Brian’s Column: New Beginning

Letter launch of Trumanism and invitation to Global Spring

What follows is a template of a hard copy letter with enclosure of my three-fold Trumanism brochure. It’s a letter with my audience—consisting of individuals to whom I’ve sent my book, The Truman Prophecy—broken into four categories:

  • They’ve read it but not yet posted comments (4-or-5-star review requested) to the Amazon page.
  • They’ve probably not yet read it but I would like them to and then post favorable comments.
  • They’ve read it and posted their favorable comments to the Amazon page.
  • Eventually, I’ll develop a letter template for general promotion, i.e. to those who are reasonable prospects for Independents Rising => Global Spring.

To each of these individuals I solicit spreading the good news and encouraging ‘signing up’ on my Independents Rising site, [Signing up entails expressing support in entering name and contact info and/or indicating level of interest: more info, want to help, have read the personal Declaration of Independents (PDI), have signed and notarized the PDI… and/or will take part in additional work efforts in the Trumanist-Independents’ activity matrix.] In other words, building cadre. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘Trump’s Team,’ Ghosts of Christmas Past

Yet if liberty people step up, there’s light at the end of the tunnel

Strength thru Unity
Unity thru Faith

Just in case anyone is misinterpreting my assessment of what we are in store for with the Donald, here’s an interchange I produced in econversation with some Michigan liberty Republicans regarding the latest cabinet and advisor prospects

It appears to me that the Trump gang is going to be carrying the water for the Israel Lobby just as much as Hillary would have, with the possible exception of not upending Syria for a while. His statements and staff selections indicate he’s on board with the Greater Israel Project, especially in terms of invading and/or attacking Iran.[1]

He also appears to have fanatical belief in the Ziocon[2]-contrived War on Terror and its associated Constitutional infringements—not to mention the continuing unbroken string of false-flag attacks of global state terror—, such as stop and frisk [not even Hillary was for stop and frisk, at least not publicly]; he’s antitruth on several fronts (pals with many of the legitimate suspects of the 9/11 attacks, such as Larry Silverstein and other major Ziocons), is a sadistic Medievalist when it comes to drug freedom and women’s choice, is okay with poisoning the environment (and us) with GMOs, glyphosates—anything the Monsanto/Big Agra cartel wants to throw our way, including slow death by geoengineering and weather warfare.

He likes torture, mass incarceration, rendition, full-spectrum illegal surveillance, all the baubles and trinkets of the US-Israeli imperial juggernaut running amok. In short, where Hillary represents the totalitarian left, Trump represents the totalitarian right… and when you get right down to it, the individual of liberty in either regime is dead meat. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” Gate

Wouldn’t be the first time…

… that the mainstream media [what I’m taking to calling, as a whole, the GPN (Government Propaganda Network)], working with and for the CIA, simply concocts a convenient Big Lie—“Despite all appearances, people, your all-majestic emperor is NOT naked.”—and spoon feeds it to a just-tell-me-what-to-think-and-do public.

Personally, this notion that the Russians are behind Hillary’s defeat [and the destruction of everything that makes America a bright, shining Candyland] reminds me of the scene in Mel Brooks’ 1987 movie, Spaceballs, where Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) dangerously orders his ship, Spaceball One, to go to LUDICROUS SPEED!

From this corner it appears the GPN and its backers are spinning childish lunatic fantasies, as a last gasp-cum-death throe. Tomorrow, the meeting of the presidential electors, will provide a significant data point as to whether America has sufficient humanity remaining to brush off these dying, demented space-lizards and move on. Paul Craig Roberts presents some scary, yet reasonable, speculation on who’s behind the curtain pulling the levers, and what may happen if Toto and Dorothy do not reveal, then call out the Wiz. Personally, I think the people will call this CIA-GPN Big Lie Bluff… and drive a stake thru the heart of the mainstream media… finito!

Munchkins of the world, unite! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Check One’s Premises…

…as Ayn Rand used to advise, and she didn’t mean policing a campground

Let me begin this column by citing an email-conversation I had with a dear well-educated and highly intelligent friend regarding the recent brouhaha that was begun by the 11/24 Washington Post column purportedly written by a Craig Timberg that claimed—based on reports from undisclosed CIA authorities—that Russian Intelligence was behind many of the ‘fake’ [meaning alternative or non-government] Web and other media sources who exposed Hillary Clinton’s corruption and crimes, thus leading to the wholly unexpected win of Donald Trump as president.

