Brian’s Column: First Trump vs. Hillary Debate 2016

What’s missing from ALL the prez candidates is grasp/assertion of simple truths…

… and/or willingness to stand up for them

gary_johnson_debateWatching the first TV debate between Trump and Hillary. Both candidates are wholly buying the false terror narrative and not a word is being uttered on behalf of the fact that ‘we’—what I’ll rather whimsically, but nonetheless accurately, refer to as the Transnational Zionist-Neoconservative Alliance (TZA)—have created and support ISIS. Trump is a disaster on civil liberties, supporting NYC’s ‘stop and frisk,’ not even discussing the phenomenon of corrupt cops decimating the ‘underclass,’ mainly blacks and Hispanics, in the urban environment… not that that fact is what is causing the several riots, which are contrived responses, as well, for the chaos agenda of the elites.

Actually, on that score you have to give the edge to Hillary who does not support ‘stop and frisk’ and at least acknowledges the wholesale corruption and menace of major city police departments across the country… or at least doesn’t strongly deny the phenomenon. Both of them want to disarm anyone on a no-fly list, which at least Trump throws out a crumb, that the (vast numbers of) people who are on the list in error should be able to prove that they are there wrongly.

Trump even conceded that Obama was born in the United States, after he says he made Obama produce an “authentic birth certificate.” [Pardon me, I don’t think an authentic Hawaiian birth certificate has yet been made public, because I do not think one exists.] Of course, Hillary puppets all the false-flag ‘alleged terrorist’ incidents, using them as a pretense for more power to send to Washington to further destroy our rights. On that score Trump weakly chimes in with slightly different tacks, but conceding as ALL the candidates do, the false-flag TZA state terror and war agenda. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 10 Easy Pieces times 7

The Toto (Truth) Phase of the Truman Prophecy, Listing of the 10 Easy Pieces

Breaking_Free_w_911These are 10 questions applying to each of seven high-priority ‘High-Crime Assaults’ (ref. the Threat Matrix) that I have posed in the Toto stage of The Truman  Prophecy. The questions are designed such that the answer to each is undisputed to both sides of the H-CA, whether an individual is pro or anti ‘official story.’

As identified in my Column “The Blue Pillar Syndrome, Part 2,” these truth nuggets are the first of four salients in ‘deprogramming’ our respected denying Blue Pillar peers. Use them as designed; eventually, if necessary, they’ll all be available on self-return-addressed postcards.

To each Blue Pillar I address the following comment: Please let yourself experience these sets of clear and obvious truths even though they may challenge your deepest feelings about the official story you have accepted. It’s time for you to face the facts of reality. Remember from Logic 101, that every official story—just like any scientific theory or hypothesis—is disproved by a single contradiction. Thus, in general, for any of the high-crime assaults, if any of the 10 undisputed facts is true, THEN THE OFFICIAL STORY FOR THAT HIGH-CRIME ASSAULT IS FALSE. Time to lay down your burden and break the trance your mind controllers have put you under since kindergarten.

Please don’t feel bad or guilty. Just do the right thing; feel the relief of no more lies.

Use these 10 Easy Pieces to begin thinking for yourself and transcending the perceptual-emotional mode of awareness. We Independents, i.e. self-realized beings of independent consciousness, will welcome you to our ranks with open arms. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: World People’s Grand Jury on Crimes against Humanity

To obtain justice for the people, think independent grand juries and think BIG!

Justice_LadyPlease refer to this preview package from The Truman Prophecy, which describes and envisions one of the two major salients of the Toto (Truth) phase for fulfillment of the Prophecy. Namely, the reclamation of the American people’s inherent, First Principles tool of the common sense grand jury—an institution qua sword directly monitoring and controlling public official behavior (thus negating government-and- associates’ corruption/criminality), as well as to provide qua shield  a defense for every individual against any public official trying to run over an individual’s liberty.

Initially, I considered the idea of forming ‘virtual’ grand juries, which would be set up just as we envision real grand juries, only we would do the work online under auspices of a public service organization that would be populated nationwide at all the levels with virtual grand juries for high-profile, liberty-affecting cases. We would publicize the results of GJ deliberation to put pressure on public officials to start resurrecting real GJs for all jurisdictions.  This will work, and I have set it in motion with a writeup, but we need a major breakthru on this justice front NOW.

The Bingo-Eureka Discovery

At a 9/11 Truth event featuring a visit from independent journalist Christopher Bollyn, I had a Bingo-Eureka moment. I believe this is it: the best idea for encouraging the proliferation of people’s grand juries is to start out BIG. In this case, essentially convene a system of international ‘war crimes’[1] tribunals… only configure them as true courts with First Principles grand juries at the foundation with all the basics: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Blue Pillar Syndrome, Part 2

‘Deprogramming’ the Blue Pillars—the imminent prospect of human liberation

emperor1The significant finding reported from Part 1 of this column is that truth-seeking independent human minds are figuring out how to unravel the mind-control lock that afflicts many of our ‘respected, moral productive peers’ due to the Global Mob’s (Glob’s) brainwashing programs. This is a HUGE discovery for advocates of humanity and liberty (via independent psychology), because when we Independents turn these so-called Blue Pillars away from their belief that American coercive establishment institutions (in particular) are morally legitimate, then in a nanosecond that malevolent beast of the establishment crashes and burns.

emperor2It will be like the Second Little Boy in the Hans Christian Andersen fable, The Emperor’s New Clothes. If you recall, in that story, the First Little Boy blows the whistle on the vain king. Then the boy suffers a whole lotta indignant reactions from all the adults, who say, “How dare you question our good and gracious king? You should be spanked and even sent to your room.” BUT—and the original fable doesn’t make it clear what causes the loyal subjects all at once to attest to the obvious truth. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: What’s the Sane, Sober Prez Ticket for 2016?

