Guest Column: Bozeman Red Pill 9/11

AE911Truth a Hit at the Red Pill Expo in Montana
By Michael Atkinson for 9/11 Truth… + more

Nearly 600 eager truth seekers from all over the US gathered at the Red Pill Expo in Bozeman, MT, this past weekend. The highly anticipated event featured at least a dozen internationally-known speakers including AE911Truth’s Richard Gage, AIA. According to reports from dozens of attendees, Gage delivered a stunning, inform-ation-packed presentation on the explosive WTC evidence.

The audience proved to be well-informed and open-minded. Of the nearly 600 attendees, just eight of them came in believing the official narra tive that jet planes and fires brought down the Twin Towers, while 16 were unsure. By the end of the presentation, no one believed the official narrative and only eight were unsure. We sent the crowd home with hundreds of brochures, DVDs, t-shirts, and hats with which to prompt discussion and inform their family, friends, and co-workers.

Held in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, this unique gathering was wildly successful by any measure — thanks to the deft vision and hard work of G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island. Click link to sign up for free replays: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Paean to 911-Truth Advent Day (2/18/17)

Open Letter to Humankind re: Advent Day for 9/11 Truth and Justice
Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, 18 February 2017, Nation of Islam Founders’ Day
by Brian R. Wright

Here’s the whole enchilada: the best overall presentations and exposes of the 9/11 Big Lie (, as well as who are the most likely perpetrators needing to be brought before an independent people’s federal grand jury… or (for suspects who are citizens of other countries) an international tribunal that functions as a people’s grand jury.

The above link shows a remarkable presentation that I attended in Detroit at the gathering of Nation of Islam (NOI). I covered in my Coffee Coaster column here ( You are in for a treat, though admittedly the eye-opening can be painful. The main video has been recomposed to correct some errors in the projection process toward the beginning. The correction makes it incredibly powerful from its wonderful introduction right from the beginning all the way through.

The speakers are a perfect selection of the absolute BEST of the 9/11 Truth movement. It is practically divine inspiration and providence that they were invited for the same program and were able to come to Detroit as special esteemed guests of the NOI. Their background and vital topics of presentation are identified in an earlier CC column here ( Continue reading

Book Review: Solving 9-11 (2012)

The deception that changed the world
by Christopher Bollyn (reviewed by Brian R. Wright)

“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible…. It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…. Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.” George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796, from the foreword by Glen Stanish.

The false narrative of what happened on 9/11 can no longer be supported or sustained by any reasonable person. – See more at:

“The false narrative of what happened on 9/11 can no longer be supported or sustained by any reasonable person.”
— Christopher Bollyn in his open letter to Pope Francis, March 25, 2014

Braveheart Apotheosis of the 9/11 Truth Movement

Solving 9-11 constitutes the ultimate fearless treatment of the subject of the 9/11 attacks. Christopher Bollyn has performed the highest act of journalistic heroism—by calling out perhaps the most powerful and sadistic Mob masquerading as the most sacred of sacred cows in human history. Further, he has done so succinctly… with clear, passionate writing. [The Mob has struck back, too, attacking and tasering Bollyn on the lawn of his home near Chicago, shattering his elbow, and forcing him and his family into exile.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The ‘Love’ Catalyst

Could ‘love’ projection be the Missing Link for the (good) cause-oriented?

“… the greatest of these is love.”
— Jesus, 1st Corinthians 13:13

Just yesterday I was kicking around this notion that I had heard or read during my own spiritual Chautauqua, perhaps in conjunction with reading James Redfield’s, The Celestine Prophecy. [There was a passage where the main character projects his whole inner body core of positive energy toward a plant, or maybe a tree, resulting in a reciprocal receipt of the plant’s life energy into him. That is the meaning of love I’m using for this column, and what I believe Jesus is referring to in the Biblical passage I remember from my Lutheran upbringing. ]

As one who has been embarked for years now, 60+, with some major detours, on causes of one high kind or another, I can tell you it’s easy to fall into the trap of reactive mind —IOW just putting your heart on the shelf and cranking out concepts and judgments that you continually try to tie together in a logical, idealistic manner. Sadly, I’m only just learning my way out of such mental snares, which often render one’s words, however logically sound, bereft of feeling to one’s audience. [And then I wonder why so few really care what I have to say. It’s a common affliction in the truth, justice, and liberty movement.]