My reaction to hearing of the story second hand—I no longer read or attend to any mainstream media [aka Government Propaganda Network (GPN)] ‘news’—was Wow, how pathetic. These CIA-run purveyors of All Fake News All the Time have a lot of nerve to call the real news fake… of all things. It’s like the Titanic: the ship of state has hit the iceberg and management blames it on those who saw it coming and tried to give warning.

What astounds me is how the REAL FAKE news outlets like the Post and the New York Times and CNN and their right-wing counterparts get away with heaping such pure BS on Americans every day. And why educated, intelligent people like my friend believe the BS… when a moment’s fact checking or asking of simple questions would unravel the lies like a cheap piñata. That’s a rhetorical question. I know the answer. But soon it will not matter. Because this ‘The Russians Are Coming’ story is the coup de grace, the dagger thru the heart, the nail in the coffin of the GPN mainstream media for all time. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Trumanists of the World Unite!

Trumanism: A political philosophy whose time has come

trumanism_brochure_imageWhat follows is my summary of the phiIosophy recently assembled into a three-fold brochure. You may download the pdf from the image at right, and use all of the active hyperlinks from that document. This column will expand on some areas that brochure space would not allow.

Note: Trumanism is explained more fully and a pathway for “Independents Rising” has been set up on the Website

To paraphrase Ayn Rand, “The world is perishing from an orgy of mind control and blind collective acquiescence to corrupt authority.”[1] Regular people who adhere to the nonaggression principle in their day-to-day lives are being ground down financially, and in their physical health.

Trumanism is a social-activist philosophy stemming from Brian Wright’s novel, The Truman Prophecy.

Toto, Dorothy, and Truman

Truman_Front_NewThree metaphors are key to the novel and to the philosophy, where ‘we the people:’

  • Wake: Expose official lies leading to  ‘high-crime’ assaults on the people
  • Stand: Bring justice via people’s grand juries against such lie-crimes
  • Walk: (Each) declare our Independent Being psychologically and politically

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Where Can I Do the Most Good (Part 2 of 2)

Some ruminations on how panarchy can be made to work in the real world

democratic_logoIn part 1 of this column I began from a local Republican convention where a couple of the customs—the invocation and gratuitous friendliness nod toward Israel—got me to thinking that there surely must be a better way for human beings to deal with their political needs (than to spend copious time working to elect public officials by majority vote, who then, together, exercise a comp- ulsory monopoly over providing an ever expanding range of services, whether you want these services or not). Unlike the normal marketplace, an individual cannot simply choose something else or opt out entirely. Again, the analogy to ordering breakfast is apt:

First of all, let’s assume that what I truly want for breakfast is on the menu. Go down to my local Kerby’s or Leo’s coney islands or regular coffee shop: virtually anything I want will be on the menu somewhere… and if it isn’t the owner will work with me, say, if I want salmon with my eggs. It may just cost a little more. Okay, then let’s contrast that with a system where if I want something, a majority of the patrons have to want that same thing before I can have it. Aliens in a space ship looking down at this kind of breakfast system would say to one another, “Boy, these humans are majorly retarded.”

Thus democratic politics in a coercive, compulsory government system means that in the neighborhood of zero persons get the government services they would freely choose, nor do they obtain the public officials (elected by ‘everyone’) they would prefer to provide these services. It’s all a bizarre, horrendously complicated and time-consuming process that no one in his right mind would spend a minute on, were it not for the fact that the actions of these officials can seriously eff up beyond recognition the lives of you and your loved ones. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Where Can I Do the Most Good? (Part 1 of 2)

Panic attack at a GOP county convention

republican_symbolNovi, Michigan. It came on suddenly, triggered I think by the invocation—in this WASPish crowd, always a nod to the Christian God—that meandered to an end by stating how we should always cherish our great friend, Israel. What?!

First—and I’ve felt this way about virtually all of the Republican meetings I’ve been to since becoming a precinct delegate roughly two years ago—what’s an invocation of faith in ‘God’ doing at a political meeting? This is America, where people’s religious beliefs are their own business so long as, “they neither break my bones or pick my pocket,” as our great sage and secular saint Thomas Jefferson put it.

Second, what is the state of Israel doing in a Christian invocation? Is the speaker trying to ward off accusations of excluding Jews?  If so, why not say, let’s be nice to Jews… not let’s be nice to Israel? Then if we’re invoking kindness toward Jews, why not Muslims, Buddhists, humanists, and Great Pumpkinists? Which leads to the obvious conclusion that it’s best to dispense with religious observances in secular gatherings of this nature. If you want to solemnize the occasion, lead a moment of silence. Continue reading