineer/program perceptions and consent among vast numbers of the world population.

MatrixThis particular power conspiracy of the West has been in operation from the middle of the second millennium (AD:01011001-12312000) and with end of dominance by the Church of Rome (via the Reformation, early 1500s) the center of control transferred to the cartel interests of the English Crown—let’s call them the Anglo-Imperialistas (AIs).[2] More recently, with ascendancy of political-international Zionism in the late 1800s and imposition (via the AIs) of the state of Israel, the power matrix has reached the threshold of, just that, an analog of the computer-driven tyranny described in the movie The Matrix. IMHO, the prime movers in this modern planetary ‘toxocracy’—Glob, NWO—are the Zionist-Israeli deep statists (ZIs)[3] and their American neo-‘conservative’ henchmen.[4]

This is the human face of the Glob, but in actual fact, the MOPS supremes may have turned over the day-to-day activities and planning to some neural network or artificial intelligence ‘cloud,’ supercomputer, who knows what… the possibility even exists that the MOPS are an alien civilization or cybernetic hybrid. What is more important than WHO the Glob is is THAT the Glob is. As Jesus said, you shall know it by its works. Here are the diabolical works unleashed upon us by the Global Mob: Continue reading

Guest Column: Using the Law for Right

A common thread in three people-oriented initiatives
From Pete Hendrickson, noduty2submit, and Larry Wise

What’s in a Word?

Cracking the Code, CtCIn the law, plenty… and the knowledge can be quite liberating. We need to realize that as a consequence of collective consciousness threatening now to overgrow the garden of independent human consciousness, Leviathan becomes a real menace to us Indies. Especially with corruption of objective, natural law. Whether one accepts it or not, the US Constitution was a carefully thought out legal document and the vocabulary developed under its aegis is quite exact: Black’s Law Dictionary (3d edition or earlier) sets out the precise meaning of many key terms… and the statutes themselves define any new terms arising.

On Earnings vs. Income

This past Sunday, the 3d of July, I attended author Pete Hendrickson’s annual gathering, which he calls Declaration Day… to celebrate one’s declaration of independence from inapplicable federal income taxes. You see, income has a precise meaning in the law, and it does not mean ‘everything that comes in.’ Rather, it means earnings as a consequence of exercise of a federal privilege—being a federal officeholder, receiving a government stipend, working for a federal agency or corporation, etc. Once one discovers that fact, as Pete did roughly 13 years ago, you know that if you’re making money ‘nonfederally,’ then you have no income and owe no tax. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Independents’ Day Reflections

Adding my voice to the chorus of ‘2d Renaissance’ workers and aspirers


Image, visit Miles Mathis

It’s humbling yet ennobling, these days, to be among so many great and daring-to-be-great advocates of truth, justice, and liberty. I have written about rebirth and restoring the Republic, using other terms/phrases that lend themselves to the vision I’ve set forth in The Truman Prophecy for the New Paradigm. My so-called Billion+ Points of Light Society.

This column has a dual aim, proceeding from observations at the ramparts, so to speak: 1) to present what I’ve found to be the ‘Magic Move’ for acquiring basic independent understanding of our world and how to unravel the illusions/conditioning ‘we the people’ have had to deal with for decades, and 2) the immense liberating potential of understanding the legal meaning of key words.

The Four Horsemen of the Awakening… and Second Renaissance

The overriding fact is that what an individual believes or asserts depends on what he regards as valid sources of information. Most of my peers, including several to whom I’m very close, regard the mainstream media as THE source of their reality. They refuse to accept that this source is woefully corrupt and, in fact, a sophisticated mind-control technology run for decades by the Men of the Power Sickness.They refuse to accept that they have been lied to, that their perceptions and emotions have been engineered. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy, the Preview Pictures

Briefer subject-area-specific previews of my new novel now available here

From the book review (April 1, 2016):

Truman_Front_NewWith a mixture of pride and humility, I’m very happy to announce the completion of my novel, The Truman Prophecy, the initial full release effective the first day of spring 2016. Truman is a story about an envisioned, imminently successful struggle for truth, justice, and liberty… in roughly that order… in America and the world.

I’m hoping motivated readers will follow at least some of the story’s bread crumbs toward building a free worldwide society of Independent human beings. The book employs a simple ensemble-cast plot surrounded by metaphor and analogy to keep it grounded in people’s real lives… along with, I hope, some modest entertainment value.

The essence of The Truman Prophecy is the Little Boy in Hans Christian Andersen’s, The Emperor’s New Suit, simply declaring the obvious. Nothing special. To those who fear pulling back the curtain on Big Wizard and ruining their standing in the merry old Land of Oz, I’m sorry. We simply must dispel and discard the overwhelming illusions of the modern world for the healing to begin. Continue reading