The megacriminal Hillary Clinton is the worst possible choice, but then who?

BarrierDepends on your premises. Let me tell you mine. As a primer, please watch the Thrive video (~2 hours), followed by Rule from the Shadows (~0.5 hours). Also please read my monograph The Barrier Cloud (28 pages). These establish beyond a reasonable doubt that 1) a covertly operating Western Cabal, calling itself the New World Order (NWO),[1] is in the process of fulfilling its plans to ‘full-spectrum’ dominate humanity, and 2) it has developed an extremely sophisticated technology of media-and-mind control to engineer/program perceptions and consent among vast numbers of the world population.

MatrixThis particular power conspiracy of the West has been in operation from the middle of the second millennium (AD:01011001-12312000) and with end of dominance by the Church of Rome (via the Reformation, early 1500s) the center of control transferred to the cartel interests of the English Crown—let’s call them the Anglo-Imperialistas (AIs).[2] More recently, with ascendancy of political-international Zionism in the late 1800s and imposition (via the AIs) of the state of Israel, the power matrix has reached the threshold of, just that, an analog of the computer-driven tyranny described in the movie The Matrix. IMHO, the prime movers in this modern planetary ‘toxocracy’—Glob, NWO—are the Zionist-Israeli deep statists (ZIs)[3] and their American neo-‘conservative’ henchmen.[4]

This is the human face of the Glob, but in actual fact, the MOPS supremes may have turned over the day-to-day activities and planning to some neural network or artificial intelligence ‘cloud,’ supercomputer, who knows what… the possibility even exists that the MOPS are an alien civilization or cybernetic hybrid. What is more important than WHO the Glob is is THAT the Glob is. As Jesus said, you shall know it by its works. Here are the diabolical works unleashed upon us by the Global Mob: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Update on The Truman Prophecy (2016)

‘Trumanism’ über alles?

Truman_Front_NewIt’s been a few months now since the publication of The Truman Prophecy, my novel envisioning three stages of human evolution for reaching a benevolent New Paradigm (Billion+ Points of Light) society of peace, freedom, and abundance for individuals, planetwide:

  1. Toto (Truth) Phase—integrated truth salients vs. high-crime assaults of the Men of the Power Sickness… exposing lies at root of the assaults.
  2. Dorothy (Justice) Phase—1) recovering American First Principles’ grand juries to end government criminality/corruption, 2) political program of
  3. Truman (Liberty) Phase—individual self-realization and formal declaration as beings of independent consciousness (Indiecons),[1] replacing rogue coercive government with a First Principles'[2] freedom-of-choice system.

In reality, the three phases proceed together synergistically. They form the socio-spiritual philosophy/movement of Trumanism. Which is a whole new way of looking at our world as human consciousness evolves… once and for all as deeply independent and conceptual. Another series of terms conveying the earthy human essence of the belief system—i.e. corresponding to truth, justice, and liberty—is:

  • Carrey1Wake: to see and assert the truth
  • Stand: for justice based on the truth
  • Walk: declare and live as an Independent

Each of the steps is vital, and each takes intellectual and moral courage. The singular image and icon defining this movement is the final scene in the movie, The Truman Show (1998), when the protagonist Truman Burbank declares himself as a human being of independent conceptual consciousness who will no longer accept his gilded confinement—physical or psychological. He wakes up and walks out… into the fresh air of liberty.

And so shall we.

This column means to give a preliminary status report. Mainly regarding the book (inasmuch as the idea of Trumanism as a philosophy is of quite recent vintage).  Here’s what I can tell you: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: American Gandhi: Doreen Hendrickson

The good word from Doreen’s husband Pete is that she’s on home tether
The epochal word is their message of truth and peace is about to break thru

IRS on TrialLet’s all liberty lovers share in Pete Hendrickson’s elation that his dear wife Doreen has now been released from federal prison where she was serving an 18-month sentence for refusing to commit perjury under orders of a federal judge. Yes, you read that correctly. The facts are plain and well presented in the video on the right. →

Doreen is now in home confinement… with the proviso that within 60 days she swear to a lie that her economically-gainful activities in 2002 and 2003 (and Pete’s) were taxable activities, rather than activities of common right in which the government has no ownership interest. [The statements have been written by the government and Doreen is meant to swear them as being her own words.] Almost certainly, at the end of 60 days, Doreen will again refuse to commit perjury[1]… “and THEN… and THEN… uh uh… and then along came Jones…” as the song goes.

Along Comes the Great Spirit of Mohandas Gandhi and Rosa Parks

Make no mistake about it, the federales have tied themselves up in a Gordian Knot… through stupidity, arrogance, and just plain meanness. What is Rogue Judge #2 going to do when Doreen continues to refuse to yield to Rogue Judge #1’s unlawful command? Send our hero back to the West Virginia federal compound for life?  Even in the toxic, dumbed-down, lackey-media country we’ve become, Doreen’s struggle and truth will break through.[2] She will have become an insuperable moral indictment of the rotted system for all to see, which system will unravel as the British Empire in India and racial supremacists of the Old South. Continue reading