A Specific

Perhaps a week ago, seeking a way to popularize several of the salutary ideas presented in my novel, The Truman Prophecy (2016)—and in other immediate causes where the truth warriors are stymied—I delved into Twitter in more depth to see if it could be deployed as a tool to penetrate Good Big Ideas (GBIs) as memes through what I have called the “Barrier Cloud” of the Men of the Power Sickness. [The Barrier Cloud is a concept I created in my first major prescriptive cause-based book, The Sacred Nonaggression Principle. It refers to a sociobiological mind-control network that impedes the progress of humanity toward a society based on the nonaggression principle.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Twittering for the Cause-Oriented

Irony of a small-quick message vehicle delivering lifegiving deep-slow ‘messages’

Yes, at the common perceptual level, Twitter is a stimulus-response machine equipped for ‘he-said, she-said’ and Prominent-One notes to adoring faithful [for example, Justin Timberlake has more than 58 million followers… not that he shouldn’t] rather than promulgating salutary ideas that can move the species forward toward full independent consciousness in benevolent, voluntary community. By the way, for reference, here’s a screenprint of my own Twitter home page today, February 28, 2017:

Most of my readers are into causes, as am I. Especially grassroots causes that will distribute liberty and prosperity to real individual, peaceful human beings worldwide. But because of what call the Barrier Cloud, my cause-oriented fellows have been largely thwarted by the powers that be. By that I mean we normal, decent human beings around the world who have no interest whatsoever in harming one another—only in living in peace according to the nonaggression principle—have been systematically deceived and forced into wars and slavery by the Men of the Power Sickness. This condition is about to end.

Using Twitter to Break Through the Barrier Cloud

In this column I’m going to lay out the basics as I understand them, and simply amend my post as my understanding continues to improve. First, while Twitter is good for keeping in touch socially, it may prove IDEAL for promoting well thought-out, passionate, restorative causes. Here’s how: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Allah, Truth Meet ‘n’ Greet in Detroit

Yer intrepid reporter visits Nation of Islam, 9/11 Forum, Saviours’ Day 2017
By Brian R. Wright

As Rudy Dent, 9/11 truth-hero FDNY firefighter ⇒, who was present at the gathering, said to me, “This very well may be a pivotal point in world history.”  And yours truly, being the perennial optimist—despite being toppled more times than roly-poly toy—agreed. It makes me think of the proverb my dad would tirelessly cite:

One man with courage makes a majority.
— Charles Lindbergh

With another line I’m adding to befit the occasion:

Two men with courage mean imminent victory.  

Yes sir, I noticed the phenomenon first when taking political science classes at my alma mater, Wayne State University— just up the road a few miles from Cobo Center and Joe Louis Arena where I am this weekend. In those days at Wayne, forty years ago now, I had recently become familiar with the heroic individualist (and libertarian) works of Ayn Rand… et al. We were early adopters of man against the state collective. Consequently, vastly outnumbered in poli sci or any other liberal arts classroom.

I did the best I could, occasionally raising my hand to challenge the worst strains of socialism and communism. But it was hopeless; teacher would reply snidely and his classbots would hoot and holler me down en masse; the silent majority didn’t care. That is, until one day a Randian friend with a scholarly bent joined me in audit mode: A couple of well-placed inquiries had the instructor stammering and left his puppy dog cheerleaders with no bone to chew on. I’ll never forget the lesson. When you work as a team, even so small as a couple of persons, bullies run away from you like the plague.

This is a good message to receive from the new symbiotic relationship between Nation of Islam (Nation) and the 9/11 Truth movement. Apparently, Nation leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has long felt the federal government to be lying about who conceived, orchestrated, and executed the attacks of 9/11… which justified vilifying Muslims and invading Arab Muslim countries around the world. It was he who directed his event planners to invite the best of the best leaders in the 9/11 Truth movement to Detroit to speak, all expenses paid.

The perfect image for Nation and 9/11 Truth is the great prize fighter, Joe Louis, shown on the right. We are embattled, but as ‘Two Men’ with courage, victory is imminent. The (corrected, updated) video of the presentations, which went out livestream worldwide to millions, is located here. It was spectacular, undeniable, and, I suspect, the best overall argument for proceeding to 9/11 justice we shall ever see. Also click on The Joe figure; it will knock your socks off! Continue reading

Book Review: Classified Woman (2012)

The Sibel Edmonds Story—a memoir
by Sibel Edmonds
Review by Brian Wright

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. — Samuel Adams

classified_womanMy admiration and respect for the author—for the battles she’s chosen, the pain she’s endured, and her raw determination to never give up in the pursuit of ‘truth, justice, and the American Way’—is practically boundless. I first heard of Sibel Edmonds sometime in 2005 when I became a 9/11 Official Story skeptic. In these early days of the 9/11 Truth Movement—some people were on to the Official Story scam immediately, but it’s my sense that the truth movement in the US took off in 2004 with the publication of Dr. David Ray Griffin’s 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions and The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11—I would read regularly about an FBI woman, Sibel Edmonds, who had inside information that the government was trying to suppress. Continue reading